Package org.apache.xmlbeans

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal

        XmlOptions validate = new XmlOptions().setValidateOnSet();
        XmlOptions noValidate = new XmlOptions();

        SchemaType st = stl.findType(new QName("", "dec-restriction"));

        XmlDecimal dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, validate);

        try {
            fail("Expected XmlValueOutOfRangeException");
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {}

        dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, noValidate);

        try {
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
            fail("Should not throw exception");
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  private String formatDecimal( String start, SchemaType sType )
    BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal( start );
    XmlDecimal xmlD;
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE );
    BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE );
    BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
    boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE );
    if( xmlD != null )
      BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
      if( min == null || min.compareTo( minExcl ) < 0 )
        min = minExcl;
        minInclusive = false;
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE );
    if( xmlD != null )
      BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
      if( max == null || max.compareTo( maxExcl ) > 0 )
        max = maxExcl;
        maxInclusive = false;
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS );
    int totalDigits = -1;
    if( xmlD != null )
      totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( totalDigits );
      for( int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++ )
        sb.append( '9' );
      BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal( sb.toString() );
      if( max != null && max.compareTo( digitsLimit ) > 0 )
        max = digitsLimit;
        maxInclusive = true;
      digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
      if( min != null && min.compareTo( digitsLimit ) < 0 )
        min = digitsLimit;
        minInclusive = true;

    int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo( min );
    int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo( max );
    boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
    boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

    // Compute the minimum increment
    xmlD = ( XmlDecimal )sType.getFacet( SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS );
    int fractionDigits = -1;
    BigDecimal increment;
    if( xmlD == null )
      increment = new BigDecimal( 1 );
      fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
      if( fractionDigits > 0 )
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "0." );
        for( int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++ )
          sb.append( '0' );
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    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType)
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0)
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0)
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null)
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++)
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0)
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0)
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null)
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0)
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++)
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        return result;

    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType) {
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0) {
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0) {
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null) {
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++)
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0) {
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0) {
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null)
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
        else {
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0) {
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++)
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        XmlOptions validate = new XmlOptions().setValidateOnSet();
        XmlOptions noValidate = new XmlOptions();

        SchemaType st = stl.findType(new QName("", "dec-restriction"));

        XmlDecimal dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, validate);

        try {
            fail("Expected XmlValueOutOfRangeException");
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {}

        dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, noValidate);

        try {
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
            fail("Should not throw exception");
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    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType)
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0)
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0)
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null)
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++)
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0)
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0)
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null)
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0)
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++)
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        return result;

    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType) {
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0) {
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0) {
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null) {
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++) {
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0) {
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0) {
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null) {
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
        } else {
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0) {
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++) {
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        XmlOptions validate = new XmlOptions().setValidateOnSet();
        XmlOptions noValidate = new XmlOptions();

        SchemaType st = stl.findType(new QName("", "dec-restriction"));

        XmlDecimal dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, validate);

        try {
            fail("Expected XmlValueOutOfRangeException");
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {}

        dec = (XmlDecimal)stl.newInstance(st, noValidate);

        try {
        catch (XmlValueOutOfRangeException e) {
            fail("Should not throw exception");
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    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType)
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0)
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null)
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0)
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null)
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++)
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0)
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0)
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null)
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0)
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++)
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Related Classes of org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal

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