Package org.apache.myfaces.config.element

Examples of org.apache.myfaces.config.element.ManagedProperty

        ELResolver elResolver = facesContext.getApplication().getELResolver();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();

        while (managedProperties.hasNext())
            ManagedProperty property = (ManagedProperty);
            Object value = null;

            switch (property.getType())
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_LIST:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.ArrayList,
                    // otherwise use the returned Object ...
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new ArrayList() : value;

                    if (value instanceof List)
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                    else if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray())
                        int length = Array.getLength(value);
                        ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            temp.add(Array.get(value, i));
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), temp);
                        value = Array.newInstance(value.getClass().getComponentType(), temp.size());
                        length = temp.size();

                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Array.set(value, i, temp.get(i));
                        value = new ArrayList();
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_MAP:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.HashMap,
                    // otherwise use the returned java.util.Map .
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new HashMap() : value;

                    if (!(value instanceof Map))
                        value = new HashMap();

                    initializeMap(facesContext, property.getMapEntries(), (Map) value);
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_NULL:
                    value = null;
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_VALUE:
                    // check for correct scope of a referenced bean
                    if (!isInValidScope(facesContext, property, targetScope))
                        throw new FacesException("Property " + property.getPropertyName() +
                                " references object in a scope with shorter lifetime than the target scope " + targetScope);
                    value = property.getRuntimeValue(facesContext);
            Class propertyClass = null;

            if (property.getPropertyClass() == null)
                propertyClass = elResolver
                        .getType(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                propertyClass = ClassUtils
            if (null == propertyClass)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find the type of property " + property.getPropertyName());
            Object coercedValue = coerceToType(facesContext, value, propertyClass);
                    elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName(), coercedValue);
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        PropertyResolver propertyResolver =

        while (managedProperties.hasNext())
            ManagedProperty property = (ManagedProperty);
            Object value = null;

            switch (property.getType())
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_LIST:
                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.ArrayList,
                    // otherwise use the returned Object ...
                    if(PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = propertyResolver.getValue(bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new ArrayList() : value;
                    if (value instanceof List) {
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                    } else if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray()) {
                        int length = Array.getLength(value);
                        ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            temp.add(Array.get(value, i));
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), temp);
                        value = Array.newInstance(value.getClass().getComponentType(), temp.size());
                        length = temp.size();

                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            Array.set(value, i, temp.get(i));
                    } else {
                          value = new ArrayList();
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_MAP:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.HashMap,
                    // otherwise use the returned java.util.Map .
                    if(PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = propertyResolver.getValue(bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new HashMap() : value;
                    if (! (value instanceof Map)) {
                        value = new HashMap();

                    initializeMap(facesContext, property.getMapEntries(), (Map) value);
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_NULL:
                    value = null;
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_VALUE:
                    // check for correct scope of a referenced bean
                    if (! isInValidScope(facesContext, property, targetScope)) {
                        throw new FacesException("Property " + property.getPropertyName() +
                            " references object in a scope with shorter lifetime than the target scope " + targetScope);
                    value = property.getRuntimeValue(facesContext);
            Class propertyClass = null;

            if (property.getPropertyClass() == null)
                propertyClass = propertyResolver
                    .getType(bean, property.getPropertyName());
                propertyClass = ClassUtils
            if(null == propertyClass) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find the type of property " + property.getPropertyName());
            Object coercedValue = null;
                coercedValue = (value == null) ? null : Coercions
                        .coerce(value, propertyClass, COERCION_LOGGER);
            catch (ELException e)
                String message = "Cannot coerce "
                        + value.getClass().getName() + " to "
                        + propertyClass.getName();
                log.error(message, e);
                throw new FacesException(message, e);
                bean, property.getPropertyName(), coercedValue);
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        ELResolver elResolver = facesContext.getApplication().getELResolver();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();

        while (managedProperties.hasNext())
            ManagedProperty property = (ManagedProperty);
            Object value = null;

            switch (property.getType())
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_LIST:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.ArrayList,
                    // otherwise use the returned Object ...
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new ArrayList() : value;

                    if (value instanceof List)
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                    else if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray())
                        int length = Array.getLength(value);
                        ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            temp.add(Array.get(value, i));
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), temp);
                        value = Array.newInstance(value.getClass().getComponentType(), temp.size());
                        length = temp.size();

                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Array.set(value, i, temp.get(i));
                        value = new ArrayList();
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_MAP:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.HashMap,
                    // otherwise use the returned java.util.Map .
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new HashMap() : value;

                    if (!(value instanceof Map))
                        value = new HashMap();

                    initializeMap(facesContext, property.getMapEntries(), (Map) value);
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_NULL:
                    value = null;
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_VALUE:
                    // check for correct scope of a referenced bean
                    if (!isInValidScope(facesContext, property, targetScope))
                        throw new FacesException("Property " + property.getPropertyName() +
                                " references object in a scope with shorter lifetime than the target scope " + targetScope);
                    value = property.getRuntimeValue(facesContext);
            Class propertyClass = null;

            if (property.getPropertyClass() == null)
                propertyClass = elResolver
                        .getType(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                propertyClass = ClassUtils
            if (null == propertyClass)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find the type of property " + property.getPropertyName());
            Object coercedValue = coerceToType(facesContext, value, propertyClass);
                    elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName(), coercedValue);
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        ELResolver elResolver = facesContext.getApplication().getELResolver();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();

        while (managedProperties.hasNext())
            ManagedProperty property = (ManagedProperty);
            Object value = null;

            switch (property.getType())
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_LIST:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.ArrayList,
                    // otherwise use the returned Object ...
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new ArrayList() : value;

                    if (value instanceof List)
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                    else if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray())
                        int length = Array.getLength(value);
                        ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            temp.add(Array.get(value, i));
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), temp);
                        value = Array.newInstance(value.getClass().getComponentType(), temp.size());
                        length = temp.size();

                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Array.set(value, i, temp.get(i));
                        value = new ArrayList();
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_MAP:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.HashMap,
                    // otherwise use the returned java.util.Map .
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new HashMap() : value;

                    if (!(value instanceof Map))
                        value = new HashMap();

                    initializeMap(facesContext, property.getMapEntries(), (Map) value);
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_NULL:
                    value = null;
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_VALUE:
                    // check for correct scope of a referenced bean
                    if (!isInValidScope(facesContext, property, targetScope))
                        throw new FacesException("Property " + property.getPropertyName() +
                                " references object in a scope with shorter lifetime than the target scope " + targetScope);
                    value = property.getRuntimeValue(facesContext);
            Class propertyClass = null;

            if (property.getPropertyClass() == null)
                propertyClass = elResolver
                        .getType(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                propertyClass = ClassUtils
            if (null == propertyClass)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find the type of property " + property.getPropertyName());
            Object coercedValue = coerceToType(facesContext, value, propertyClass);
                    elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName(), coercedValue);
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        ELResolver elResolver = facesContext.getApplication().getELResolver();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();

        while (managedProperties.hasNext())
            ManagedProperty property = (ManagedProperty);
            Object value = null;

            switch (property.getType())
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_LIST:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.ArrayList,
                    // otherwise use the returned Object ...
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new ArrayList() : value;

                    if (value instanceof List)
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                    else if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray())
                        int length = Array.getLength(value);
                        ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            temp.add(Array.get(value, i));
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), temp);
                        value = Array.newInstance(value.getClass().getComponentType(), temp.size());
                        length = temp.size();

                        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Array.set(value, i, temp.get(i));
                        value = new ArrayList();
                        initializeList(facesContext, property.getListEntries(), (List) value);

                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_MAP:

                    // JSF 1.1,
                    // Call the property getter, if it exists.
                    // If the getter returns null or doesn't exist, create a java.util.HashMap,
                    // otherwise use the returned java.util.Map .
                    if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(bean, property.getPropertyName()))
                        value = elResolver.getValue(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                    value = value == null ? new HashMap() : value;

                    if (!(value instanceof Map))
                        value = new HashMap();

                    initializeMap(facesContext, property.getMapEntries(), (Map) value);
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_NULL:
                    value = null;
                case ManagedProperty.TYPE_VALUE:
                    // check for correct scope of a referenced bean
                    if (!isInValidScope(facesContext, property, targetScope))
                        throw new FacesException("Property " + property.getPropertyName() +
                                " references object in a scope with shorter lifetime than the target scope " + targetScope);
                    value = property.getRuntimeValue(facesContext);
            Class propertyClass = null;

            if (property.getPropertyClass() == null)
                propertyClass = elResolver
                        .getType(elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName());
                propertyClass = ClassUtils
            if (null == propertyClass)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find the type of property " + property.getPropertyName());
            Object coercedValue = coerceToType(facesContext, value, propertyClass);
                    elContext, bean, property.getPropertyName(), coercedValue);
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Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.config.element.ManagedProperty

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