Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateManager

            AggregateRule[] aggregateRules = indexingConfig.getAggregateRules();
            if (aggregateRules == null) {
            try {
                ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                for (AggregateRule aggregateRule : aggregateRules) {
                    boolean ruleMatched = false;
                    // node includes
                    NodeState[] aggregates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedNodeStates(state);
                    if (aggregates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (NodeState aggregate : aggregates) {
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(aggregate, getNamespaceMappings(), ifv);
                            // transfer fields to doc if there are any
                            Fieldable[] fulltextFields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.FULLTEXT);
                            if (fulltextFields != null) {
                                for (Fieldable fulltextField : fulltextFields) {
                                doc.add(new Field(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, aggregate.getNodeId().toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS));
                        // make sure that fulltext fields are aligned properly
                        // first all stored fields, then remaining
                        List<Fieldable> fulltextFields = new ArrayList<Fieldable>();
                        fulltextFields.addAll(removeFields(doc, FieldNames.FULLTEXT));
                        Collections.sort(fulltextFields, new Comparator<Fieldable>() {
                            public int compare(Fieldable o1, Fieldable o2) {
                                return Boolean.valueOf(o2.isStored()).compareTo(o1.isStored());
                        for (Fieldable f : fulltextFields) {
                    // property includes
                    PropertyState[] propStates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedPropertyStates(state);
                    if (propStates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (PropertyState propState : propStates) {
                            String namePrefix = FieldNames.createNamedValue(getNamespaceMappings().translateName(propState.getName()), "");
                            NodeState parent = (NodeState) ism.getItemState(propState.getParentId());
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(parent, getNamespaceMappings(), ifv);
                            try {
                                // find the right fields to transfer
                                Fieldable[] fields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.PROPERTIES);
                                Token t = new Token();
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                try {
                    Term aggregateIds =
                        new Term(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, "");
                    TermDocs tDocs = reader.termDocs();
                    try {
                        ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                        for (NodeId id : removedIds) {
                            aggregateIds =
                            while ( {
                                Document doc = reader.document(
                                        tDocs.doc(), FieldSelectors.UUID);
                                NodeId nId = new NodeId(doc.get(FieldNames.UUID));
                                map.put(nId, (NodeState) ism.getItemState(nId));
                    } finally {
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            AggregateRule[] aggregateRules = indexingConfig.getAggregateRules();
            if (aggregateRules == null) {
            try {
                ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                for (AggregateRule aggregateRule : aggregateRules) {
                    boolean ruleMatched = false;
                    // node includes
                    NodeState[] aggregates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedNodeStates(state);
                    if (aggregates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (NodeState aggregate : aggregates) {
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(aggregate, getNamespaceMappings(), ifv);
                            // transfer fields to doc if there are any
                            Fieldable[] fulltextFields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.FULLTEXT);
                            if (fulltextFields != null) {
                                for (Fieldable fulltextField : fulltextFields) {
                                doc.add(new Field(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, aggregate.getNodeId().toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS));
                        // make sure that fulltext fields are aligned properly
                        // first all stored fields, then remaining
                        List<Fieldable> fulltextFields = new ArrayList<Fieldable>();
                        fulltextFields.addAll(removeFields(doc, FieldNames.FULLTEXT));
                        Collections.sort(fulltextFields, new Comparator<Fieldable>() {
                            public int compare(Fieldable o1, Fieldable o2) {
                                return Boolean.valueOf(o2.isStored()).compareTo(o1.isStored());
                        for (Fieldable f : fulltextFields) {
                    // property includes
                    PropertyState[] propStates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedPropertyStates(state);
                    if (propStates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (PropertyState propState : propStates) {
                            String namePrefix = FieldNames.createNamedValue(getNamespaceMappings().translateName(propState.getName()), "");
                            NodeState parent = (NodeState) ism.getItemState(propState.getParentId());
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(parent, getNamespaceMappings(), ifv);
                            try {
                                // find the right fields to transfer
                                Fieldable[] fields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.PROPERTIES);
                                Token t = new Token();
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                try {
                    Term aggregateIds =
                        new Term(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, "");
                    TermDocs tDocs = reader.termDocs();
                    try {
                        ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                        for (NodeId id : removedIds) {
                            aggregateIds =
                            while ( {
                                Document doc = reader.document(
                                        tDocs.doc(), FieldSelectors.UUID);
                                NodeId nId = new NodeId(doc.get(FieldNames.UUID));
                                map.put(nId, (NodeState) ism.getItemState(nId));
                    } finally {
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            AggregateRule[] aggregateRules = indexingConfig.getAggregateRules();
            if (aggregateRules == null) {
            try {
                ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                for (AggregateRule aggregateRule : aggregateRules) {
                    boolean ruleMatched = false;
                    // node includes
                    NodeState[] aggregates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedNodeStates(state);
                    if (aggregates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (NodeState aggregate : aggregates) {
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(aggregate, getNamespaceMappings(), index.getIndexFormatVersion());
                            // transfer fields to doc if there are any
                            Fieldable[] fulltextFields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.FULLTEXT);
                            if (fulltextFields != null) {
                                for (Fieldable fulltextField : fulltextFields) {
                                doc.add(new Field(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, aggregate.getNodeId().getUUID().toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS));
                    // property includes
                    PropertyState[] propStates = aggregateRule.getAggregatedPropertyStates(state);
                    if (propStates != null) {
                        ruleMatched = true;
                        for (PropertyState propState : propStates) {
                            String namePrefix = FieldNames.createNamedValue(getNamespaceMappings().translateName(propState.getName()), "");
                            NodeState parent = (NodeState) ism.getItemState(propState.getParentId());
                            Document aDoc = createDocument(parent, getNamespaceMappings(), getIndex().getIndexFormatVersion());
                            // find the right fields to transfer
                            Fieldable[] fields = aDoc.getFieldables(FieldNames.PROPERTIES);
                            Token t = new Token();
                            for (Fieldable field : fields) {
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                try {
                    Term aggregateUUIDs =
                        new Term(FieldNames.AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID, "");
                    TermDocs tDocs = reader.termDocs();
                    try {
                        ItemStateManager ism = getContext().getItemStateManager();
                        for (UUID uuid : removedUUIDs) {
                            aggregateUUIDs =
                            while ( {
                                Document doc = reader.document(
                                        tDocs.doc(), FieldSelectors.UUID);
                                NodeId nId = new NodeId(
                                map.put(nId.getUUID(), (NodeState) ism.getItemState(nId));
                    } finally {
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        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            boolean ignoreError = false;
            if (sessionContext.getSessionImpl().autoFixCorruptions()) {
                // it might be an access right problem
                // we need to check if the item doesn't exist in the ism
                ItemStateManager ism = sessionContext.getItemStateManager();
                if (!ism.hasItemState(childId)) {
                    log.warn("Node " + childId + " not found, ignore", e);
                    ignoreError = true;
            if (!ignoreError) {
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                } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                    boolean ignoreError = false;
                    if (parentId != null && sessionContext.getSessionImpl().autoFixCorruptions()) {
                        // it might be an access right problem
                        // we need to check if the item doesn't exist in the ism
                        ItemStateManager ism = sessionContext.getItemStateManager();
                        if (!ism.hasItemState(childId)) {
                            log.warn("Child named " + entry.getName() + " (index " + entry.getIndex() + ", " +
                                    "node id " + childId + ") " +
                                    "not found when trying to remove " + getPath() + " " +
                                    "(node id " + getNodeId() + ") - ignored", e);
                            ignoreError = true;
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        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            boolean ignoreError = false;
            if (sessionContext.getSessionImpl().autoFixCorruptions()) {
                // it might be an access right problem
                // we need to check if the item doesn't exist in the ism
                ItemStateManager ism = sessionContext.getItemStateManager();
                if (!ism.hasItemState(childId)) {
                    log.warn("Node " + childId + " not found, ignore", e);
                    ignoreError = true;
            if (!ignoreError) {
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                } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                    boolean ignoreError = false;
                    if (parentId != null && sessionContext.getSessionImpl().autoFixCorruptions()) {
                        // it might be an access right problem
                        // we need to check if the item doesn't exist in the ism
                        ItemStateManager ism = sessionContext.getItemStateManager();
                        if (!ism.hasItemState(childId)) {
                            log.warn("Child named " + entry.getName() + " (index " + entry.getIndex() + ", " +
                                    "node id " + childId + ") " +
                                    "not found when trying to remove " + getPath() + " " +
                                    "(node id " + getNodeId() + ") - ignored", e);
                            ignoreError = true;
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Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateManager

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