
Examples of

      if (n != null) {
    // Render the ns definition
    if (C14nHelper.namespaceIsRelative(N)) {
                    Object exArgs[] = {E.getTagName(), NName, N.getNodeValue()};
                    throw new CanonicalizationException(
      "c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace", exArgs);
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     if (n != null) {
                    if (C14nHelper.namespaceIsRelative(N)) {
      Object exArgs[] =
          { E.getTagName(), NName, N.getNodeValue() };
      throw new CanonicalizationException(
                            "c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace", exArgs);
      } else {
        if (isRealVisible && !XMLNS.equals(NName)) {
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     * @return none it always fails
     * @throws CanonicalizationException always
    public byte[] engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet(Set xpathNodeSet,
  String inclusiveNamespaces) throws CanonicalizationException {
        throw new CanonicalizationException(
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     * @return none it always fails
     * @throws CanonicalizationException
    public byte[] engineCanonicalizeSubTree(Node rootNode,
  String inclusiveNamespaces) throws CanonicalizationException {
        throw new CanonicalizationException(
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             * processed, in partucular the crypto implementation, and already
             * detected BST that may be used later during dereferencing.
            wsDocInfo = WSDocInfoStore.lookup(docHash);
            if (wsDocInfo == null) {
                throw (new CanonicalizationException("no WSDocInfo found"));

             * According to the OASIS WS Specification "Web Services Security:
             * SOAP Message Security 1.0" Monday, 19 January 2004, chapter 8.3
             * describes that the input node set must be processed bythe c14n
             * that is specified in the argument element of the STRTransform
             * element.
             * First step: Get the required c14n argument and get the specified
             * Canonicalizer

            String canonAlgo = null;
            if (this._transformObject.length(WSConstants.WSSE_NS,
                    "TransformationParameters") == 1) {
                Element tmpE = XMLUtils.selectNode(this._transformObject
                        .getElement().getFirstChild(), WSConstants.WSSE_NS,
                        "TransformationParameters", 0);
                Element canonElem = (Element) WSSecurityUtil.getDirectChild(
                        tmpE, "CanonicalizationMethod", WSConstants.SIG_NS);
                canonAlgo = canonElem.getAttribute("Algorithm");
                if (doDebug) {
                    log.debug("CanonAlgo: " + canonAlgo);
            Canonicalizer canon = Canonicalizer.getInstance(canonAlgo);

            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
            byte[] buf = null;
            if (doDebug) {
                buf = input.getBytes();
                bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buf.length);
                bos.write(buf, 0, buf.length);
                log.debug("canon bos: " + bos.toString());

             * Get the input (node) to transform. Currently we support only an
             * Element as input format. If other formats are required we must
             * get it as bytes and probably reparse it into a DOM tree (How to
             * work with nodesets? how to select the right node from a nodeset?)
            Element str = null;
            if (input.isElement()) {
                str = (Element) input.getSubNode();
            } else {
                throw (new CanonicalizationException(
                        "Wrong input format - only element input supported"));

            if (doDebug) {
                log.debug("STR: " + str.toString());
             * The element to transform MUST be a SecurityTokenReference
             * element.
            SecurityTokenReference secRef = new SecurityTokenReference(str);
             * Third and forth step are performed by derefenceSTR()
            Element dereferencedToken = dereferenceSTR(thisDoc, secRef);
             * C14n with specified algorithm. According to WSS Specification.
            buf = canon.canonicalizeSubtree(dereferencedToken, "#default");
            if (doDebug) {
                bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buf.length);
                bos.write(buf, 0, buf.length);
                log.debug("after c14n: " + bos.toString());

             * Alert: Hacks ahead According to WSS spec an Apex node must
             * contain a default namespace. If none is availabe in the first
             * node of the c14n output (this is the apex element) then we do
             * some editing to insert an empty default namespace
             * TODO: Rework theses hacks after c14n was updated and can be
             * instructed to insert empty default namespace if required
            // If the problem with c14n method is solved then just do:
            // return new XMLSignatureInput(buf);
            // start of HACK
            StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer(new String(buf));
            String bf1 = bf.toString();

             * Find start and end of first element <....>, this is the Apex node
            int lt = bf1.indexOf("<");
            int gt = bf1.indexOf(">");
             * Lookup the default namespace
            int idx = bf1.indexOf(XMLNS);
             * If none found or if it is outside of this (Apex) element look for
             * first blank in, insert default namespace there (this is the
             * correct place according to c14n specification)
            if (idx < 0 || idx > gt) {
                idx = bf1.indexOf(" ");
                bf.insert(idx + 1, "xmlns=\"\" ");
                bf1 = bf.toString();
            if (doDebug) {
                log.debug("last result: ");
            return new XMLSignatureInput(bf1.getBytes());
        // End of HACK
        catch (WSSecurityException ex) {
            throw (new CanonicalizationException("WS Security Exception", ex));

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                    return engineCanonicalizeXPathNodeSet(input.getNodeSet());
            return null;
        } catch (CanonicalizationException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
        } catch (SAXException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
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            return null;

        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
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            case Node.ENTITY_NODE :
            case Node.NOTATION_NODE :
            case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
                // illegal node type during traversal
                throw new CanonicalizationException("empty");

            case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE :
            case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE :
                sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild();
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            } else {
            return null;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new CanonicalizationException("empty", ex);
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            case Node.ENTITY_NODE :
            case Node.NOTATION_NODE :
            case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
                // illegal node type during traversal
                throw new CanonicalizationException("empty");

            case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE :
            case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE :
                sibling = currentNode.getFirstChild();
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