Package org.apache.pig.builtin

Examples of org.apache.pig.builtin.SIZE

        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();       
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));
        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));
        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();       
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Tuple size
        expected = new Long(3);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t1)));
        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
        msg = "[Testing ARRITY on input type: Tuple]";
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();       
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));
        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));
        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();       
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));
        // Tuple size
        expected = new Long(3);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t1)));
        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
        msg = "[Testing ARRITY on input type: Tuple]";
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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        byte[] a = {1,2,3};
        DataByteArray dba = new DataByteArray(a);
        Long expected = new Long(3);
        Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        t.set(0, dba);
        EvalFunc<Long> size = new SIZE();
        String msg = "[Testing SIZE on input type: bytearray]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // String size
        String s = "Unit test case";
        expected = new Long(14);
        t.set(0, s);
        size = new StringSize();
        msg = "[Testing StringSize on input type: String]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Map size
        String[] mapContents = new String[]{"key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"};
        Map<String, Object> map = Util.createMap(mapContents);
        expected = new Long(2);
        t.set(0, map);
        size = new MapSize();
        msg = "[Testing MapSize on input type: Map]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Bag size
        Tuple t1 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});
        Tuple t2 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"d", "e", "f"});
        Tuple t3 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"g", "h", "i"});
        Tuple t4 = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"j", "k", "l"});
        DataBag b = Util.createBag(new Tuple[]{t1, t2, t3, t4});
        expected = new Long(4);
        t.set(0, b);
        size = new BagSize();
        msg = "[Testing BagSize on input type: Bag]";
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(t)));

        // Tuple size
        Tuple suspect = Util.createTuple(new String[]{"key1", "str1"});
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        expected = new Long(2);
        Tuple suspectStuffer = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Tuple size again
        int expectedSize = 4;
        Tuple suspect2 = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(expectedSize);
        suspect2.set(0, a);
        suspect2.set(1, s);
        suspect2.set(2, b);
        suspect2.set(3, suspect);
        expected = new Long(expectedSize);
        size = new TupleSize();
        msg = "[Testing TupleSize on input type: Tuple]";
        suspectStuffer.set(0, suspect2);
        assertTrue(msg, expected.equals(size.exec(suspectStuffer)));

        // Test for ARITY function.
        // It is depricated but we still need to make sure it works
        ARITY arrity = new ARITY();
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.builtin.SIZE

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