
Examples of

        extractor.extractOrCopy( true );

        schemaPartition.setWrappedPartition( ldifPartition );

        SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader( schemaRepository );
        SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager( loader );
        service.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        // We have to load the schema now, otherwise we won't be able
        // to initialize the Partitions, as we won't be able to parse
        // and normalize their suffix DN

        schemaPartition.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();

        if ( errors.size() != 0 )
            throw new Exception( "Schema load failed : " + ExceptionUtils.printErrors( errors ) );
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        if ( request.getDerefAliases() != previousSearchRequest.getDerefAliases() )
            return false;
        SchemaManager schemaManager =

        // Compares the attributes
        if ( request.getAttributes() == null )
            if ( previousSearchRequest.getAttributes() != null )
                return false;
            if ( previousSearchRequest.getAttributes() == null )
                return false;
                // We have to normalize the attributes in order to compare them
                if ( request.getAttributes().size() != previousSearchRequest.getAttributes().size() )
                    return false;
                // Build the set of attributeType from both requests
                Set<String> requestSet = buildAttributeSet( request, session, schemaManager );
                Set<String> previousRequestSet = buildAttributeSet( previousSearchRequest, session, schemaManager );
                // Check that both sets have the same size again after having converted
                // the attributes to OID
                if ( requestSet.size() != previousRequestSet.size() )
                    return false;
                for ( String attribute:requestSet )
                    previousRequestSet.remove( attribute );
                // The other set must be empty
                if ( !previousRequestSet.isEmpty() )
                    return false;
        // Compare the baseDN
            request.getBase().normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( !previousSearchRequest.getBase().isNormalized() )
                previousSearchRequest.getBase().normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
            if ( !request.getBase().equals( previousSearchRequest.getBase() ) )
                return false;
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        return new Asn1CodecDecoder( new MessageDecoder( new BinaryAttributeDetector()
            public boolean isBinary( String id )
                SchemaManager schemaManager = directoryService.getSchemaManager();
                    AttributeType type = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( id );
                    return ! type.getSyntax().isHumanReadable();
                catch ( Exception e )
                    if ( StringTools.isEmpty( id ) )
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        extractor.extractOrCopy( true );

        schemaPartition.setWrappedPartition( ldifPartition );

        SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader( schemaRepository );
        SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager( loader );
        dirService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        // We have to load the schema now, otherwise we won't be able
        // to initialize the Partitions, as we won't be able to parse
        // and normalize their suffix DN

        schemaPartition.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();

        if ( errors.size() != 0 )
            throw new Exception( "Schema load failed : " + ExceptionUtils.printErrors( errors ) );
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        if ( principal == null )
            return null;

        SchemaManager schemaManager = session.getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager();
        List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>(2);
        ServerAttribute newPasswordAttribute = new DefaultServerAttribute(
            schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT ), StringTools.getBytesUtf8( newPassword ) );
        mods.add( new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, newPasswordAttribute ) );
        ServerAttribute principalAttribute = new DefaultServerAttribute(
            schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT ), principal.getName() );
        mods.add( new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, principalAttribute ) );
        //FIXME check if keyderivation is necessary
        ServerEntry entry = StoreUtils.findPrincipalEntry( session, searchBaseDn, principal.getName() );
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        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = null;
            SchemaManager schemaManager = session.getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager();
            cursor = searchBaseDn, SearchScope.SUBTREE,
                getFilter( schemaManager, principal ), AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS, null );
            if ( )
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        for ( Modification mod:mods )
            newModsList.add( mod );
        SchemaManager schemaManager = modContext.getSession()

        // Add our modification items.
            new ServerModification(
                new DefaultServerAttribute(
                    schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT ),
                    principalName ) ) );
            new ServerModification(
                new DefaultServerAttribute(
                    schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT ),
                    Integer.toString( kvno ) ) ) );
        ServerAttribute attribute = getKeyAttribute( modContext.getSession()
            .getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager(), keys );
        newModsList.add( new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attribute ) );
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        schemaPartition.setWrappedPartition( ldifPartition );

        SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader( schemaRepository );
        SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager( loader );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        // We have to load the schema now, otherwise we won't be able
        // to initialize the Partitions, as we won't be able to parse
        // and normalize their suffix DN

        schemaPartition.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();

        if ( errors.size() != 0 )
            throw new Exception( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_317, ExceptionUtils.printErrors( errors ) ) );
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     * @param directoryService the directory service core
     * @throws NamingException if there are failures on initialization
    public GroupCache( CoreSession session ) throws Exception
        SchemaManager schemaManager = session.getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager();
        normalizerMap = schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping();
        nexus = session.getDirectoryService().getPartitionNexus();
        memberAT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.MEMBER_AT_OID );
        uniqueMemberAT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.UNIQUE_MEMBER_AT_OID );

        // stuff for dealing with the admin group
        administratorsGroupDn = parseNormalized( ServerDNConstants.ADMINISTRATORS_GROUP_DN );

        initialize( session );
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    public void init( DirectoryService directoryService ) throws Exception
        super.init( directoryService );
        triggerSpecCache = new TriggerSpecCache( directoryService );
        final SchemaManager schemaManager = directoryService.getSchemaManager();

        triggerParser = new TriggerSpecificationParser
            ( new NormalizerMappingResolver()
                    public Map<String, OidNormalizer> getNormalizerMapping() throws Exception
                        return schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping();
        chain = directoryService.getInterceptorChain();
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