Package org.apache.maven.shared.invoker

Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.Invoker

      List<String> lifeCycle = new ArrayList<String>();
      Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
      invoker.setMavenHome(new File(PreferenceResolver.resolveMavenHome()));
      InvocationOutputHandler outHandler = new PrintStreamHandler(outPutHandler.getPrintStream(), false);
      invoker.execute( request );
    } catch (Exception e) {
        .handle(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID,
            "There was an error during the execution of the maven command.", e),
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        throws MavenExecutorException
        InvocationOutputHandler handler = getOutputHandler();
        InvokerLogger bridge = getInvokerLogger();

        Invoker invoker =
            new DefaultInvoker().setMavenHome( releaseEnvironment.getMavenHome() ).setLogger( bridge ).setOutputHandler(
                handler ).setErrorHandler( handler );

        InvocationRequest req =
            new DefaultInvocationRequest().setDebug( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ).setBaseDirectory(
                workingDirectory ).setInteractive( interactive );

        if ( pomFileName != null )
            req.setPomFileName( pomFileName );

        File settingsFile = null;
        if ( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() != null )
            // Have to serialize to a file as if Maven is embedded, there may not actually be a settings.xml on disk
                settingsFile = File.createTempFile( "release-settings", ".xml" );
                SettingsXpp3Writer writer = getSettingsWriter();
                FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                    fileWriter = new FileWriter( settingsFile );
                    writer.write( fileWriter, encryptSettings( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() ) );
                    IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
                req.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new MavenExecutorException( "Could not create temporary file for release settings.xml", e );
            File localRepoDir = releaseEnvironment.getLocalRepositoryDirectory();
            if ( localRepoDir != null )
                req.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

            setupRequest( req, bridge, additionalArguments );

            req.setGoals( goals );

                InvocationResult invocationResult = invoker.execute( req );

                if ( invocationResult.getExecutionException() != null )
                    throw new MavenExecutorException( "Error executing Maven.",
                                                      invocationResult.getExecutionException() );
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                System.err.println( msg );

        Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
        invoker.setMavenHome( new File( mavenHome ) );
        invoker.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepositoryDir );

        InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
        request.setBaseDirectory( projectFile.getParentFile() );
        request.setPomFile( projectFile );
        if ( log != null )
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        throws MavenExecutorException
        Handler handler = new Handler( getLogger() );
        LoggerBridge bridge = new LoggerBridge( getLogger() );

        Invoker invoker =
            new DefaultInvoker().setMavenHome( releaseEnvironment.getMavenHome() ).setLogger( bridge ).setOutputHandler(
                handler ).setErrorHandler( handler );

        InvocationRequest req =
            new DefaultInvocationRequest().setDebug( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ).setBaseDirectory(
                workingDirectory ).setInteractive( interactive );

        if ( pomFileName != null )
            req.setPomFileName( pomFileName );

        File settingsFile = null;
        if ( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() != null )
            // Have to serialize to a file as if Maven is embedded, there may not actually be a settings.xml on disk
                settingsFile = File.createTempFile( "release-settings", ".xml" );
                SettingsXpp3Writer writer = new SettingsXpp3Writer();
                FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                    fileWriter = new FileWriter( settingsFile );
                    writer.write( fileWriter, releaseEnvironment.getSettings() );
                    IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
                req.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new MavenExecutorException( "Could not create temporary file for release settings.xml", e );
            File localRepoDir = releaseEnvironment.getLocalRepositoryDirectory();
            if ( localRepoDir != null )
                req.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

            setupRequest( req, bridge, additionalArguments );

            req.setGoals( goals );

                InvocationResult invocationResult = invoker.execute( req );

                if ( invocationResult.getExecutionException() != null )
                    throw new MavenExecutorException( "Error executing Maven.",
                                                      invocationResult.getExecutionException() );
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                mavenHome = System.getenv("M2_HOME");
            mavenPath = mavenHome == null ? null : new File( mavenHome );
        Invoker invoker =
            new DefaultInvoker().setMavenHome( mavenPath ).setLogger( bridge ).setOutputHandler(
                handler ).setErrorHandler( handler );

        InvocationRequest req =
            new DefaultInvocationRequest().setDebug( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ).setBaseDirectory(
                workingDirectory ).setInteractive( interactive );

        if ( pomFileName != null )
            req.setPomFileName( pomFileName );

        File settingsFile = null;
        if ( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() != null )
            // Have to serialize to a file as if Maven is embedded, there may not actually be a settings.xml on disk
                settingsFile = File.createTempFile( "release-settings", ".xml" );
                SettingsXpp3Writer writer = getSettingsWriter();
                FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                    fileWriter = new FileWriter( settingsFile );
                    writer.write( fileWriter, encryptSettings( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() ) );
                    IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
                req.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new MavenExecutorException( "Could not create temporary file for release settings.xml", e );
            File localRepoDir = releaseEnvironment.getLocalRepositoryDirectory();
            if ( localRepoDir != null )
                req.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

            setupRequest( req, bridge, additionalArguments );

            req.setGoals( goals );

                InvocationResult invocationResult = invoker.execute( req );

                if ( invocationResult.getExecutionException() != null )
                    throw new MavenExecutorException( "Error executing Maven.",
                                                      invocationResult.getExecutionException() );
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            InvocationRequest internalRequest = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
            internalRequest.setPomFile( archetypePomFile );
            internalRequest.setGoals( Collections.singletonList( request.getPostPhase() ) );

            Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
            invoker.execute( internalRequest );
        catch ( Exception e )
            result.setCause( e );
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        throws MavenExecutorException
        InvocationOutputHandler handler = getOutputHandler();
        InvokerLogger bridge = getInvokerLogger();

        Invoker invoker =
            new DefaultInvoker().setMavenHome( releaseEnvironment.getMavenHome() ).setLogger( bridge ).setOutputHandler(
                handler ).setErrorHandler( handler );

        InvocationRequest req =
            new DefaultInvocationRequest().setDebug( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ).setBaseDirectory(
                workingDirectory ).setInteractive( interactive );

        if ( pomFileName != null )
            req.setPomFileName( pomFileName );

        File settingsFile = null;
        if ( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() != null )
            // Have to serialize to a file as if Maven is embedded, there may not actually be a settings.xml on disk
                settingsFile = File.createTempFile( "release-settings", ".xml" );
                SettingsXpp3Writer writer = getSettingsWriter();
                FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                    fileWriter = new FileWriter( settingsFile );
                    writer.write( fileWriter, encryptSettings( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() ) );
                    IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
                req.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new MavenExecutorException( "Could not create temporary file for release settings.xml", e );
            File localRepoDir = releaseEnvironment.getLocalRepositoryDirectory();
            if ( localRepoDir != null )
                req.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

            setupRequest( req, bridge, additionalArguments );

            req.setGoals( goals );

                InvocationResult invocationResult = invoker.execute( req );

                if ( invocationResult.getExecutionException() != null )
                    throw new MavenExecutorException( "Error executing Maven.",
                                                      invocationResult.getExecutionException() );
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                System.err.println( msg );

        Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
        invoker.setMavenHome( new File( mavenHome ) );
        invoker.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepositoryDir );

        InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
        request.setBaseDirectory( projectFile.getParentFile() );
        request.setPomFile( projectFile );
        if ( log != null )
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     * @param properties the properties for the invoker
    private void invoke( File projectFile, File invokerLog, String mavenHome,
        List goals, List activeProfiles, Properties properties )
        Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
        invoker.setMavenHome( new File( mavenHome ) );
        File localRepoDir = new File( localRepository.getBasedir() );
        invoker.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

        InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
        request.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );
        //request.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
        request.setInteractive( false );
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        throws MavenExecutorException
        Handler handler = new Handler( getLogger() );
        LoggerBridge bridge = new LoggerBridge( getLogger() );

        Invoker invoker =
            new DefaultInvoker().setMavenHome( releaseEnvironment.getMavenHome() ).setLogger( bridge ).setOutputHandler(
                handler ).setErrorHandler( handler );

        InvocationRequest req =
            new DefaultInvocationRequest().setDebug( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() ).setBaseDirectory(
                workingDirectory ).setInteractive( interactive );

        if ( pomFileName != null )
            req.setPomFileName( pomFileName );

        File settingsFile = null;
        if ( releaseEnvironment.getSettings() != null )
            // Have to serialize to a file as if Maven is embedded, there may not actually be a settings.xml on disk
                settingsFile = File.createTempFile( "release-settings", ".xml" );
                SettingsXpp3Writer writer = new SettingsXpp3Writer();
                FileWriter fileWriter = null;
                    fileWriter = new FileWriter( settingsFile );
                    writer.write( fileWriter, releaseEnvironment.getSettings() );
                    IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
                req.setUserSettingsFile( settingsFile );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new MavenExecutorException( "Could not create temporary file for release settings.xml", e );
            File localRepoDir = releaseEnvironment.getLocalRepositoryDirectory();
            if ( localRepoDir != null )
                req.setLocalRepositoryDirectory( localRepoDir );

            setupRequest( req, bridge, additionalArguments );

            if ( goals.trim().length() > 0 )
                String[] rawGoals = goals.split( " " );
                req.setGoals( Arrays.asList( rawGoals ) );

                InvocationResult invocationResult = invoker.execute( req );

                if ( invocationResult.getExecutionException() != null )
                    throw new MavenExecutorException( "Error executing Maven.",
                                                      invocationResult.getExecutionException() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.Invoker

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