
Examples of

        if (qname != null) {
        } else {

            // what to do here?
            throw new OMException("No QName from " + text);

        SOAPFaultSubCode subCode = source.getSubCode();

        if (subCode != null) {
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        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OMException("Error creating temporary File.", e);
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        bodyPartsMap = new HashMap();
        try {
            contentType = new ContentType(contentTypeString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new OMException(
                    "Invalid Content Type Field in the Mime Message"
                    , e);
        // Boundary always have the prefix "--".
        this.boundary = ("--" + contentType.getParameter("boundary"))

        // do we need to wrap InputStream from a BufferedInputStream before
        // wrapping from PushbackStream
        pushbackInStream = new PushbackInputStream(inStream,
                                                   (this.boundary.length + 2));

        // Move the read pointer to the beginning of the first part
        // read till the end of first boundary
        while (true) {
            int value;
            try {
                value =;
                if ((byte) value == boundary[0]) {
                    int boundaryIndex = 0;
                    while ((boundaryIndex < boundary.length)
                           && ((byte) value == boundary[boundaryIndex])) {
                        value =;
                        if (value == -1) {
                            throw new OMException(
                                    "Unexpected End of Stream while searching for first Mime Boundary");
                    if (boundaryIndex == boundary.length) { // boundary found
                } else if ((byte) value == -1) {
                    throw new OMException(
                            "Mime parts not found. Stream ended while searching for the boundary");
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                throw new OMException("Stream Error" + e1.toString(), e1);
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            if ((MTOMConstants.MTOM_TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(applicationType)) {
                this.applicationType = MTOMConstants.MTOM_TYPE;
            } else if ((MTOMConstants.SWA_TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(applicationType)) {
                this.applicationType = MTOMConstants.SWA_TYPE;
            } else {
                throw new OMException(
                        "Invalid Application type. Support available for MTOM/SOAP 1.2 & SwA/SOAP 1.l only.");
        return this.applicationType;
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    public InputStream getSOAPPartInputStream() throws OMException {
        DataHandler dh;
        try {
            dh = getDataHandler(getSOAPPartContentID());
            if (dh == null) {
                throw new OMException(
                        "Mandatory Root MIME part containing the SOAP Envelope is missing");
            return dh.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OMException(
                    "Problem with DataHandler of the Root Mime Part. ", e);
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        Part soapPart = getPart(getSOAPPartContentID());
        try {
            return soapPart.getContentType();
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            throw new OMException(e);
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    public DataHandler getDataHandler(String blobContentID) throws OMException {

        try {
            return getPart(blobContentID).getDataHandler();
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            throw new OMException("Problem with Mime Body Part No " + partIndex
                                  + ".  ", e);

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                    bodyPartsMap.put("firstPart", nextPart);
                    firstPartId = "firstPart";
                    return nextPart;
                if (partContentID == null) {
                    throw new OMException(
                            "Part content ID cannot be blank for non root MIME parts");
                if ((partContentID.indexOf("<") > -1)
                    & (partContentID.indexOf(">") > -1)) {
                    partContentID = partContentID.substring(1, (partContentID
                            .length() - 1));

                } else if (partIndex == 1) {
                    firstPartId = partContentID;
                if (bodyPartsMap.containsKey(partContentID)) {
                    throw new OMException(
                            "Two MIME parts with the same Content-ID not allowed.");
                bodyPartsMap.put(partContentID, nextPart);
                return nextPart;
            } catch (MessagingException e) {
                throw new OMException("Error reading Content-ID from the Part."
                                      + e);
        } else {
            return null;
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    private Part getPart() throws OMException {
        // endOfStreamReached will be set to true if the message ended in MIME
        // Style having "--" suffix with the last mime boundary
        if (endOfStreamReached) {
            throw new OMException(
                    "Referenced MIME part not found.End of Stream reached.");

        Part part = null;

        try {
            if (fileCacheEnable) {
                try {
                    MIMEBodyPartInputStream partStream;
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[fileStorageThreshold];
                    partStream = new MIMEBodyPartInputStream(pushbackInStream,
                                                             boundary, this);
                    int count = 0;
                    int value;
                    // Make sure not to modify this to a Short Circuit "&". If
                    // removed a byte will be lost
                    while (count != fileStorageThreshold
                           && (!partStream.getBoundaryStatus())) {
                        value =;
                        buffer[count] = (byte) value;
                    if (count == fileStorageThreshold) {
                        PushbackFilePartInputStream filePartStream = new PushbackFilePartInputStream(
                                partStream, buffer);
                        part = new PartOnFile(filePartStream, attachmentRepoDir);
                    } else {
                        ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
                                buffer, 0, count - 1);
                        part = new PartOnMemory(byteArrayInStream);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OMException("Error creating temporary File.", e);
            } else {
                MIMEBodyPartInputStream partStream;
                partStream = new MIMEBodyPartInputStream(pushbackInStream,
                                                         boundary, this);
                part = new PartOnMemory(partStream);
            // This will take care if stream ended without having MIME
            // message terminator
            if (part.getSize() <= 0) {
                throw new OMException(
                        "Referenced MIME part not found.End of Stream reached.");
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            throw new OMException(e);
        return part;
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     * @throws OMException
    public void addFault(SOAPFault soapFault) throws OMException {
        if (hasSOAPFault) {
            throw new OMException(
                    "SOAP Body already has a SOAP Fault and there can not be more than one SOAP fault");
        hasSOAPFault = true;
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