Package org.apache.cocoon

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException

                                        String handlerName,
                                        String applicationName)
  throws IOException, ProcessingException {
        HandlerConfiguration config = this.getHandlerConfiguration( handlerName );
        if ( config == null ) {
            throw new ProcessingException("Unknown handler to check: " + handlerName);
        // are we already logged in?
        UserHandler handler = this.getUserHandler( handlerName );
        final boolean authenticated = ( handler != null );
        if ( !authenticated ) {
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  public void logout(String handlerName, int mode)
    throws ProcessingException {
        HandlerConfiguration config = this.getHandlerConfiguration( handlerName );
        if ( config == null ) {
            throw new ProcessingException("Unknown handler to logout: " + handlerName);
        // are we logged in?
        UserHandler handler = this.getUserHandler( handlerName );
        // we don't throw an exception if we are already logged out!
        if ( handler != null ) {
            UserState status = this.getUserState();
            status.removeHandler( handlerName );

            // handling of session termination
            SessionManager sessionManager = null;
            try {
                sessionManager = (SessionManager)this.manager.lookup( SessionManager.ROLE );
                if ( mode == AuthenticationConstants.LOGOUT_MODE_IMMEDIATELY ) {
                } else if ( mode == AuthenticationConstants.LOGOUT_MODE_IF_UNUSED ) {
                    if ( !status.hasHandler()) {
                        sessionManager.terminateSession( false );
                } else if ( mode == AuthenticationConstants.LOGOUT_MODE_IF_NOT_AUTHENTICATED) {
                    if ( !status.hasHandler()) {
                        sessionManager.terminateSession( true );
                } else {
                    throw new ProcessingException("Unknown logout mode: " + mode);
            } catch (ServiceException se) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Unable to lookup session manager.", se);
            } finally {
                this.manager.release( sessionManager );
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    throws ProcessingException {
        if (this.profileStore == null) {
            try {
                this.profileStore = (Store)this.manager.lookup(Store.ROLE);
            } catch (ComponentException ce) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Error during lookup of store component.", ce);
        return this.profileStore;
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    throws ProcessingException {
        if (this.authenticationManager == null) {
            try {
                this.authenticationManager = (AuthenticationManager)this.manager.lookup(AuthenticationManager.ROLE);
            } catch (ComponentException ce) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Error during lookup of AuthenticationManager.", ce);
        return this.authenticationManager;
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                        pars.setSingleParameterValue("handler", this.getAuthenticationManager().getHandlerName());

                        String saveResource = (String)configuration.get(PortalConstants.CONF_COPLETBASE_SAVE_RESOURCE);

                        if (saveResource == null) {
                            throw new ProcessingException("portal: No save resource defined for type coplet-base.");
                        } else {

                            // now the hardest part, clean up the whole cache
                            this.cleanUpCache(null, null, configuration);
                } finally {

            // general commands
            if (command != null && command.equals("cleancache") == true) {
                this.cleanUpCache(null, null, configuration);

            String state = this.request.getParameter(PortalManager.REQ_PARAMETER_STATE);
            if (state == null) {
                state = (String)context.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_STATE, PortalConstants.STATE_MAIN);

            // now start producing xml:
            AttributesImpl attr = new AttributesImpl();
            consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ADMINCONF, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ADMINCONF, attr);

            context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_STATE, state);
            consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_STATE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_STATE, attr);
            consumer.characters(state.toCharArray(), 0, state.length());
            consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_STATE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_STATE);

            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_MAIN) == true) {

                Document rolesDF = this.getRoles();
                Node     roles   = null;
                if (rolesDF != null) roles = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(rolesDF, "roles");
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(roles, consumer, consumer);

            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_MAIN_ROLE) == true) {

                Document rolesDF = this.getRoles();
                Node     roles   = null;
                if (rolesDF != null) roles = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(rolesDF, "roles");
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(roles, consumer, consumer);

                String role = this.request.getParameter(PortalManager.REQ_PARAMETER_ROLE);
                if (role == null) {
                    role = (String)context.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE);
                context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE, role);
                if (role != null) {
                    this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "roleusers");
                    this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "name");
                    this.sendTextEvent(consumer, role);
                    this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "name");
                    Document userDF = this.getUsers(role, null);
                    Node     users = null;
                    if (userDF != null) users = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(userDF, "users");
                    IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(users, consumer, consumer);
                    this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "roleusers");

            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_GLOBAL) == true) {
                profileID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL, null, null, true);
                Map profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                if (profile == null) {
                    this.createProfile(context, PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL, null, null, true);
                    profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                this.showPortal(consumer, true, context, profile, profileID);

            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_ROLE) == true) {
                String role = this.request.getParameter(PortalManager.REQ_PARAMETER_ROLE);
                if (role == null) {
                    role = (String)context.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE);
                context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE, role);
                if (role != null) {
                    consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, attr);
                    consumer.characters(role.toCharArray(), 0, role.length());
                    consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE);
                    profileID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE, role, null, true);
                    Map profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                    if (profile == null) {
                        this.createProfile(context, PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE, role, null, true);
                        profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                    this.showPortal(consumer, true, context, profile, profileID);
            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_USER) == true) {
                String role = this.request.getParameter(PortalManager.REQ_PARAMETER_ROLE);
                String id   = this.request.getParameter(PortalManager.REQ_PARAMETER_ID);
                if (role == null) {
                    role = (String)context.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE);
                if (id == null) {
                    id = (String)context.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ID);
                context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ID, id);
                context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_ROLE, role);
                if (role != null && id != null) {
                    consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, attr);
                    consumer.characters(role.toCharArray(), 0, role.length());
                    consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ROLE);
                    consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ID, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ID, attr);
                    consumer.characters(id.toCharArray(), 0, id.length());
                    consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ID, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ID);

                    profileID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID, role, id, true);
                    Map profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                    if (profile == null) {
                        this.createProfile(context, PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID, role, id, true);
                        profile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
                    this.showPortal(consumer, true, context, profile, profileID);
            // one coplet
            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_COPLET) == true) {
                if (copletsFragment != null && copletID != null) {
                    Node coplet = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(copletsFragment, "coplets-profile/coplets/coplet[@id='"+copletID+"']");
                    if (coplet != null) {
                        IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(coplet, consumer, consumer);
                } else {
                    state = PortalConstants.STATE_COPLETS;
            if (state.equals(PortalConstants.STATE_COPLETS) == true) {
                consumer.startElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_COPLETS, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_COPLETS, attr);

                // load the base coplets profile
                if (copletsFragment == null) {
                    SourceParameters pars = new SourceParameters();
                    pars.setSingleParameterValue("application", this.getAuthenticationManager().getApplicationName());
                    String res = (String)configuration.get(PortalConstants.CONF_COPLETBASE_RESOURCE);
                    if (res == null) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("No configuration for portal-coplet base profile found.");
                    copletsFragment = SourceUtil.readDOM(res,
                    context.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ADMIN_COPLETS, copletsFragment);
                                   "coplets-profile"), consumer, consumer);
                consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_COPLETS, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_COPLETS);

            // configuration
            this.streamConfiguration(consumer, this.request.getRequestURI(), profileID, null, null);

            consumer.endElement("", PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ADMINCONF, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_ADMINCONF);
        } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException local) {
            throw new ProcessingException("TransformerException: " + local, local);

        if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() == true) {
            this.getLogger().debug("END showAdminConf");
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            profileID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID,
                    (String)context.getAttribute(PortalManager.ATTRIBUTE_PORTAL_ID), adminProfile);
            storedProfile = this.retrieveProfile(profileID);
            if (storedProfile == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("portal: No portal profile found.");
            if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() == true) {
                this.getLogger().debug("end building profile");
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                defaultCoplets == null ||
                mediaCoplets == null ||
                portalLayouts == null ||
                copleyLayouts == null ||
                miscNodes == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("portal: No portal profile found.");

            // get the configuration
            Map config = this.getConfiguration();
            if (config == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("No configuration for portal found.");
            boolean processCopletsParallel = false;
            long    defaultCopletTimeout   = 600000;

            Boolean boolValue = (Boolean)config.get(PortalConstants.CONF_PARALLEL_COPLETS);
            if (boolValue != null) processCopletsParallel = boolValue.booleanValue();
            Long longValue = (Long)config.get(PortalConstants.CONF_COPLET_TIMEOUT);
            if (longValue != null) defaultCopletTimeout = longValue.longValue();

            Element element;

            // now start producing xml:
            AttributesImpl attr = new AttributesImpl();
            if (configMode == true) {
                this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_PORTALCONF);
            } else {
                this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_PORTAL);

            // configuration
            this.streamConfiguration(consumer, this.request.getRequestURI(), profileID, mediaType, null);

            // LAYOUT:
            if (configMode == true) {
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","layout-profile"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
                // copletsConfiguration (only for configMode)
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","coplets-profile"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","type-profile","typedefs"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","portal-profile"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","personal-profile"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
                IncludeXMLConsumer.includeNode(DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","status-profile"}, false),
                     consumer, consumer);
            } else {
                PortalManager.streamLayoutProfile(consumer, portalLayouts, copleyLayouts, mediaType);
            // END LAYOUT

            if (configMode == false) {
                Element statusProfile = (Element)DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","status-profile"}, false);

                String copletNotAvailableMessage = "The coplet is currently not available.";
                Node messages = miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_MESSAGES_NODE];
                if (messages != null) {
                    messages = DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(messages, new String[] {"coplet_not_available"}, false);
                    if (messages != null) copletNotAvailableMessage = DOMUtil.getValueOfNode(messages,

                // LOAD COPLETS
                List[] copletContents;

                copletContents = (List[])context.getAttribute(PortalConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COPLET_REPOSITORY);
                if (copletContents == null) {
                    copletContents = new List[PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS+2];
                    context.setAttribute(PortalConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COPLET_REPOSITORY, copletContents);
                if (copletContents[0] == null) {
                    copletContents[0] = new ArrayList(1);
                } else {
                if (copletContents[1] == null) {
                    copletContents[1] = new ArrayList(1);
                } else {

                // test for header
                String value;
                value = DOMUtil.getValueOfNode(miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_HEADER_NODE]);
                if (value != null && new Boolean(value).booleanValue() == true) {
                    element = (Element)miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_HEADER_CONTENT_NODE];
                    if (element != null) {

                // content
                value = DOMUtil.getValueOfNode(miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_COLUMNS_NODE]);

                // for a simpler XSL-Stylesheet: The columns must be inserted in the
                // correct order!!!
                if (value != null && new Integer(value).intValue() > 0) {

                    Element columnElement;
                    int columns = new Integer(value).intValue();
                    if (columns > PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("portal: Maximum number of columns supported is: "+PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS);

                    for(int colindex = 1; colindex <= columns; colindex++) {
                        if (copletContents[colindex+1] == null) {
                            copletContents[colindex+1] = new ArrayList(10);
                        } else {
                        columnElement = (Element)miscNodes[7 + colindex];
                        element = (Element)DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(columnElement, new String[] {"coplets"}, false);
                        if (element != null) {

                    for(int colindex = columns+2; colindex <= PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS+1; colindex++) {
                        if (copletContents[colindex] != null) {
                            copletContents[colindex] = null;

                } else {
                    for(int colindex = 1; colindex <= PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS; colindex++) {
                        if (copletContents[colindex+1] != null) {
                            copletContents[colindex+1] = null;

                // test for footer
                value = DOMUtil.getValueOfNode(miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_FOOTER_NODE]);
                if (value != null && new Boolean(value).booleanValue() == true) {
                    element = (Element)miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_FOOTER_CONTENT_NODE];
                    if (element != null) {
                // END LOAD COPLETS

                // DESIGN
                // test for header
                if (copletContents[0].size() > 0) {
                    consumer.startElement("", "header", "header", attr);
                    this.processCopletList(copletContents[0], consumer, copletNotAvailableMessage, defaultCopletTimeout);
                    consumer.endElement("", "header", "header");

                // content
                value = DOMUtil.getValueOfNode(miscNodes[PortalConstants.PROFILE_MISC_COLUMNS_NODE]);

                // for a simpler XSL-Stylesheet: The columns must be inserted in the
                // correct order!!!
                if (value != null && new Integer(value).intValue() > 0) {
                    attr.addAttribute("", "number", "number", "CDATA", value);
                    this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "columns", attr);

                    int columns = new Integer(value).intValue();
                    if (columns > PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS) {
                        throw new ProcessingException("portal: Maximum number of columns supported is: "+PortalConstants.MAX_COLUMNS);

                    // determine the width of the columns
                    String[] width = new String[columns];
                    int normalWidth = 100 / columns;
                    Element columnElement;

                    for(int colindex = 1; colindex <= columns; colindex++) {
                        columnElement = (Element)miscNodes[7 + colindex];
                        value = DOMUtil.getValueOf(columnElement, "width");
                        if (value == null) {
                            width[colindex-1] = "" + normalWidth + "%";
                        } else {
                            width[colindex-1] = value;

                    for(int colindex = 1; colindex <= columns; colindex++) {
                        attr.addAttribute("", "position", "position", "CDATA", "" + colindex);
                        attr.addAttribute("", "width", "width", "CDATA", width[colindex-1]);
                        this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "column", attr);

                        this.processCopletList(copletContents[colindex+1], consumer, copletNotAvailableMessage, defaultCopletTimeout);

                        this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "column");
                    this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "columns");
                } else {
                    attr.addAttribute("", "number", "number", "CDATA", "0");
                    this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "columns", attr);
                    this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "columns");

                // test for footer
                if (copletContents[1].size() > 0) {
                    this.sendStartElementEvent(consumer, "footer");
                    this.processCopletList(copletContents[1], consumer, copletNotAvailableMessage, defaultCopletTimeout);
                    this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, "footer");
                // END DESIGN

                for(int i=0; i<copletContents.length;i++) {
                    if (copletContents[i]!=null) copletContents[i].clear();

                // Personal information and status information
                this.sendEvents(consumer, DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(profile, new String[] {"profile","personal-profile"}, false));
                this.sendEvents(consumer, statusProfile);

            if (configMode == true) {
                this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_PORTALCONF);
            } else {
                this.sendEndElementEvent(consumer, PortalConstants.ELEMENT_PORTAL);

        } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException local) { // end synchronized
            throw new ProcessingException("TransformerException: " + local, local);
        } finally {
        if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() == true) {
            this.getLogger().debug("END showPortal");
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            this.getLogger().debug("BEGIN buildProfile type=" + objectModel + ", role=" + role + ", id=" +id+", adminProfile="+adminProfile);
        try {
            // check parameter
            if (type == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("buildProfile: Type is required");
            if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL) == true ||
                type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC) == true) {
                // nothing to do here
            } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE) == true) {
                if (role == null) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("buildProfile: Role is required");
            } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
                if (role == null) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("buildProfile: Role is required");
                if (id == null) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("buildProfile: ID is required");
            } else {
                throw new ProcessingException("buildProfile: Type unknown: " + type);

            SessionContext context = this.getContext(true);
            try {

                String profileID = this.getProfileID(type, role, id, adminProfile);
                Map theProfile = null;

                // get the configuration
                Map config = this.getConfiguration();
                if (config == null) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("No configuration for portal found.");

                // is the ID profile cached?
                if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
                    theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(profileID, config);

                if (theProfile == null) {

                    boolean doBase = false;
                    boolean doGlobal = false;
                    boolean doRole = false;
                    boolean doID = false;
                    String previousID;

                    if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
                        doID = true;
                        previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE, role, null, adminProfile);
                        theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                        if (theProfile == null) {
                            doRole = true;
                            previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL, null, null, adminProfile);
                            theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                            if (theProfile == null) {
                                doGlobal = true;
                                previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC, null, null, adminProfile);
                                theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                    } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE) == true) {
                        theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(profileID, config);
                        if (theProfile == null) {
                            doRole = true;
                            previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL, null, null, adminProfile);
                            theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                            if (theProfile == null) {
                                doGlobal = true;
                                previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC, null, null, adminProfile);
                                theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                    } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL) == true) {
                        theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(profileID, config);
                        if (theProfile == null) {
                            doGlobal = true;
                            previousID = this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC, null, null, adminProfile);
                            theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(previousID, config);
                    } else { // basic profile
                        theProfile = this.getCachedProfile(profileID, config);

                    // build the profile
                    if (theProfile == null) {
                        theProfile = new HashMap(8,2);
                        doBase = true;

                    Element          profileRoot;
                    DocumentFragment profile;

                    if (doBase == true) {
                        // build the base level
                        profile = this.buildBaseProfile(config, adminProfile);
                        profileRoot = (Element)profile.getFirstChild();
                        theProfile.put(PortalConstants.PROFILE_PROFILE, profile);
                        this.cacheProfile(this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC, null, null, adminProfile), theProfile, config);
                    } else {
                        profile = (DocumentFragment)theProfile.get(PortalConstants.PROFILE_PROFILE);
                        profileRoot = (Element)profile.getFirstChild();

                    // load the global delta if type is global, role or user (but not basic!)
                    if (doGlobal == true) {
                        this.buildGlobalProfile(profileRoot, config, adminProfile);
                        this.cacheProfile(this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL, null, null, adminProfile), theProfile, config);

                    // load the role delta if type is role or user
                    if (doRole == true) {
                        this.buildRoleProfile(profileRoot, config, role, adminProfile);
                        this.cacheProfile(this.getProfileID(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE, role, null, adminProfile), theProfile, config);

                    // load the user delta if type is user
                    if (doID == true) {
                        this.buildUserProfile(profileRoot, config, role, id, adminProfile);

                    // load the status profile when type is user
                    if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
                        this.buildUserStatusProfile(profileRoot, config, role, id, adminProfile);

                    if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC) == false) {
                        this.buildRunProfile(theProfile, context, profile);

                               this.buildPortalLayouts(context, profile));
                               this.buildcopleyLayouts(context, profile));

                        this.buildTypeProfile(theProfile, context, profile);

                    // cache the profile, if user
                    if (doID == true) {
                        this.cacheProfile(profileID, theProfile, config);
                } else {
                    // load the status profile when type is user
                    if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
                        DocumentFragment profile = (DocumentFragment)theProfile.get(PortalConstants.PROFILE_PROFILE);
                        Element profileRoot = (Element)profile.getFirstChild();
                        this.buildUserStatusProfile(profileRoot, config, role, id, adminProfile);

                // store the whole profile
                this.storeProfile(profileID, theProfile);

                // now put role and id into the context if type is ID
                if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true
                    && adminProfile == false) {
                    context.setAttribute(PortalManager.ATTRIBUTE_PORTAL_ROLE, role);
                    context.setAttribute(PortalManager.ATTRIBUTE_PORTAL_ID, id);
            } finally {
            }// end synchronized
        } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException local) {
            throw new ProcessingException("TransformerException: " + local, local);

        if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() == true) {
            this.getLogger().debug("END buildProfile");
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        DocumentFragment delta;
        SessionContext context = this.getContext(true);

        originalProfile = this.retrieveProfile(this.getProfileID(type, role, id, adminProfile));
        if (originalProfile == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("buildProfileDelta: no profile found for " +
                   type + " - " + role + " - " + id + ".");

        if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ID) == true) {
            baseType = PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE;
            baseRole = role;
            baseID   = null;
            rootElementName = "user-delta";
        } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_ROLE) == true) {
            baseType = PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL;
            baseRole = null;
            baseID   = null;
            rootElementName = "role-delta";
        } else if (type.equals(PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_GLOBAL) == true) {
            baseType = PortalManager.BUILDTYPE_VALUE_BASIC;
            baseRole = null;
            baseID   = null;
            rootElementName = "global-delta";
        } else {
            throw new ProcessingException("buildProfileDelta: type '"+type+"' not allowed.");

        // the profile is created as we dont want to use any memory representation!
        this.createProfile(context, baseType, baseRole, baseID, adminProfile);
        baseProfile = this.retrieveProfile(this.getProfileID(baseType, baseRole, baseID, adminProfile));
        if (baseProfile == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("buildProfileDelta: no baseProfile found.");

        originalFragment = (DocumentFragment)originalProfile.get(PortalConstants.PROFILE_PROFILE);
        delta = originalFragment.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentFragment();
        delta.appendChild(delta.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, rootElementName));
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                        if (copletElements == null || copletElements.getLength() == 0) {
                            // mandatory coplet is not configured, so add it to the first column
                            Node content = DOMUtil.getSingleNode(baseProfile,
                            if (content == null)
                                throw new ProcessingException("Element not found: portal-profile/content/column/coplets");
                            Element el = content.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, "coplet");
                            el.setAttributeNS(null, "id", copletID);
                            if (copletMedia != null) {
                                el.setAttributeNS(null, "media", copletMedia);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException

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