Package org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel

Examples of org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableRow

       if(p.isInTable() && p.getTableLevel() > parentTableLevel && parentTableLevel==0) {
          Table t = r.getTable(p);
          for(int rn=0; rn<t.numRows(); rn++) {
             TableRow row = t.getRow(rn);
             for(int cn=0; cn<row.numCells(); cn++) {
                TableCell cell = row.getCell(cn);

                for(int pn=0; pn<cell.numParagraphs(); pn++) {
                   Paragraph cellP = cell.getParagraph(pn);
                   handleParagraph(cellP, p.getTableLevel(), cell, document, docPart, pictures, pictureTable, xhtml);
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        Set<Integer> edges = new TreeSet<Integer>();

        for ( int r = 0; r < table.numRows(); r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );
            for ( int c = 0; c < tableRow.numCells(); c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                edges.add( Integer.valueOf( tableCell.getLeftEdge() ) );
                edges.add( Integer.valueOf( tableCell.getLeftEdge()
                        + tableCell.getWidth() ) );
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            maxColumns = Math.max( maxColumns, table.getRow( r ).numCells() );

        for ( int r = 0; r < tableRows; r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );

            Element tableRowElement = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableRow();
            StringBuilder tableRowStyle = new StringBuilder();
            WordToHtmlUtils.addTableRowProperties( tableRow, tableRowStyle );

            // index of current element in tableCellEdges[]
            int currentEdgeIndex = 0;
            final int rowCells = tableRow.numCells();
            for ( int c = 0; c < rowCells; c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                if ( tableCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                        && !tableCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
                    currentEdgeIndex += getNumberColumnsSpanned(
                            tableCellEdges, currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );

                Element tableCellElement;
                if ( tableRow.isTableHeader() )
                    tableCellElement = htmlDocumentFacade
                    tableCellElement = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableCell();
                StringBuilder tableCellStyle = new StringBuilder();
                WordToHtmlUtils.addTableCellProperties( tableRow, tableCell,
                        r == 0, r == tableRows - 1, c == 0, c == rowCells - 1,
                        tableCellStyle );

                int colSpan = getNumberColumnsSpanned( tableCellEdges,
                        currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );
                currentEdgeIndex += colSpan;

                if ( colSpan == 0 )

                if ( colSpan != 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "colspan",
                            String.valueOf( colSpan ) );

                final int rowSpan = getNumberRowsSpanned( table,
                        tableCellEdges, r, c, tableCell );
                if ( rowSpan > 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "rowspan",
                            String.valueOf( rowSpan ) );

                processParagraphes( hwpfDocument, tableCellElement, tableCell,
                        table.getTableLevel() );

                if ( !tableCellElement.hasChildNodes() )
                    tableCellElement.appendChild( htmlDocumentFacade
                            .createParagraph() );
                if ( tableCellStyle.length() > 0 )
                    htmlDocumentFacade.addStyleClass( tableCellElement,
                            tableCellStyle.toString() );

                tableRowElement.appendChild( tableCellElement );

            if ( tableRowStyle.length() > 0 )
                tableRowElement.setAttribute( "class", htmlDocumentFacade
                        .getOrCreateCssClass( "r", tableRowStyle.toString() ) );

            if ( tableRow.isTableHeader() )
                tableHeader.appendChild( tableRowElement );
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            Table table )
        final int tableRows = table.numRows();
        for ( int r = 0; r < tableRows; r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );

            Element tableRowElement = textDocumentFacade.createTableRow();

            final int rowCells = tableRow.numCells();
            for ( int c = 0; c < rowCells; c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                Element tableCellElement = textDocumentFacade.createTableCell();

                if ( c != 0 )
                    tableCellElement.appendChild( textDocumentFacade
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        Set<Integer> edges = new TreeSet<Integer>();

        for ( int r = 0; r < table.numRows(); r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );
            for ( int c = 0; c < tableRow.numCells(); c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                edges.add( Integer.valueOf( tableCell.getLeftEdge() ) );
                edges.add( Integer.valueOf( tableCell.getLeftEdge()
                        + tableCell.getWidth() ) );
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        final int numRows = table.numRows();

        int count = 1;
        for ( int r1 = currentRowIndex + 1; r1 < numRows; r1++ )
            TableRow nextRow = table.getRow( r1 );
            if ( currentColumnIndex >= nextRow.numCells() )

            // we need to skip row if he don't have cells at all
            boolean hasCells = false;
            int currentEdgeIndex = 0;
            for ( int c = 0; c < nextRow.numCells(); c++ )
                TableCell nextTableCell = nextRow.getCell( c );
                if ( !nextTableCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                        || nextTableCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
                    int colSpan = getNumberColumnsSpanned( tableCellEdges,
                            currentEdgeIndex, nextTableCell );
                    currentEdgeIndex += colSpan;

                    if ( colSpan != 0 )
                        hasCells = true;
                    currentEdgeIndex += getNumberColumnsSpanned(
                            tableCellEdges, currentEdgeIndex, nextTableCell );
            if ( !hasCells )

            TableCell nextCell = nextRow.getCell( currentColumnIndex );
            if ( !nextCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                    || nextCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
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            maxColumns = Math.max( maxColumns, table.getRow( r ).numCells() );

        for ( int r = 0; r < tableRows; r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );

            Element tableRowElement = foDocumentFacade.createTableRow();
            WordToFoUtils.setTableRowProperties( tableRow, tableRowElement );

            // index of current element in tableCellEdges[]
            int currentEdgeIndex = 0;
            final int rowCells = tableRow.numCells();
            for ( int c = 0; c < rowCells; c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                if ( tableCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                        && !tableCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
                    currentEdgeIndex += getNumberColumnsSpanned(
                            tableCellEdges, currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );

                Element tableCellElement = foDocumentFacade.createTableCell();
                WordToFoUtils.setTableCellProperties( tableRow, tableCell,
                        tableCellElement, r == 0, r == tableRows - 1, c == 0,
                        c == rowCells - 1 );

                int colSpan = getNumberColumnsSpanned( tableCellEdges,
                        currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );
                currentEdgeIndex += colSpan;

                if ( colSpan == 0 )

                if ( colSpan != 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "number-columns-spanned",
                            String.valueOf( colSpan ) );

                final int rowSpan = getNumberRowsSpanned( table,
                        tableCellEdges, r, c, tableCell );
                if ( rowSpan > 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "number-rows-spanned",
                            String.valueOf( rowSpan ) );

                processParagraphes( wordDocument, tableCellElement, tableCell,
                        table.getTableLevel() );

                if ( !tableCellElement.hasChildNodes() )
                    tableCellElement.appendChild( foDocumentFacade
                            .createBlock() );

                tableRowElement.appendChild( tableCellElement );

            if ( tableRowElement.hasChildNodes() )
                if ( tableRow.isTableHeader() )
                    tableHeader.appendChild( tableRowElement );
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        final int numRows = table.numRows();

        int count = 1;
        for ( int r1 = currentRowIndex + 1; r1 < numRows; r1++ )
            TableRow nextRow = table.getRow( r1 );
            if ( currentColumnIndex >= nextRow.numCells() )

            // we need to skip row if he don't have cells at all
            boolean hasCells = false;
            int currentEdgeIndex = 0;
            for ( int c = 0; c < nextRow.numCells(); c++ )
                TableCell nextTableCell = nextRow.getCell( c );
                if ( !nextTableCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                        || nextTableCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
                    int colSpan = getNumberColumnsSpanned( tableCellEdges,
                            currentEdgeIndex, nextTableCell );
                    currentEdgeIndex += colSpan;

                    if ( colSpan != 0 )
                        hasCells = true;
                    currentEdgeIndex += getNumberColumnsSpanned(
                            tableCellEdges, currentEdgeIndex, nextTableCell );
            if ( !hasCells )

            TableCell nextCell = nextRow.getCell( currentColumnIndex );
            if ( !nextCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                    || nextCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
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            maxColumns = Math.max( maxColumns, table.getRow( r ).numCells() );

        for ( int r = 0; r < tableRows; r++ )
            TableRow tableRow = table.getRow( r );

            Element tableRowElement = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableRow();
            StringBuilder tableRowStyle = new StringBuilder();
            WordToHtmlUtils.addTableRowProperties( tableRow, tableRowStyle );

            // index of current element in tableCellEdges[]
            int currentEdgeIndex = 0;
            final int rowCells = tableRow.numCells();
            for ( int c = 0; c < rowCells; c++ )
                TableCell tableCell = tableRow.getCell( c );

                if ( tableCell.isVerticallyMerged()
                        && !tableCell.isFirstVerticallyMerged() )
                    currentEdgeIndex += getNumberColumnsSpanned(
                            tableCellEdges, currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );

                Element tableCellElement;
                if ( tableRow.isTableHeader() )
                    tableCellElement = htmlDocumentFacade
                    tableCellElement = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableCell();
                StringBuilder tableCellStyle = new StringBuilder();
                WordToHtmlUtils.addTableCellProperties( tableRow, tableCell,
                        r == 0, r == tableRows - 1, c == 0, c == rowCells - 1,
                        tableCellStyle );

                int colSpan = getNumberColumnsSpanned( tableCellEdges,
                        currentEdgeIndex, tableCell );
                currentEdgeIndex += colSpan;

                if ( colSpan == 0 )

                if ( colSpan != 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "colspan",
                            String.valueOf( colSpan ) );

                final int rowSpan = getNumberRowsSpanned( table,
                        tableCellEdges, r, c, tableCell );
                if ( rowSpan > 1 )
                    tableCellElement.setAttribute( "rowspan",
                            String.valueOf( rowSpan ) );

                processParagraphes( hwpfDocument, tableCellElement, tableCell,
                        table.getTableLevel() );

                if ( !tableCellElement.hasChildNodes() )
                    tableCellElement.appendChild( htmlDocumentFacade
                            .createParagraph() );
                if ( tableCellStyle.length() > 0 )
                    htmlDocumentFacade.addStyleClass( tableCellElement,
                            tableCellStyle.toString() );

                tableRowElement.appendChild( tableCellElement );

            if ( tableRowStyle.length() > 0 )
                tableRowElement.setAttribute( "class", htmlDocumentFacade
                        .getOrCreateCssClass( "r", tableRowStyle.toString() ) );

            if ( tableRow.isTableHeader() )
                tableHeader.appendChild( tableRowElement );
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       if(p.isInTable() && p.getTableLevel() > parentTableLevel && parentTableLevel==0) {
          Table t = r.getTable(p);
          for(int rn=0; rn<t.numRows(); rn++) {
             TableRow row = t.getRow(rn);
             for(int cn=0; cn<row.numCells(); cn++) {
                TableCell cell = row.getCell(cn);

                for(int pn=0; pn<cell.numParagraphs(); pn++) {
                   Paragraph cellP = cell.getParagraph(pn);
                   handleParagraph(cellP, p.getTableLevel(), cell, document, pictures, pictureTable, xhtml);
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Related Classes of org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.TableRow

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