Package org.apache.jetspeed.profiler

Examples of org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.ProfileLocator


        // determine profiled page context using profile locator; get
        // page profile locator from session/principal profile locators
        ProfileLocator locator = selectPageProfileLocator(pageContext.getLocators());

        // get request path
        String requestPath = locator.getRequestPath();

        // get profiled page context initialization parameters
        Folder folder = null;
        Page page = null;
        NodeSet siblingPages = null;
        Folder parentFolder = null;
        NodeSet siblingFolders = null;
        NodeSet rootLinks = null;
        NodeSet documentSets = null;
        Map documentSetNames = null;
        Map documentSetNodeSets = null;
        List allProfiledFolders = null;
        if (profilingEnabled)
            // profile page request using profile locator
            Folder [] profiledFolder = new Folder[1];
            Page [] profiledPage = new Page[1];
            List profiledFolders = new ArrayList(16);
            List searchProfiledFolders = new ArrayList(24);

            // generate profile locator folder/page search paths
            List searchPaths = generateProfilingSearchPaths(requestPath, locator, false);

            // find page in page manager content using search paths
            boolean profiled = findProfiledPageAndFolders(searchPaths, profiledPage, profiledFolder, profiledFolders, searchProfiledFolders);

            // profile fallback to default root folder to locate folder/page
            boolean rootFallback = false;
            if (rootFallback = (! profiled && ! requestPath.equals(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR)))
                // profile default root folder, (ignoring request path)
                searchPaths = generateProfilingSearchPaths(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR, locator, true);
                profiled = findProfiledPageAndFolders(searchPaths, profiledPage, profiledFolder, profiledFolders, searchProfiledFolders);

                // if profiled successfully at root fallback but failed previous
                // attempt, profile request path against available alternate profile
                // locators. This is used only to select a page: all other context
                // information remains determined from fallback.
                if (profiled && (pageContext.getLocators().size() > 1))
                    // profile to locate request path using alternate locators
                    Page [] alternateProfiledPage = new Page[1];
                    Iterator locatorsIter = selectAlternatePageProfileLocators(pageContext.getLocators()).iterator();
                    while ((alternateProfiledPage[0] == null) && locatorsIter.hasNext())
                        ProfileLocator alternateLocator = (ProfileLocator);
                        List alternateSearchPaths = generateProfilingSearchPaths(requestPath, alternateLocator, false);
                        findProfiledPageAndFolders(alternateSearchPaths, alternateProfiledPage);

                    // if request path matched, use just profiled page; note: page is
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    private NodeSetImpl expandAndProfileDocumentSet(Map profileLocators, DocumentSet documentSet, NodeSetImpl expandedNodes, String documentSetNamePrefix, Map documentSetNames, Map documentSetNodeSets, List allProfiledFolders)
        // expand and profile document set using document set or default
        // navigation profile locator
        ProfileLocator navigationLocator = selectNavigationProfileLocator(documentSet.getProfileLocatorName(), profileLocators);
        if (navigationLocator == null)
            log.warn("expandAndProfileDocumentSet(): Navigation profile locator " + documentSet.getProfileLocatorName() + " unavailable for document set " + documentSet.getPath() + ", ignored." );
            return null;
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    public void computeProfiledPageContext(ProfiledPageContext pageContext)
        throws PageNotFoundException, DocumentException, NodeException
        // get page profile locator from session/principal profile locators
        ProfileLocator locator = selectPageProfileLocator(pageContext.getLocators());

        // profiling not implemented, return raw managed page context;
        // document sets not supported
        Page page = getPage(locator.getValue("page"));
        Folder folder = (Folder) page.getParent();
        NodeSet siblingPages = folder.getPages();
        Folder parentFolder = (Folder) folder.getParent();
        NodeSet siblingFolders = folder.getFolders();
        Folder rootFolder = folder;
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            Map locators = null;
            String locatorName = (String)request.getAttribute(PROFILE_LOCATOR_REQUEST_ATTR_KEY);
            if ( locatorName != null )
                ProfileLocator locator = profiler.getProfile(request,locatorName);
                if ( locator != null )
                    locators = new HashMap();
                    locators.put(ProfileLocator.PAGE_LOCATOR, locator);
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        // validate and update session profile locators if modified
        if (updateSessionProfileLocators(requestProfileLocators, requestUserPrincipal, forceReservedVisible))
            // extract page request path and server from the locators
            // if specified, otherwise use specified parameters
            ProfileLocator locator = null;
            if (requestProfileLocators != null)
                requestPath = Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR;
                requestServerName = null;
                locator = (ProfileLocator)requestProfileLocators.get(ProfileLocator.PAGE_LOCATOR);
                if (locator != null)
                    // use 'page' locator to determine request page by executing
                    // profile locator to determine path
                    requestPath = getRequestPathFromLocator(locator);
                    // 'page' locator unavailable, use first locator since
                    // all locators should have identical request paths, (do
                    // not execute profile locator though to determine path:
                    // simply use the request path)
                    locator = (ProfileLocator)requestProfileLocators.values().iterator().next();
                    requestPath = locator.getRequestPath();
                requestServerName = locator.getRequestServerName();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Select request page: requestPath="+requestPath+", requestServerName: "+requestServerName);
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                    Iterator entriesIter = requestProfileLocators.entrySet().iterator();
                    while (entriesIter.hasNext())
                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                        String locatorName = (String)entry.getKey();
                        ProfileLocator locator = (ProfileLocator)entry.getValue();
                        if (!firstEntry)
                            firstEntry = false;
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        // compare locator map entries
        Iterator entriesIter = locators0.entrySet().iterator();
        if (entriesIter.hasNext())
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            ProfileLocator locator0 = (ProfileLocator)entry.getValue();
            ProfileLocator locator1 = (ProfileLocator)locators1.get(entry.getKey());
            if (locator1 == null)
                return false;

            // compare locators using the most specific,
            // (i.e. first), locator properties array
            // returned by the locator iterator
            ProfileLocatorProperty [] properties0 = (ProfileLocatorProperty [])locator0.iterator().next();
            ProfileLocatorProperty [] properties1 = (ProfileLocatorProperty [])locator1.iterator().next();
            if ((properties0 != null) || (properties1 != null))
                if ((properties0 == null) || (properties1 == null) || (properties0.length != properties1.length))
                    return false;
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        final RequestContext requestContext = initRequestContext();
        final Subject subject = SecurityHelper.createSubject("user");
        requestContext.getRequest().getSession().setAttribute(PortalReservedParameters.SESSION_KEY_SUBJECT, subject);
        ProfileLocator locator = profiler.createLocator(requestContext);
        HashMap locators = new HashMap();
        locators.put(ProfileLocator.PAGE_LOCATOR, locator);

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            // get request specific profile locators if required
            Map locators = null;
            String locatorName = (String)request.getAttribute(PROFILE_LOCATOR_REQUEST_ATTR_KEY);
            if ( locatorName != null )
                ProfileLocator locator = profiler.getProfile(request,locatorName);
                if ( locator != null )
                    locators = new HashMap();
                    locators.put(ProfileLocator.PAGE_LOCATOR, locator);
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        // try to get the profile locator from the cache,
        // request path and key sufficient to generate unique key
        String requestPath = context.getPath();
        String locatorKey = ((requestPath != null) ? requestPath : "/") + ProfileLocator.PATH_SEPARATOR + key.toString();
        ProfileLocator locator = getLocatorFromCache(locatorKey);
        if (locator != null)
            return locator;
        // second pass, build the locator object        
        locator = service.createLocator(context);
        criteria = this.getRuleCriteria().iterator();
        while (criteria.hasNext())
            RuleCriterion criterion = (RuleCriterion);
            if (criterion.getType() == null)
                log.warn("Invalid criterion provided - name or type null on rule " + this);
            RuleCriterionResolver resolver = getResolver(criterion.getType());
            if (resolver != null)
                String value = resolver.resolve(context, criterion);
                boolean isControl = resolver.isControl(criterion);
                boolean isNavigation = resolver.isNavigation(criterion);
                if (value != null && (resolver instanceof FallbackCriterionResolver))
                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(value, StandardResolver.VALUE_DELIMITER);
                    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
                        String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
                        locator.add(criterion, isControl, isNavigation, token);
                    locator.add(criterion, isControl, isNavigation, value);
        addLocatorToCache(locatorKey, locator);
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Related Classes of org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.ProfileLocator

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