Package org.axsl.hyphen

Examples of org.axsl.hyphen.HyphenationServer

        final FontServer fontServer = FOraySpecific.makeFontServer(logger,
        final GraphicServer graphicServer = FOraySpecific.makeGraphicServer(
        final HyphenationServer hyphenServer =
            FOraySpecific.makeHyphenationServer(logger, sessionConfig);
        final TextServer textServer = FOraySpecific.makeTextServer(logger,
        final URL[] graphicSearchPath = new URL[1];
        final URL testDirUrl = this.testDirectory.toURI().toURL();
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         * TODO: This is not quite right yet. If the current word starts at
         * the beginning of the text being considered, we need to look
         * backward at any text in the same LineText item, and then to prior
         * LineText items to find the beginning of the word.
        final HyphenationServer server =
        final Language language = this.currentLineText.inlineLanguage();
        final Country country = this.currentLineText.inlineCountry();
        // Count the number of chars at the beginning that should be ignored.
        final int actualWordStart = server.wordStarts(this.currentChars,
                this.wordStart, language, country);
        if (actualWordStart < 0) {
            return this.wordStart;
        final int nonWordChars = actualWordStart - this.wordStart;
        // Extract the word that should be evaluated by the hyphenation system.
        final int wordSize = server.wordSize(this.currentChars, actualWordStart,
                language, country);
        // See if there are discretionary hyphenation points.
        Hyphenation hyph = null;
        try {
            hyph = server.hyphenate(this.currentChars, actualWordStart,
                    wordSize, language, country,
                    this.currentLineText.inlineHyphenationPushCount(), false);
        } catch (final HyphenationException e) {
            /* Log the exception and continue. */
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    public static FOraySession makeFOraySession(
            final SessionConfig sessionConfig) throws FOrayException {
        final Log logger = FOraySpecific.makeLogger(sessionConfig);
        final FontServer fontServer = FOraySpecific.makeFontServer(logger,
        final HyphenationServer hyphenServer =
                FOraySpecific.makeHyphenationServer(logger, sessionConfig);
        final TextServer textServer = FOraySpecific.makeTextServer(logger,
        final GraphicServer graphicServer = FOraySpecific.makeGraphicServer(
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Related Classes of org.axsl.hyphen.HyphenationServer

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