Package org.codehaus.plexus.configuration

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationException

                componentDescriptor = PlexusTools.buildComponentDescriptor( componentConfiguration );
            catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Cannot process component descriptor: " + source, e );

            componentDescriptor.setComponentType( "plexus" );

            componentDescriptors.add( componentDescriptor );
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            resources = classRealm.findResources( getComponentDescriptorLocation() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Unable to retrieve resources for: " +
                getComponentDescriptorLocation() + " in class realm: " + classRealm.getId() );
        for ( Enumeration e = resources; e.hasMoreElements(); )
            URL url = (URL) e.nextElement();

            InputStreamReader reader = null;
                URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                conn.setUseCaches( false );

                reader = new InputStreamReader( conn.getInputStream() );
                InterpolationFilterReader input = new InterpolationFilterReader( reader,
                                                                                 new ContextMapAdapter( context ) );

                ComponentSetDescriptor componentSetDescriptor = createComponentDescriptors( input, url.toString() );

                componentSetDescriptors.add( componentSetDescriptor );

                // Fire the event
                ComponentDiscoveryEvent event = new ComponentDiscoveryEvent( componentSetDescriptor );

                manager.fireComponentDiscoveryEvent( event );
            catch ( IOException ex )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Error reading configuration " + url, ex );
                IOUtil.close( reader );
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            String roleHint = loadOnStartComponents[i].getChild( "role-hint" ).getValue();

            if ( role == null )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Missing 'role' element from load-on-start." );

            if ( roleHint == null )
                getLogger().info( "Loading on start [role]: " + "[" + role + "]" );
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                    componentConfigurationFiles = FileUtils.getFiles( configurationsDirectory, "**/*.conf", "**/*.xml" );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Unable to locate configuration files", e );

                for ( Iterator i = componentConfigurationFiles.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                    File componentConfigurationFile = (File);

                    FileReader reader = null;
                        reader = new FileReader( componentConfigurationFile );
                        PlexusConfiguration componentConfiguration =
                            PlexusTools.buildConfiguration( componentConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath(), getInterpolationConfigurationReader( reader ) );

                        componentsConfiguration.addChild( componentConfiguration.getChild( "components" ) );
                    catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                        throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "File " + componentConfigurationFile + " disappeared before processing", e );
                        IOUtil.close( reader );
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            String value = systemProperties[i].getAttribute( "value" );

            if ( name == null )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Missing 'name' attribute in 'property' tag. " );

            if ( value == null )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Missing 'value' attribute in 'property' tag. " );

            System.getProperties().setProperty( name, value );

            getLogger().info( "Setting system property: [ " + name + ", " + value + " ]" );
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            resources = classRealm.findResources( PLEXUS_XML_RESOURCE );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Error retrieving configuration resources: " + PLEXUS_XML_RESOURCE + " from class realm: " + classRealm.getId(), e );

        for ( Enumeration e = resources; e.hasMoreElements(); )
            URL url = (URL) e.nextElement();

            InputStreamReader reader = null;
                reader = new InputStreamReader( url.openStream() );

                ContextMapAdapter contextAdapter = new ContextMapAdapter( context );

                InterpolationFilterReader interpolationFilterReader = new InterpolationFilterReader( reader,
                                                                                                     contextAdapter );

                PlexusConfiguration discoveredConfig = PlexusTools.buildConfiguration( url.toExternalForm(), interpolationFilterReader );

                if ( configuration == null )
                    configuration = discoveredConfig;
                    configuration = PlexusConfigurationMerger.merge( configuration, discoveredConfig );
            catch ( IOException ex )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Error reading configuration from: " + url.toExternalForm(), ex );
                IOUtil.close( reader );
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                    componentDescriptor = PlexusTools.buildComponentDescriptor( componentConfiguration );
                catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e )
                    throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Cannot build component descriptor from resource found in:\n" +
                                         Arrays.asList( classRealm.getConstituents() ), e );

                componentDescriptor.setComponentType( "plexus" );
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            return new XmlPlexusConfiguration( configuration ) );
        catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Failed to parse configuration resource: \'" + resourceName + "\'\nError was: \'" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\'", e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "IO error building configuration from: " + resourceName, e );
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            return result;
        catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "PlexusConfigurationException building configuration from: " + resourceName, e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "IO error building configuration from: " + resourceName, e );
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        String implementation = configuration.getChild( "implementation" ).getValue();
        if (implementation == null)
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "implementation is null" );

        ComponentDescriptor<?> cd;
            Class<?> implementationClass = realm.loadClass( implementation );
            cd = new ComponentDescriptor(implementationClass, realm);
        catch ( Throwable e )
            throw new PlexusConfigurationException("Can not load implementation class " + implementation +
                " from realm " + realm, e);

        cd.setRole( configuration.getChild( "role" ).getValue() );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationException

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