
Examples of

    public Object[] transform(Object[] source, TransformationContext context) {
        // Check if the source operation is wrapped
        DataType<List<DataType>> sourceType = context.getSourceDataType();
        Operation sourceOp = context.getSourceOperation();
        boolean sourceWrapped = sourceOp != null && sourceOp.isWrapperStyle() && sourceOp.getWrapper() != null;
        boolean sourceNotSubjectToWrapping = sourceOp != null && sourceOp.isNotSubjectToWrapping();

        // Find the wrapper handler for source data
        WrapperHandler sourceWrapperHandler = null;
        String sourceDataBinding = getDataBinding(sourceOp);
        sourceWrapperHandler = getWrapperHandler(sourceDataBinding, sourceWrapped);

        // Check if the target operation is wrapped
        DataType<List<DataType>> targetType = context.getTargetDataType();
        Operation targetOp = (Operation)context.getTargetOperation();
        boolean targetWrapped = targetOp != null && targetOp.isWrapperStyle() && targetOp.getWrapper() != null;
        boolean targetNotSubjectToWrapping = targetOp != null && targetOp.isNotSubjectToWrapping();

        // Find the wrapper handler for target data
        WrapperHandler targetWrapperHandler = null;
        String targetDataBinding = getDataBinding(targetOp);
        targetWrapperHandler = getWrapperHandler(targetDataBinding, targetWrapped);

        if ((!sourceWrapped && !sourceNotSubjectToWrapping) && targetWrapped) {
            // Unwrapped --> Wrapped
            WrapperInfo wrapper = targetOp.getWrapper();
            // ElementInfo wrapperElement = wrapper.getInputWrapperElement();

            // Class<?> targetWrapperClass = wrapper != null ? wrapper.getInputWrapperClass() : null;

            if (source == null) {
                // Empty child elements
                Object targetWrapper = targetWrapperHandler.create(targetOp, true);
                return new Object[] {targetWrapper};

            // If the source can be wrapped, wrapped it first
            if (sourceWrapperHandler != null) {
                WrapperInfo sourceWrapperInfo = sourceOp.getWrapper();
                DataType sourceWrapperType = sourceWrapperInfo != null ? sourceWrapperInfo.getInputWrapperType() : null;

                // We only do wrapper to wrapper transformation if the source has a wrapper and both sides
                // match by XML structure
                if (sourceWrapperType != null && matches(sourceOp.getWrapper(), targetOp.getWrapper())) {
                    Class<?> sourceWrapperClass = sourceWrapperType.getPhysical();

                    // Create the source wrapper
                    Object sourceWrapper = sourceWrapperHandler.create(sourceOp, true);

                    // Populate the source wrapper
                    if (sourceWrapper != null) {

                        // Transform the data from source wrapper to target wrapper
                        Object targetWrapper =
                            mediator.mediate(sourceWrapper, sourceWrapperType, targetType.getLogical().get(0), context
                        return new Object[] {targetWrapper};
            // Fall back to child by child transformation
            Object targetWrapper = targetWrapperHandler.create(targetOp, true);
            List<DataType> argTypes = wrapper.getUnwrappedInputType().getLogical();
            Object[] targetChildren = new Object[source.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
                // ElementInfo argElement = wrapper.getInputChildElements().get(i);
                DataType<XMLType> argType = argTypes.get(i);
                targetChildren[i] =
                    mediator.mediate(source[i], sourceType.getLogical().get(i), argType, context.getMetadata());
            return new Object[] {targetWrapper};

        } else if (sourceWrapped && (!targetWrapped && !targetNotSubjectToWrapping)) {
            // Wrapped to Unwrapped
            Object sourceWrapper = source[0];
            Object[] target = null;

            // List<ElementInfo> childElements = sourceOp.getWrapper().getInputChildElements();
            if (targetWrapperHandler != null) {
                // ElementInfo wrapperElement = sourceOp.getWrapper().getInputWrapperElement();
                // FIXME: This is a workaround for the wsdless support as it passes in child elements
                // under the wrapper that only matches by position
                if (sourceWrapperHandler.isInstance(sourceWrapper, sourceOp, true)) {

                    WrapperInfo targetWrapperInfo = targetOp.getWrapper();
                    DataType targetWrapperType =
                        targetWrapperInfo != null ? targetWrapperInfo.getInputWrapperType() : null;
                    if (targetWrapperType != null && matches(sourceOp.getWrapper(), targetOp.getWrapper())) {
                        Object targetWrapper =
                            mediator.mediate(sourceWrapper, sourceType.getLogical().get(0), targetWrapperType, context
                        target = targetWrapperHandler.getChildren(targetWrapper, targetOp, true).toArray();
                        return target;
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    public Object transform(Object response, TransformationContext context) {
        try {
            DataType<List<DataType>> sourceType = context.getSourceDataType();
            Operation sourceOp = context.getSourceOperation();
            boolean sourceWrapped = sourceOp != null && sourceOp.isWrapperStyle() && sourceOp.getWrapper() != null;
            boolean sourceNotSubjectToWrapping = sourceOp != null && sourceOp.isNotSubjectToWrapping();

            WrapperHandler sourceWrapperHandler = null;
            String sourceDataBinding = getDataBinding(sourceOp);
            sourceWrapperHandler = getWrapperHandler(sourceDataBinding, sourceWrapped);

            DataType<List<DataType>> targetType = context.getTargetDataType();
            Operation targetOp = (Operation)context.getTargetOperation();
            boolean targetWrapped = targetOp != null && targetOp.isWrapperStyle() && targetOp.getWrapper() != null;
            boolean targetNotSubjectToWrapping = targetOp != null && targetOp.isNotSubjectToWrapping();

            WrapperHandler targetWrapperHandler = null;
            String targetDataBinding = getDataBinding(targetOp);
            targetWrapperHandler = getWrapperHandler(targetDataBinding, targetWrapped);     

            if ((!sourceWrapped &&!sourceNotSubjectToWrapping) && targetWrapped) {
                // Unwrapped --> Wrapped
                WrapperInfo wrapper = targetOp.getWrapper();
                ElementInfo wrapperElement = wrapper.getOutputWrapperElement();
                List<ElementInfo> childElements = wrapper.getOutputChildElements();
                Class<?> targetWrapperClass = wrapper != null ? wrapper.getOutputWrapperClass() : null;

                Object[] outputs = null;           
                if ( !sourceOp.hasArrayWrappedOutput() ) {
                    outputs = new Object[] {response};
                } else {
                    outputs = (Object[])response;
                // If the source can be wrapped, wrapped it first
                if (sourceWrapperHandler != null) {
                    WrapperInfo sourceWrapperInfo = sourceOp.getWrapper();
                    DataType sourceWrapperType =
                        sourceWrapperInfo != null ? sourceWrapperInfo.getOutputWrapperType() : null;

                    if (sourceWrapperType != null && matches(sourceOp.getWrapper(), targetOp.getWrapper())) {
                        Class<?> sourceWrapperClass = sourceWrapperType.getPhysical();

                        Object sourceWrapper = sourceWrapperHandler.create(sourceOp, false);
                        if (sourceWrapper != null) {
                            if (!childElements.isEmpty()) {
                                // Set the return value
                            Object targetWrapper =
                                mediator.mediate(sourceWrapper, sourceWrapperType, targetType.getLogical().get(0), context
                            return targetWrapper;
                Object targetWrapper = targetWrapperHandler.create(targetOp, false);

                if (childElements.isEmpty()) {
                    // void output
                    return targetWrapper;

                // No source wrapper, so we want to transform the child and then wrap the child-level target with the
                // target wrapper handler.
                Object[] targetChildren = new Object[outputs.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
                    DataType<XMLType> targetOutputType = wrapper.getUnwrappedOutputType().getLogical().get(i);
                    targetChildren[i] =
                        mediator.mediate(outputs[i], sourceType.getLogical().get(i), targetOutputType, context.getMetadata());
                return targetWrapper;                               
            } else if (sourceWrapped && (!targetWrapped && !targetNotSubjectToWrapping)) {
                // Wrapped to Unwrapped
                Object sourceWrapper = response;
                List<ElementInfo> childElements = sourceOp.getWrapper().getOutputChildElements();
                if (childElements.isEmpty()) {
                    // The void output
                    return null;
                if (targetWrapperHandler != null) {
                    ElementInfo wrapperElement = sourceOp.getWrapper().getOutputWrapperElement();

                    // FIXME: This is a workaround for the wsdless support as it passes in child elements
                    // under the wrapper that only matches by position
                    if (sourceWrapperHandler.isInstance(sourceWrapper, sourceOp, false)) {

                        WrapperInfo targetWrapperInfo = targetOp.getWrapper();
                        DataType targetWrapperType =
                            targetWrapperInfo != null ? targetWrapperInfo.getOutputWrapperType() : null;

                        if (targetWrapperType != null && matches(sourceOp.getWrapper(), targetOp.getWrapper())) {
                            Object targetWrapper =
                                mediator.mediate(sourceWrapper, sourceType.getLogical().get(0), targetWrapperType, context
                            List targetChildren = targetWrapperHandler.getChildren(targetWrapper, targetOp, false);
                            if (targetOp.hasArrayWrappedOutput()) {
                                return targetChildren.toArray();
                            } else {
                                return targetChildren.get(0);
                // Otherwise we need to unwrap on the source side, and then transform each child               
                Object[] sourceChildren = sourceWrapperHandler.getChildren(sourceWrapper, sourceOp, false).toArray();
                Object[] target = new Object[sourceChildren.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < sourceChildren.length; i++) {
                    DataType<XMLType> childType = sourceOp.getWrapper().getUnwrappedOutputType().getLogical().get(i);
                    target[i] =
                        mediator.mediate(sourceChildren[i], childType, targetType.getLogical().get(i), context

                if (targetOp.hasArrayWrappedOutput()) {
                    return target;
                } else {
                    if (target.length > 1 ) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting only one output based on Operation model, found: " +
                                                        target.length + " # of outputs.");
                    return target[0];
            } else {               
                Object[] outputs = null;           
                if ( !sourceOp.hasArrayWrappedOutput() ) {
                    outputs = new Object[] {response};
                } else {
                    outputs = (Object[])response;
                Object[] target = new Object[outputs.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
                    Object child =
                        mediator.mediate(outputs[i], sourceType.getLogical().get(i), targetType.getLogical().get(i), context
                    target[i] = child;
                if (targetOp.hasArrayWrappedOutput()) {
                    return target;
                } else {
                    if (target.length > 1 ) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting only one output based on Operation model, found: " +
                                                        target.length + " # of outputs.");
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            public boolean isDynamic() {
                return true;
        Operation dynamicOperation = assemblyFactory.createOperation();

        return dynamicService;
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        Map<String, Operation> operations = new HashMap<String, Operation>();
        for (Operation op : contract.getOperations()) {
            operations.put(op.getName(), op);
        for (Method method : clazz.getMethods()) {
            Operation operation = operations.get(method.getName());

            WebMethod webMethod = method.getAnnotation(WebMethod.class);
            if (webMethod == null) {

            String operationName = getValue(webMethod.operationName(), operation.getName());

            RequestWrapper requestWrapper = method.getAnnotation(RequestWrapper.class);
            ResponseWrapper responseWrapper = method.getAnnotation(ResponseWrapper.class);
            if (requestWrapper == null) {

            String ns = getValue(requestWrapper.targetNamespace(), tns);
            String name = getValue(requestWrapper.localName(), operationName);
            QName inputWrapper = new QName(ns, name);

            ns = getValue(responseWrapper.targetNamespace(), tns);
            name = getValue(responseWrapper.localName(), operationName + "Response");

            QName outputWrapper = new QName(ns, name);

            List<ElementInfo> inputElements = new ArrayList<ElementInfo>();
            for (Annotation[] annotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) {
                for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
                    if (annotation.annotationType() == WebParam.class) {
                        WebParam param = (WebParam)annotation;
                        inputElements.add(new ElementInfo(new QName(param.targetNamespace(),, null));

            List<ElementInfo> outputElements = new ArrayList<ElementInfo>();
            WebResult result = method.getAnnotation(WebResult.class);
            outputElements.add(new ElementInfo(new QName(result.targetNamespace(),, null));

            WrapperInfo wrapperInfo =
                new WrapperInfo(JAXBDataBinding.NAME, new ElementInfo(inputWrapper, null),
                                new ElementInfo(outputWrapper, null), inputElements, outputElements);
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    protected void initAxisOperations(AxisService axisService) {
        for (Iterator<?> i = axisService.getOperations(); i.hasNext();) {
            AxisOperation axisOp = (AxisOperation);
            Operation op = getOperation(axisOp);
            if (op != null) {

                if (op.isNonBlocking()) {
                } else {

                MessageReceiver msgrec = null;
                if (op.isNonBlocking()) {
                    msgrec = new Axis2ServiceInMessageReceiver(this, op);
                } else {
                    msgrec = new Axis2ServiceInOutSyncMessageReceiver(this, op);
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            DataType<List<DataType>> inputType =
                new DataTypeImpl<List<DataType>>(IDL_INPUT, Object[].class, paramDataTypes);
            Operation operation = new OperationImpl(name);
        return operations;
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    public InterfaceImpl clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        InterfaceImpl copy = (InterfaceImpl)super.clone();
        copy.operations = new OperationList();
        for (Operation operation : this.operations) {
            Operation clonedOperation = (Operation)operation.clone();
        return copy;
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        context = HelperProvider.getDefaultContext();

    public final void testIntrospect() {
        Operation op = null;
        DataType dataType = new DataTypeImpl<Class>(DataObject.class, null);
        boolean yes = binding.introspect(dataType, op);
        assertTrue(dataType.getPhysical() == DataObject.class && dataType.getLogical() == XMLType.UNKNOWN);
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    // FIXME: Do we want to deal with document-literal wrapped style based on the JAX-WS Specification?
    private List<Operation> introspectOperations(PortType portType, WSDLDefinition wsdlDefinition, ModelResolver resolver, Monitor monitor) throws InvalidWSDLException {
        List<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>();
        for (Object o : portType.getOperations()) {
            javax.wsdl.Operation wsdlOp = (javax.wsdl.Operation)o;
            Operation operation = getOperation(wsdlOp, wsdlDefinition, resolver, xsdFactory, monitor);
        return operations;
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        Servlet servlet = null;
        Invoker bindingInvoker = bindingChain.getHeadInvoker();
        bindingListenerServlet = new RESTBindingListenerServlet(binding, bindingInvoker, messageFactory);
        for (InvocationChain invocationChain : endpoint.getInvocationChains()) {

            Operation operation = invocationChain.getTargetOperation();
            Invoker serviceInvoker = invocationChain.getHeadInvoker();
            String operationName = operation.getName();

            if (binding.getOperationSelector() != null || binding.getRequestWireFormat() != null) {
                servlet = bindingListenerServlet;
            } else if (operationName.equals("get")) {
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