Package org.apache.logging.log4j.message

Examples of org.apache.logging.log4j.message.StructuredDataMessage

        root.debug("filled mdc");

        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        try {
            final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Transfer@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Audit");
            msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
            msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
            msg.put("Amount", "200.00");
  "EVENT"), msg);

            List<String> list = appender.getMessages();

            assertTrue("Expected line 1 to end with: " + line1 + " Actual " + list.get(0), list.get(0).endsWith(line1));
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        root.debug("filled mdc");

        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        try {
            final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Transfer@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Audit");
            msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
            msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
            msg.put("Amount", "200.00");
  "EVENT"), msg);

            List<String> list = appender.getMessages();

            assertTrue("Expected line 1 to end with: " + line1 + " Actual " + list.get(0), list.get(0).endsWith(line1));
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        buf.append(" ");
        if (isStructured || includeMDC) {
            StructuredDataId id = null;
            String text;
            if (isStructured) {
                final StructuredDataMessage data = (StructuredDataMessage) msg;
                final Map<String, String> map = data.getData();
                id = data.getId();
                formatStructuredElement(id, eventPrefix, map, buf, noopChecker);
                text = data.getFormat();
            } else {
                text = msg.getFormattedMessage();
            if (includeMDC) {
                Map<String, String> map = event.getContextMap();
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    public void rewriteTest() {
        final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a test", "Service");
        msg.put("Key1", "Value1");
        msg.put("Key2", "Value2");
        final List<LogEvent> list = app.getEvents();
        assertNotNull("No events generated", list);
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + list.size(), list.size() == 1);
        final LogEvent event = list.get(0);
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    public void structuredData() {
        ThreadContext.put("loginId", "JohnDoe");
        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Audit@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Transfer");
        msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
        msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
        msg.put("Amount", "200.00");"EVENT"), msg);
        final List<LogEvent> events = app.getEvents();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, actual " + events.size(), 1, events.size());
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    protected void sendStructuredMessage() {
        ThreadContext.put("loginId", "JohnDoe");
        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Transfer@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Audit");
        msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
        msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
        msg.put("Amount", "200.00");
        // the msg.toString() doesn't contain the parameters of the ThreadContext, so we must use the line1 string
        String str = msg.asString(null, null);
        sentMessages.add(str);"EVENT"), msg);
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    public void routingTest() {
        StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a test", "Service");
        final List<LogEvent> list = app.getEvents();
        assertNotNull("No events generated", list);
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + list.size(), list.size() == 1);
        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a test", "Alert");
        File file = new File(LOG_FILE);
        assertTrue("Alert file was not created", file.exists());
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    public void routingTest() throws NamingException {
        // default route when there's no jndi resource
        StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a message from unknown context", "Context");
        File defaultLogFile = new File("target/routingbyjndi/routingbyjnditest-unknown.log");
        assertTrue("The default log file was not created", defaultLogFile.exists());

        // now set jndi resource to Application1
        Context context = new InitialContext();
        context.bind(JNDI_CONTEXT_NAME, "Application1");

        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a message from Application1", "Context");
        assertNotNull("No events generated", listAppender1.getEvents());
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + listAppender1.getEvents().size(), listAppender1.getEvents().size() == 1);

        // now set jndi resource to Application2
        context.rebind(JNDI_CONTEXT_NAME, "Application2");

        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a message from Application2", "Context");
        assertNotNull("No events generated", listAppender2.getEvents());
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + listAppender2.getEvents().size(), listAppender2.getEvents().size() == 1);
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + listAppender1.getEvents().size(), listAppender1.getEvents().size() == 1);

        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is another message from Application2", "Context");
        assertNotNull("No events generated", listAppender2.getEvents());
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 2, got " + listAppender2.getEvents().size(), listAppender2.getEvents().size() == 2);
        assertTrue("Incorrect number of events. Expected 1, got " + listAppender1.getEvents().size(), listAppender1.getEvents().size() == 1);

        // now set jndi resource to Application3.
        // The context name, 'Application3', will be used as log file name by the default route.
        context.rebind("java:comp/env/logging/context-name", "Application3");
        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a message from Application3", "Context");
        File application3LogFile = new File("target/routingbyjndi/routingbyjnditest-Application3.log");
        assertTrue("The Application3 log file was not created", application3LogFile.exists());

        // now set jndi resource to Application4
        // The context name, 'Application4', will be used as log file name by the default route.
        context.rebind("java:comp/env/logging/context-name", "Application4");
        msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Test", "This is a message from Application4", "Context");
        File application4LogFile = new File("target/routingbyjndi/routingbyjnditest-Application4.log");
        assertTrue("The Application3 log file was not created", application4LogFile.exists());
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        root.debug("filled mdc");

        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        try {
            final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Transfer@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Audit");
            msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
            msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
            msg.put("Amount", "200.00");
  "EVENT"), msg);

            List<String> list = appender.getMessages();

            assertTrue("Expected line 1 to end with: " + line1 + " Actual " + list.get(0), list.get(0).endsWith(line1));
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        root.debug("filled mdc");

        ThreadContext.put("ipAddress", "");
        ThreadContext.put("locale", Locale.US.getDisplayName());
        try {
            final StructuredDataMessage msg = new StructuredDataMessage("Transfer@18060", "Transfer Complete", "Audit");
            msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
            msg.put("FromAccount", "123457");
            msg.put("Amount", "200.00");
  "EVENT"), msg);

            List<String> list = appender.getMessages();

            assertTrue("Expected line 1 to end with: " + line1 + " Actual " + list.get(0), list.get(0).endsWith(line1));
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Related Classes of org.apache.logging.log4j.message.StructuredDataMessage

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