Package org.apache.poi.hpsf

Examples of org.apache.poi.hpsf.CustomProperty


                for (final Iterator i = cps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    final Map.Entry e = (Entry);
                    final CustomProperty cp = (CustomProperty) e.getValue();

        final String dataDirName = System.getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path");
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        final String KEY = "Schl�ssel �";
        final String VALUE_1 = "Wert 1";
        final String VALUE_2 = "Wert 2";

        CustomProperty cp;
        CustomProperties cps = new CustomProperties();
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());

        /* After adding a custom property the size must be 1 and it must be
         * possible to extract the custom property from the map. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_1);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v1 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_1, v1);
        /* After adding a custom property with the same name the size must still
         * be one. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_2);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v2 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, v2);
        /* Removing the custom property must return the remove property and
         * reduce the size to 0. */
        cp = (CustomProperty) cps.remove(KEY);
        assertEquals(KEY, cp.getName());
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, cp.getValue());
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());
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                for (final Iterator i = cps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    final Map.Entry e = (Entry);
                    final CustomProperty cp = (CustomProperty) e.getValue();

        POIDataSamples _samples = POIDataSamples.getHPSFInstance();
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        final String KEY = "Schl\u00fcssel \u00e4";
        final String VALUE_1 = "Wert 1";
        final String VALUE_2 = "Wert 2";

        CustomProperty cp;
        CustomProperties cps = new CustomProperties();
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());

        /* After adding a custom property the size must be 1 and it must be
         * possible to extract the custom property from the map. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_1);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v1 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_1, v1);

        /* After adding a custom property with the same name the size must still
         * be one. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_2);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v2 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, v2);

        /* Removing the custom property must return the remove property and
         * reduce the size to 0. */
        cp = (CustomProperty) cps.remove(KEY);
        assertEquals(KEY, cp.getName());
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, cp.getValue());
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());
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                for (final Iterator i = cps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    final Map.Entry e = (Entry);
                    final CustomProperty cp = (CustomProperty) e.getValue();

        final String dataDirName = System.getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path");
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        final String KEY = "Schl\u00fcssel \u00e4";
        final String VALUE_1 = "Wert 1";
        final String VALUE_2 = "Wert 2";

        CustomProperty cp;
        CustomProperties cps = new CustomProperties();
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());

        /* After adding a custom property the size must be 1 and it must be
         * possible to extract the custom property from the map. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_1);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v1 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_1, v1);
        /* After adding a custom property with the same name the size must still
         * be one. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_2);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v2 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, v2);
        /* Removing the custom property must return the remove property and
         * reduce the size to 0. */
        cp = (CustomProperty) cps.remove(KEY);
        assertEquals(KEY, cp.getName());
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, cp.getValue());
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());
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                for (final Iterator i = cps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    final Map.Entry e = (Entry);
                    final CustomProperty cp = (CustomProperty) e.getValue();

        final String dataDirName = System.getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path");
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        final String KEY = "Schl�ssel �";
        final String VALUE_1 = "Wert 1";
        final String VALUE_2 = "Wert 2";

        CustomProperty cp;
        CustomProperties cps = new CustomProperties();
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());

        /* After adding a custom property the size must be 1 and it must be
         * possible to extract the custom property from the map. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_1);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v1 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_1, v1);
        /* After adding a custom property with the same name the size must still
         * be one. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_2);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v2 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, v2);
        /* Removing the custom property must return the remove property and
         * reduce the size to 0. */
        cp = (CustomProperty) cps.remove(KEY);
        assertEquals(KEY, cp.getName());
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, cp.getValue());
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());
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        final String KEY = "Schl\u00fcssel \u00e4";
        final String VALUE_1 = "Wert 1";
        final String VALUE_2 = "Wert 2";

        CustomProperty cp;
        CustomProperties cps = new CustomProperties();
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());

        /* After adding a custom property the size must be 1 and it must be
         * possible to extract the custom property from the map. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_1);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v1 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_1, v1);

        /* After adding a custom property with the same name the size must still
         * be one. */
        cps.put(KEY, VALUE_2);
        assertEquals(1, cps.size());
        Object v2 = cps.get(KEY);
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, v2);

        /* Removing the custom property must return the remove property and
         * reduce the size to 0. */
        cp = (CustomProperty) cps.remove(KEY);
        assertEquals(KEY, cp.getName());
        assertEquals(VALUE_2, cp.getValue());
        assertEquals(0, cps.size());
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                for (final Iterator i = cps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    final Map.Entry e = (Entry);
                    final CustomProperty cp = (CustomProperty) e.getValue();

        final String dataDirName = System.getProperty("HPSF.testdata.path");
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Related Classes of org.apache.poi.hpsf.CustomProperty

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