
Examples of


        int newId = messageId.incrementAndGet();

        ModifyDnResponse resp = new ModifyDnResponseImpl( newId );
        LdapResult result = resp.getLdapResult();
        result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );

        if ( modDnRequest.getName().isEmpty() )
            // it is not allowed to modify the name of the Root DSE
            String msg = "Modify Dn is not allowed on Root DSE.";
            result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
            result.setDiagnosticMessage( msg );
            return resp;

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            bindResp.addAllControls( bindContext.getResponseControls() );
        catch ( LdapOperationException e )
            LOG.warn( e.getMessage(), e );
            LdapResult res = bindResp.getLdapResult();
            res.setDiagnosticMessage( e.getMessage() );
            res.setResultCode( e.getResultCode() );

        return bindResp;
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    private SearchResultDone doSimpleSearch( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req, ReplicaEventLog replicaLog )
        throws Exception
        PROVIDER_LOG.debug( "Simple Search {} for {}", req, session );
        SearchResultDone searchDoneResp = ( SearchResultDone ) req.getResultResponse();
        LdapResult ldapResult = searchDoneResp.getLdapResult();

        // A normal search
        // Check that we have a cursor or not.
        // No cursor : do a search.
        Cursor<Entry> cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );
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            // Replication is not allowed on this server. generate a error message
            LOG.warn( "This server does not allow replication" );
            LdapResult result = searchRequest.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

            result.setDiagnosticMessage( "Replication is not allowed on this server" );
            result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
            session.getIoSession().write( searchRequest.getResultResponse() );

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            pagedSearchControl.setCritical( true );

        // and return
        LdapResult ldapResult = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        ldapResult.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
        req.getResultResponse().addControl( pagedSearchControl );

        return ( SearchResultDone ) req.getResultResponse();
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            return abandonPagedSearch( session, req );

        // Now, depending on the cookie, we will deal with case 2, 3, 4 and 5
        byte[] cookie = pagedSearchControl.getCookie();
        LdapResult ldapResult = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

        if ( Strings.isEmpty( cookie ) )
            // No cursor : do a search.
            cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );

            // Position the cursor at the beginning

            // This is a new search. We have a special case when the paged size
            // is above the server size limit : in this case, we default to a
            // standard search
            if ( pagedLimit > sizeLimit )
                // Normal search : create the cursor, and set pagedControl to false
                    // And write the entries
                    writeResults( session, req, ldapResult, cursor, sizeLimit );
                    catch ( Exception e )
                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_168 ), e );

                // If we had a cookie in the session, remove it
                removeContext( session, pagedContext );

                return ( SearchResultDone ) req.getResultResponse();
                // Case 2 : create the context
                pagedContext = new PagedSearchContext( req );

                session.addPagedSearchContext( pagedContext );
                cookie = pagedContext.getCookie();
                pagedResultsControl = new PagedResultsDecorator( ldapServer.getDirectoryService()
                    .getLdapCodecService() );
                pagedResultsControl.setCookie( cookie );
                pagedResultsControl.setSize( 0 );
                pagedResultsControl.setCritical( true );

                // And stores the cursor into the session
                pagedContext.setCursor( cursor );
            // We have a cookie
            // Either case 3, 4 or 5
            int cookieValue = pagedSearchControl.getCookieValue();
            pagedContext = session.getPagedSearchContext( cookieValue );

            if ( pagedContext == null )
                // We didn't found the cookie into the session : it must be invalid
                // send an error.
                ldapResult.setDiagnosticMessage( "Invalid cookie for this PagedSearch request." );
                ldapResult.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );

                return ( SearchResultDone ) req.getResultResponse();

            if ( pagedContext.hasSameRequest( req, session ) )
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     * @return the result done
     * @throws Exception if there are failures while processing the request
    private SearchResultDone doSimpleSearch( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req ) throws Exception
        LdapResult ldapResult = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

        // Check if we are using the Paged Search Control
        Object control = req.getControls().get( PagedResults.OID );

        if ( control != null )
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     * Handles processing with referrals without ManageDsaIT decorator.
    private void handleWithReferrals( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req ) throws LdapException
        LdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        Entry entry = null;
        boolean isReferral = false;
        boolean isparentReferral = false;
        DirectoryService directoryService = session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService();
        ReferralManager referralManager = directoryService.getReferralManager();
        Dn reqTargetDn = req.getBase();

        reqTargetDn.apply( directoryService.getSchemaManager() );

        // Check if the entry itself is a referral

            isReferral = referralManager.isReferral( reqTargetDn );

            if ( !isReferral )
                // Check if the entry has a parent which is a referral
                isparentReferral = referralManager.hasParentReferral( reqTargetDn );
            // Unlock the ReferralManager

        if ( !isReferral && !isparentReferral )
            // This is not a referral and it does not have a parent which
            // is a referral : standard case, just deal with the request
            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "Entry {} is NOT a referral.", reqTargetDn );

            handleIgnoringReferrals( session, req );

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Lookup Entry
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------

            // try to lookup the entry but ignore exceptions when it does not
            // exist since entry may not exist but may have an ancestor that is a
            // referral - would rather attempt a lookup that fails then do check
            // for existence than have to do another lookup to get entry info
                entry = session.getCoreSession().lookup( reqTargetDn );

                if ( IS_DEBUG )
                    LOG.debug( "Entry for {} was found: ", reqTargetDn, entry );
            catch ( LdapException e )
                /* ignore */
                LOG.debug( "Entry for {} not found.", reqTargetDn );
            catch ( Exception e )
                /* serious and needs handling */
                handleException( session, req, e );


            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Handle Existing Entry
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------

            if ( entry != null )
                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "Entry is a referral: {}", entry );

                    handleReferralEntryForSearch( session, req, entry );

                catch ( Exception e )
                    handleException( session, req, e );

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Handle Non-existing Entry
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------

            // if the entry is null we still have to check for a referral ancestor
            // also the referrals need to be adjusted based on the ancestor's ref
            // values to yield the correct path to the entry in the target DSAs

                // The entry is null : it has a parent referral.
                Entry referralAncestor = null;

                    referralAncestor = getFarthestReferralAncestor( session, reqTargetDn );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    handleException( session, req, e );


                if ( referralAncestor == null )
                    result.setDiagnosticMessage( "Entry not found." );
                    result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
                    session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );


                // if we get here then we have a valid referral ancestor
                    Referral referral = getReferralOnAncestorForSearch( session, req, referralAncestor );

                    result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
                    result.setReferral( referral );
                    session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    handleException( session, req, e );
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     * @param entry the entry associated with the request
    private void handleReferralEntryForSearch( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req, Entry entry )
        throws Exception
        LdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        ReferralImpl referral = new ReferralImpl();
        result.setReferral( referral );
        result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
        result.setDiagnosticMessage( "Encountered referral attempting to handle request." );
        result.setMatchedDn( req.getBase() );

        Attribute refAttr = ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) entry ).getOriginalEntry().get( SchemaConstants.REF_AT );

        for ( Value<?> refval : refAttr )
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     * Handles processing with referrals without ManageDsaIT decorator.
    public void handleException( LdapSession session, ResultResponseRequest req, Exception e )
        LdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        Exception cause = null;

         * Set the result code or guess the best option.
        ResultCodeEnum code;

        if ( e instanceof CursorClosedException )
            cause = ( Exception ) ( ( CursorClosedException ) e ).getCause();

            if ( cause == null )
                cause = e;
            cause = e;

        if ( cause instanceof LdapOperationException )
            code = ( ( LdapOperationException ) cause ).getResultCode();
            code = ResultCodeEnum.getBestEstimate( cause, req.getType() );

        result.setResultCode( code );

         * Setup the error message to put into the request and put entire
         * exception into the message if we are in debug mode.  Note we
         * embed the result code name into the message.
        String msg = code.toString() + ": failed for " + req + ": " + cause.getLocalizedMessage();

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            LOG.debug( msg, cause );
            msg += ":\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace( cause );

        result.setDiagnosticMessage( msg );

        if ( cause instanceof LdapOperationException )
            LdapOperationException ne = ( LdapOperationException ) cause;

            // Add the matchedDN if necessary
            boolean setMatchedDn = code == ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT || code == ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM
                || code == ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX || code == ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;

            if ( ( ne.getResolvedDn() != null ) && setMatchedDn )
                result.setMatchedDn( ne.getResolvedDn() );

        session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
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