
Examples of

        if (getJobId() != null) {
            if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log("Sending progress command ", Level.TRACE);
            try {
                EndPoint ep =;
                ep.sendMessageAsync(new UploadProgressCommand(getCommand(), getJobId(), reqType), new Callback(ep.getId(), this));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                s_logger.debug("Send command failed", e);
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                    if ( store.getUri() == null ) {

                    GetStorageStatsCommand command = new GetStorageStatsCommand(store.getTO());
                    EndPoint ssAhost =;
                    if (ssAhost == null) {
                        s_logger.debug("There is no secondary storage VM for secondary storage host " + store.getName());
                    long storeId = store.getId();
                    Answer answer = ssAhost.sendMessage(command);
                    if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
                        storageStats.put(storeId, (StorageStats)answer);
                        s_logger.trace("HostId: "+storeId+ " Used: " + ((StorageStats)answer).getByteUsed() + " Total Available: " + ((StorageStats)answer).getCapacityBytes());
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        return null;

    public String getChecksum(DataStore store, String templatePath) {
        EndPoint ep =;
        ComputeChecksumCommand cmd = new ComputeChecksumCommand(store.getTO(), templatePath);
        Answer answer = ep.sendMessage(cmd);
        if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
            return answer.getDetails();
        return null;
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    UploadCommand ucmd = new UploadCommand(url, volume.getId(), volume.getSize(), installPath, Type.VOLUME);
    UploadListener ul = new UploadListener(secStore, _timer, _uploadDao, uploadVolumeObj, this, ucmd, volume.getAccountId(), volume.getName(), Type.VOLUME, eventId, asyncJobId, asyncMgr);
    _listenerMap.put(uploadVolumeObj, ul);

    try {
        EndPoint ep =;
            ep.sendMessageAsync(ucmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), ul));
        } catch (Exception e) {
      s_logger.warn("Unable to start upload of volume " + volume.getName() + " from " + secStore.getName() + " to " +url, e);
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      UploadCommand ucmd = new UploadCommand(template, url, vmTemplateHost.getInstallPath(), vmTemplateHost.getSize());
      UploadListener ul = new UploadListener(secStore, _timer, _uploadDao, uploadTemplateObj, this, ucmd, template.getAccountId(), template.getName(), type, eventId, asyncJobId, asyncMgr);
      _listenerMap.put(uploadTemplateObj, ul);
          EndPoint ep =;
                ep.sendMessageAsync(ucmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), ul));
            } catch (Exception e) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to start upload of " + template.getUniqueName() + " from " + secStore.getName() + " to " +url, e);
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      boolean success = false;
      Type type = (template.getFormat() == ImageFormat.ISO) ? Type.ISO : Type.TEMPLATE ;

            // find an endpoint to send command
            DataStore store = this.storeMgr.getDataStore(vmTemplateHost.getDataStoreId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
            EndPoint ep =;

      //Check if it already exists.
      List<UploadVO> extractURLList = _uploadDao.listByTypeUploadStatus(template.getId(), type, UploadVO.Status.DOWNLOAD_URL_CREATED);
      if (extractURLList.size() > 0) {
               // do some check here
               UploadVO upload = extractURLList.get(0);
               String uploadUrl = extractURLList.get(0).getUploadUrl();
               String[] token = uploadUrl.split("/");
               // example: uploadUrl =
               // then token[2] =, token[4] = 2fdd9a70-9c4a-4a04-b1d5-1e41c221a1f9.iso
               String hostname = ep.getPublicAddr().replace(".", "-") + ".";
               if ((token != null) && (token.length == 5) && (token[2].equals(hostname + _ssvmUrlDomain))) // ssvm publicip and domain suffix not changed
                   return extractURLList.get(0);
               else if ((token != null) && (token.length == 5) && (token[2].startsWith(hostname))) { // domain suffix changed
                   String uuid = token[4];
                   uploadUrl = generateCopyUrl(ep.getPublicAddr(), uuid);
                   UploadVO vo = _uploadDao.createForUpdate();
                   vo.setLastUpdated(new Date());
                   _uploadDao.update(upload.getId(), vo);
                   return _uploadDao.findById(upload.getId(), true);
               } else { // ssvm publicip changed
                   return null;

      // It doesn't exist so create a DB entry.
      UploadVO uploadTemplateObj = new UploadVO(vmTemplateHost.getDataStoreId(), template.getId(), new Date(),
                                                  Status.DOWNLOAD_URL_NOT_CREATED, 0, type, Mode.HTTP_DOWNLOAD);

          // Create Symlink at ssvm
        String path = vmTemplateHost.getInstallPath();
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "." + template.getFormat().getFileExtension(); // adding "." + vhd/ova... etc.
        CreateEntityDownloadURLCommand cmd = new CreateEntityDownloadURLCommand(((ImageStoreEntity)store).getMountPoint(), path, uuid, null);
        Answer ans = ep.sendMessage(cmd);
          if (ans == null || !ans.getResult()) {
              errorString = "Unable to create a link for " +type+ " id:"+template.getId() + "," + ans.getDetails();
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorString);

          //Construct actual URL locally now that the symlink exists at SSVM
            String extractURL = generateCopyUrl(ep.getPublicAddr(), uuid);
            UploadVO vo = _uploadDao.createForUpdate();
            vo.setLastUpdated(new Date());
            _uploadDao.update(uploadTemplateObj.getId(), vo);
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            _uploadDao.update(uploadJob.getId(), uploadJob);

            // Create Symlink at ssvm
            String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "." + format.toString().toLowerCase() ;
            DataStore secStore = this.storeMgr.getDataStore(ApiDBUtils.findUploadById(uploadId).getDataStoreId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
            EndPoint ep =;
            if( ep == null ) {
              errorString = "There is no secondary storage VM for secondary storage host " + secStore.getName();
              throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorString);

            CreateEntityDownloadURLCommand cmd = new CreateEntityDownloadURLCommand(((ImageStoreEntity)secStore).getMountPoint(), path, uuid, null);
            Answer ans = ep.sendMessage(cmd);
            if (ans == null || !ans.getResult()) {
                errorString = "Unable to create a link for " +type+ " id:"+entityId + "," + ans.getDetails();
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorString);
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                DataStore secStore = this.storeMgr.getDataStore(extractJob.getDataStoreId(), DataStoreRole.Image);

                // Would delete the symlink for the Type and if Type == VOLUME then also the volume
                DeleteEntityDownloadURLCommand cmd = new DeleteEntityDownloadURLCommand(path, extractJob.getType(),extractJob.getUploadUrl(), ((ImageStoreVO)secStore).getParent());
                EndPoint ep =;
                 if( ep == null ) {
                  s_logger.warn("UploadMonitor cleanup: There is no secondary storage VM for secondary storage host " + extractJob.getDataStoreId());
                  continue; //TODO: why continue? why not break?
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  s_logger.debug("UploadMonitor cleanup: Sending deletion of extract URL "+ extractJob.getUploadUrl() + " to ssvm " + ep.getHostAddr());
                Answer ans = ep.sendMessage(cmd);
                if ( ans != null && ans.getResult()){
                    s_logger.warn("UploadMonitor cleanup: Unable to delete the link for " + extractJob.getType()+ " id=" + extractJob.getTypeId()+ " url="+ extractJob.getUploadUrl() + " on ssvm " + ep.getHostAddr());

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                        VolumeObjectTO tmplTO = new VolumeObjectTO();
                        DeleteCommand dtCommand = new DeleteCommand(tmplTO);
                        EndPoint ep =;
                        Answer answer = ep.sendMessage(dtCommand);
                        if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
                  "Failed to deleted volume at store: " + store.getName());

                        } else {
                            String description = "Deleted volume " + tInfo.getTemplateName() + " on secondary storage " + storeId;
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    private Map<Long, TemplateProp> listVolume(DataStore store) {
        ListVolumeCommand cmd = new ListVolumeCommand(store.getTO(), store.getUri());
        EndPoint ep =;
        Answer answer = ep.sendMessage(cmd);
        if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) {
            ListVolumeAnswer tanswer = (ListVolumeAnswer) answer;
            return tanswer.getTemplateInfo();
        } else {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
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