
Examples of

   * Returns a CellValue wrapper around the supplied ValueEval instance.
   * @param eval
  private CellValue evaluateFormulaCellValue(Cell cell) {
    ValueEval eval = _bookEvaluator.evaluate(new HSSFEvaluationCell((HSSFCell)cell));
    if (eval instanceof NumberEval) {
      NumberEval ne = (NumberEval) eval;
      return new CellValue(ne.getNumberValue());
    if (eval instanceof BoolEval) {
      BoolEval be = (BoolEval) eval;
      return CellValue.valueOf(be.getBooleanValue());
    if (eval instanceof StringEval) {
      StringEval ne = (StringEval) eval;
      return new CellValue(ne.getStringValue());
    if (eval instanceof ErrorEval) {
      return CellValue.getError(((ErrorEval)eval).getErrorCode());
    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected eval class (" + eval.getClass().getName() + ")");
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    // avoid tracking dependencies to cells that have constant definition
    boolean shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded = _stabilityClassifier == null ? true
          : !_stabilityClassifier.isCellFinal(sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex);
    if (srcCell == null || srcCell.getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
      ValueEval result = getValueFromNonFormulaCell(srcCell);
      if (shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded) {
        tracker.acceptPlainValueDependency(_workbookIx, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, result);
      return result;

    FormulaCellCacheEntry cce = _cache.getOrCreateFormulaCellEntry(srcCell);
    if (shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded || cce.isInputSensitive()) {
    IEvaluationListener evalListener = _evaluationListener;
    ValueEval result;
    if (cce.getValue() == null) {
      if (!tracker.startEvaluate(cce)) {
        return ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR;
      OperationEvaluationContext ec = new OperationEvaluationContext(this, _workbook, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, tracker);

      try {

        Ptg[] ptgs = _workbook.getFormulaTokens(srcCell);
        if (evalListener == null) {
          result = evaluateFormula(ec, ptgs);
        } else {
          evalListener.onStartEvaluate(srcCell, cce);
          result = evaluateFormula(ec, ptgs);
          evalListener.onEndEvaluate(cce, result);

      } catch (NotImplementedException e) {
        throw addExceptionInfo(e, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex);
      } finally {
    } else {
      if(evalListener != null) {
        evalListener.onCacheHit(sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, cce.getValue());
      return cce.getValue();
    if (isDebugLogEnabled()) {
      String sheetName = getSheetName(sheetIndex);
      CellReference cr = new CellReference(rowIndex, columnIndex);
      logDebug("Evaluated " + sheetName + "!" + cr.formatAsString() + " to " + result.toString());
    // Usually (result === cce.getValue())
    // But sometimes: (result==ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR, cce.getValue()==null)
    // When circular references are detected, the cache entry is only updated for
    // the top evaluation frame
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          // Excel prefers to encode 'SUM()' as a tAttr token, but this evaluator
          // expects the equivalent function token
          ptg = FuncVarPtg.SUM;
        if (attrPtg.isOptimizedChoose()) {
          ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
          int[] jumpTable = attrPtg.getJumpTable();
          int dist;
          int nChoices = jumpTable.length;
          try {
            int switchIndex = Choose.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
            if (switchIndex<1 || switchIndex > nChoices) {
              dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
            } else {
              dist = jumpTable[switchIndex-1];
          } catch (EvaluationException e) {
            dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
          // Encoded dist for tAttrChoose includes size of jump table, but
          // countTokensToBeSkipped() does not (it counts whole tokens).
          dist -= nChoices*2+2; // subtract jump table size
          i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
        if (attrPtg.isOptimizedIf()) {
          ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
          boolean evaluatedPredicate;
          try {
            evaluatedPredicate = IfFunc.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
          } catch (EvaluationException e) {
            int dist = attrPtg.getData();
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
            attrPtg = (AttrPtg) ptgs[i];
            dist = attrPtg.getData()+1;
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
          if (evaluatedPredicate) {
            // nothing to skip - true param folows
          } else {
            int dist = attrPtg.getData();
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
            Ptg nextPtg = ptgs[i+1];
            if (ptgs[i] instanceof AttrPtg && nextPtg instanceof FuncVarPtg) {
              // this is an if statement without a false param (as opposed to MissingArgPtg as the false param)
        if (attrPtg.isSkip()) {
          int dist = attrPtg.getData()+1;
          i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
          if (stack.peek() == MissingArgEval.instance) {
      if (ptg instanceof ControlPtg) {
        // skip Parentheses, Attr, etc
      if (ptg instanceof MemFuncPtg || ptg instanceof MemAreaPtg) {
        // can ignore, rest of tokens for this expression are in OK RPN order
      if (ptg instanceof MemErrPtg) {

      ValueEval opResult;
      if (ptg instanceof OperationPtg) {
        OperationPtg optg = (OperationPtg) ptg;

        if (optg instanceof UnionPtg) { continue; }

        int numops = optg.getNumberOfOperands();
        ValueEval[] ops = new ValueEval[numops];

        // storing the ops in reverse order since they are popping
        for (int j = numops - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          ValueEval p = stack.pop();
          ops[j] = p;
//        logDebug("invoke " + operation + " (nAgs=" + numops + ")");
        opResult = OperationEvaluatorFactory.evaluate(optg, ops, ec);
      } else {
        opResult = getEvalForPtg(ptg, ec);
      if (opResult == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Evaluation result must not be null");
//      logDebug("push " + opResult);

    ValueEval value = stack.pop();
    if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("evaluation stack not empty");
    return dereferenceResult(value, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
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   * @return a {@link NumberEval}, {@link StringEval}, {@link BoolEval}, or
   *         {@link ErrorEval}. Never <code>null</code>. {@link BlankEval} is
   *         converted to {@link NumberEval#ZERO}
  public static ValueEval dereferenceResult(ValueEval evaluationResult, int srcRowNum, int srcColNum) {
    ValueEval value;
    try {
      value = OperandResolver.getSingleValue(evaluationResult, srcRowNum, srcColNum);
    } catch (EvaluationException e) {
      return e.getErrorEval();
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        if(!(cell instanceof XSSFCell)){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type of cell: " + cell.getClass() + "." +
                    " Only XSSFCells can be evaluated.");

    ValueEval eval = _bookEvaluator.evaluate(new XSSFEvaluationCell((XSSFCell) cell));
    if (eval instanceof NumberEval) {
      NumberEval ne = (NumberEval) eval;
      return new CellValue(ne.getNumberValue());
    if (eval instanceof BoolEval) {
      BoolEval be = (BoolEval) eval;
      return CellValue.valueOf(be.getBooleanValue());
    if (eval instanceof StringEval) {
      StringEval ne = (StringEval) eval;
      return new CellValue(ne.getStringValue());
    if (eval instanceof ErrorEval) {
      return CellValue.getError(((ErrorEval)eval).getErrorCode());
    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected eval class (" + eval.getClass().getName() + ")");
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  public final ValueEval evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval arg0) {
    int val;
    try {
      ValueEval ve = OperandResolver.getSingleValue(arg0, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
      val = OperandResolver.coerceValueToInt(ve);
    } catch (EvaluationException e) {
      return e.getErrorEval();
    if (val < 0) {
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    for (int i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES0.length; i++) {
      values[i] = new NumberEval(TEST_VALUES0[i]);

    AreaEval arg1 = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("C1:D5", values);
    ValueEval args[] = { new NumberEval(function), arg1 };

    ValueEval result = new Subtotal().evaluate(args, 0, 0);

    assertEquals(NumberEval.class, result.getClass());
    assertEquals(expected, ((NumberEval) result).getNumberValue(), 0.0);
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        NumberEval result = (NumberEval) eDate.evaluate(new ValueEval[]{new RefEvalImplementation(new NumberEval(1000)), new NumberEval(0)}, null);
        assertEquals(1000d, result.getNumberValue());

    public void testEDateInvalidValueEval() {
        ValueEval evaluate = new EDate().evaluate(new ValueEval[]{new ValueEval() {}, new NumberEval(0)}, null);
        assertTrue(evaluate instanceof ErrorEval);
        assertEquals(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID, evaluate);
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    // avoid tracking dependencies to cells that have constant definition
    boolean shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded = _stabilityClassifier == null ? true
          : !_stabilityClassifier.isCellFinal(sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex);
    if (srcCell == null || srcCell.getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
      ValueEval result = getValueFromNonFormulaCell(srcCell);
      if (shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded) {
        tracker.acceptPlainValueDependency(_workbookIx, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, result);
      return result;

    FormulaCellCacheEntry cce = _cache.getOrCreateFormulaCellEntry(srcCell);
    if (shouldCellDependencyBeRecorded || cce.isInputSensitive()) {
    IEvaluationListener evalListener = _evaluationListener;
    ValueEval result;
    if (cce.getValue() == null) {
      if (!tracker.startEvaluate(cce)) {
        return ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR;
      OperationEvaluationContext ec = new OperationEvaluationContext(this, _workbook, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, tracker);

      try {

        Ptg[] ptgs = _workbook.getFormulaTokens(srcCell);
        if (evalListener == null) {
          result = evaluateFormula(ec, ptgs);
        } else {
          evalListener.onStartEvaluate(srcCell, cce);
          result = evaluateFormula(ec, ptgs);
          evalListener.onEndEvaluate(cce, result);

      } catch (NotImplementedException e) {
        throw addExceptionInfo(e, sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex);
      } finally {
    } else {
      if(evalListener != null) {
        evalListener.onCacheHit(sheetIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex, cce.getValue());
      return cce.getValue();
    if (isDebugLogEnabled()) {
      String sheetName = getSheetName(sheetIndex);
      CellReference cr = new CellReference(rowIndex, columnIndex);
      logDebug("Evaluated " + sheetName + "!" + cr.formatAsString() + " to " + result.toString());
    // Usually (result === cce.getValue())
    // But sometimes: (result==ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR, cce.getValue()==null)
    // When circular references are detected, the cache entry is only updated for
    // the top evaluation frame
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          // Excel prefers to encode 'SUM()' as a tAttr token, but this evaluator
          // expects the equivalent function token
          ptg = FuncVarPtg.SUM;
        if (attrPtg.isOptimizedChoose()) {
          ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
          int[] jumpTable = attrPtg.getJumpTable();
          int dist;
          int nChoices = jumpTable.length;
          try {
            int switchIndex = Choose.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
            if (switchIndex<1 || switchIndex > nChoices) {
              dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
            } else {
              dist = jumpTable[switchIndex-1];
          } catch (EvaluationException e) {
            dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
          // Encoded dist for tAttrChoose includes size of jump table, but
          // countTokensToBeSkipped() does not (it counts whole tokens).
          dist -= nChoices*2+2; // subtract jump table size
          i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
        if (attrPtg.isOptimizedIf()) {
          ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
          boolean evaluatedPredicate;
          try {
            evaluatedPredicate = IfFunc.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
          } catch (EvaluationException e) {
            int dist = attrPtg.getData();
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
            attrPtg = (AttrPtg) ptgs[i];
            dist = attrPtg.getData()+1;
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
          if (evaluatedPredicate) {
            // nothing to skip - true param folows
          } else {
            int dist = attrPtg.getData();
            i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
            Ptg nextPtg = ptgs[i+1];
            if (ptgs[i] instanceof AttrPtg && nextPtg instanceof FuncVarPtg) {
              // this is an if statement without a false param (as opposed to MissingArgPtg as the false param)
        if (attrPtg.isSkip()) {
          int dist = attrPtg.getData()+1;
          i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
          if (stack.peek() == MissingArgEval.instance) {
      if (ptg instanceof ControlPtg) {
        // skip Parentheses, Attr, etc
      if (ptg instanceof MemFuncPtg || ptg instanceof MemAreaPtg) {
        // can ignore, rest of tokens for this expression are in OK RPN order
      if (ptg instanceof MemErrPtg) {

      ValueEval opResult;
      if (ptg instanceof OperationPtg) {
        OperationPtg optg = (OperationPtg) ptg;

        if (optg instanceof UnionPtg) { continue; }

        int numops = optg.getNumberOfOperands();
        ValueEval[] ops = new ValueEval[numops];

        // storing the ops in reverse order since they are popping
        for (int j = numops - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          ValueEval p = stack.pop();
          ops[j] = p;
//        logDebug("invoke " + operation + " (nAgs=" + numops + ")");
        opResult = OperationEvaluatorFactory.evaluate(optg, ops, ec);
      } else {
        opResult = getEvalForPtg(ptg, ec);
      if (opResult == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Evaluation result must not be null");
//      logDebug("push " + opResult);

    ValueEval value = stack.pop();
    if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("evaluation stack not empty");
    return dereferenceResult(value, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
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