Package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.parser

Examples of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.parser.MetadataParser
 = props;
    public PropertyMapper getPropertyMapper(String contentType) {
        MetadataParser parser = getParser(contentType);
        return parser.getMapper();
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        MetadataParser parser = getParser(contentType);
        return parser.getMapper();
    public MetadataParser getParser(String contentType) {
        MetadataParser parser = parserMap.get(contentType);
        if (null == parser) {
            // if not found try a more generic one
            String genericContentType = contentType.substring(0, contentType.indexOf('/')) + "/*";
            for (String key: parserMap.keySet()) {
                if (key.equals(genericContentType))
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    void createParsers() {
        String[] typeKeys = getTypeKeys();
        for (String typeKey : typeKeys) {
            MetadataParser parser = loadParserClass(typeKey);
            String contentType = properties.getProperty(PREFIX + "." + typeKey);
            if (null == contentType)
                throw new MapperException("Missing content type in properties: " + PREFIX + "." + contentType);
            PropertyMapper mapper = contentTypeMapperMap.get(typeKey);

            parser.initialize(mapper, contentType);
            String[] contentTypes = parser.getContentTypes();
            for (String ct : contentTypes)
                parserMap.put(ct, parser);
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            Tika tika = new Tika();    
            String mimeType = tika.detect(f);
  "Detected MIME type: "+ mimeType);
            // extract metadata: first get a parser
            MetadataParser parser = CFG.getParser(mimeType);
            if (null == parser) {
                properties.put(PropertyIds.NAME, f.getName());
                properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, CFG.getDefaultDocumentType());
            } else {
                PropertyMapper mapper = CFG.getPropertyMapper(mimeType);
                if (null == mapper)
                    throw new MapperException("Unknown mime type (no configuration): " + mimeType);
                String typeId = mapper.getMappedTypeId();
                if (null == typeId)
                    throw new MapperException("No CMIS type configured for mime type" + mimeType);
                TypeDefinition td = session.getTypeDefinition(typeId);
                if (null == td)
                    throw new MapperException("CMIS type " + typeId + " does not exist on server.");

      "Detected MIME type: "+ mimeType + " is mapped to CMIS type id: " + td.getId());
                parser.extractMetadata(f, td);
                properties = parser.getCmisProperties();
            // check if there is an overridden content type configured
            int posLastDot = f.getName().indexOf('.');
            String ext = posLastDot < 0 ? null : f.getName().substring(posLastDot+1, f.getName().length());
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            Tika tika = new Tika();    
            String mimeType = tika.detect(f);
  "Detected MIME type: "+ mimeType);
            // extract metadata: first get a parser
            MetadataParser parser = CFG.getParser(mimeType);
            if (null == parser) {
                LOG.warn("Unknown content type " + mimeType + " no metadata found, listing all tags found in file.");
                MetadataParserTika mpt = new MetadataParserTika();
            } else {
                PropertyMapper mapper = CFG.getPropertyMapper(mimeType);
                if (null == mapper)
                    throw new MapperException("Unknown mime type (no configuration): " + mimeType);
                String typeId = mapper.getMappedTypeId();
                if (null == typeId)
                    throw new MapperException("No CMIS type configured for mime type" + mimeType);
                // Session available? if yes do conversion
                TypeDefinition td = null;
                if (null!= session) {
                    if (null == td)
                        throw new MapperException("CMIS type " + typeId + " does not exist on server.");
      "Detected MIME type: "+ mimeType + " is mapped to CMIS type id: " + td.getId());
                parser.extractMetadata(f, td);
                Map<String, Object> properties = parser.getCmisProperties();
                for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
          "Found metadata tag " + key + "mapped to " + properties.get(key));
        } catch (Exception e) {
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    public void testParserMap() {
        Configurator cfg = new Configurator(properties);
        MetadataParser parser = cfg.getParser("image/jpeg");
        assertEquals(MetadataParserExif.class, parser.getClass());
        parser = cfg.getParser("audio/mp3");
        assertEquals(MetadataParserTika.class, parser.getClass());
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Related Classes of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.parser.MetadataParser

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