
Examples of

            env.put( DirectoryService.JNDI_KEY, directoryService );
            ctx = new InitialLdapContext( env, JndiUtils.toJndiControls( connCtls ) );
        catch ( NamingException e )
            ResultCodeEnum code;

            if ( e instanceof LdapException )
                code = ( ( LdapException ) e ).getResultCode();
                result.setResultCode( code );
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        InternalLdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

         * Set the result code or guess the best option.
        ResultCodeEnum code;
        if ( e instanceof LdapException )
            code = ( ( LdapException ) e ).getResultCode();
            code = ResultCodeEnum.getBestEstimate( e, req.getType() );
        result.setResultCode( code );

         * Setup the error message to put into the request and put entire
         * exception into the message if we are in debug mode.  Note we
         * embed the result code name into the message.
        String msg = code.toString() + ": failed for " + req + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage();

        if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
            LOG.debug( msg, e );
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        InternalLdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

         * Set the result code or guess the best option.
        ResultCodeEnum code;
        if ( e instanceof LdapException )
            code = ( ( LdapException ) e ).getResultCode();
            code = ResultCodeEnum.getBestEstimate( e, req.getType() );
        result.setResultCode( code );

         * Setup the error message to put into the request and put entire
         * exception into the message if we are in debug mode.  Note we
         * embed the result code name into the message.
        String msg = code.toString() + ": failed for " + req + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
        LOG.debug( msg, e );
        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            msg += ":\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace( e );
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        catch ( Exception e )
            // Something went wrong. Write back an error message
            // For BindRequest, it should be an InvalidCredentials,
            // no matter what kind of exception we got.
            ResultCodeEnum code = null;
            InternalLdapResult result = bindRequest.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

            if ( e instanceof LdapOperationNotSupportedException )
                code = ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;
                result.setResultCode( code );
            else if ( e instanceof LdapInvalidNameException )
                code = ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX;
                result.setResultCode( code );
                code = ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS;
                result.setResultCode( code );

            String msg = code.toString() + ": Bind failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();

            if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                msg += ":\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace( e );
                msg += "\n\nBindRequest = \n" + bindRequest.toString();
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            LOG.debug( "Returned SUCCESS message: {}.", response );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // Something went wrong. Write back an error message           
            ResultCodeEnum code = null;
            InternalLdapResult result = bindRequest.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

            if ( e instanceof LdapException )
                code = ( ( LdapException ) e ).getResultCode();
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        if ( aliasDn.startsWith( normalizedAliasTargetDn ) )
            if ( aliasDn.equals( normalizedAliasTargetDn ) )
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_223 );
                ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
                LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
                e.setResolvedName( aliasDn );
                throw e;

            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_224, aliasTarget, aliasDn );
            ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
            LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
            e.setResolvedName( aliasDn );
            throw e;

         * Check For Aliases External To Naming Context
         * id may be null but the alias may be to a valid entry in
         * another namingContext.  Such aliases are not allowed and we
         * need to point it out to the user instead of saying the target
         * does not exist when it potentially could outside of this upSuffix.
        if ( !normalizedAliasTargetDn.startsWith( normSuffix ) )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_225, upSuffix.getName() );
            ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
            LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
            e.setResolvedName( aliasDn );
            throw e;

        // L O O K U P   T A R G E T   I D
        targetId = ndnIdx.forwardLookup( normalizedAliasTargetDn.toNormName() );

         * Check For Target Existence
         * We do not allow the creation of inconsistent aliases.  Aliases should
         * not be broken links.  If the target does not exist we start screaming
        if ( null == targetId )
            // Complain about target not existing
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_581, aliasDn.getName(), aliasTarget );
            ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM;
            LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
            e.setResolvedName( aliasDn );
            throw e;

         * Detect Direct Alias Chain Creation
         * Rather than resusitate the target to test if it is an alias and fail
         * due to chaing creation we use the alias index to determine if the
         * target is an alias.  Hence if the alias we are about to create points
         * to another alias as its target in the aliasedObjectName attribute,
         * then we have a situation where an alias chain is being created. 
         * Alias chaining is not allowed so we throw and exception.
        if ( null != aliasIdx.reverseLookup( targetId ) )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_227 );
            ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
            LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
            e.setResolvedName( aliasDn );
            throw e;

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        EntryAttribute objectClass = entry.get( OBJECT_CLASS_AT );

        if ( objectClass == null )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_217, entryDn.getName(), entry );
            ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION;
            NamingException e = new LdapSchemaViolationException( msg, rc );
            e.setResolvedName( entryDn );
            throw e;
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            syncCookie = syncDoneCtrl.getCookie();
            LOG.debug( "assigning cookie from sync done value control: " + StringTools.utf8ToString( syncCookie ) );

        ResultCodeEnum resultCode = searchDone.getLdapResult().getResultCode();

        if ( resultCode == ResultCodeEnum.E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED )
                The server may return e-syncRefreshRequired
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            EntryAttribute objectClass = attrs.getOriginalEntry().get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
            if ( objectClass.contains( SchemaConstants.ALIAS_OC ) )
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_252, name.getName() );
                ResultCodeEnum rc = ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM;
                LdapNamingException e = new LdapNamingException( msg, rc );
                e.setResolvedName( new DN( parentDn.getName() ) );
                throw e;
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    public void testFailureToAddBadACI() throws Exception
        // add a subentry with malformed ACI
        ResultCodeEnum result = createAccessControlSubentry( "anybodyAdd", "{ " + "identificationTag \"addAci\", " + "precedence 14, "
            + "authenticationLevel none, " + "itemOrUserFirst userFirst: { " + "userClasses { allUsers }, "
            + "userPermissions { { " + "protectedItems {entry, allUserAttributeTypesAndValues}, "
            + "grantsAndDenials { grantAdd, grantBrowse } } }" );
        assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, result );
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