Package org.apache.camel

Examples of org.apache.camel.Route


        // assemble list of startup ordering so routes can be shutdown accordingly
        List<RouteStartupOrder> orders = new ArrayList<RouteStartupOrder>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, RouteService> entry : suspendedRouteServices.entrySet()) {
            Route route = entry.getValue().getRoutes().iterator().next();
            Integer order = entry.getValue().getRouteDefinition().getStartupOrder();
            if (order == null) {
                order = defaultRouteStartupOrder++;
            orders.add(new DefaultRouteStartupOrder(order, route, entry.getValue()));
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            // auto assign a default startup order
            startupOrder = defaultRouteStartupOrder++;

        // create holder object that contains information about this route to be started
        Route route = routeService.getRoutes().iterator().next();
        return new DefaultRouteStartupOrder(startupOrder, route, routeService);
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    private void doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers(Map<Integer, DefaultRouteStartupOrder> inputs, boolean resumeOnly, boolean addingRoute) throws Exception {
        List<Endpoint> routeInputs = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, DefaultRouteStartupOrder> entry : inputs.entrySet()) {
            Integer order = entry.getKey();
            Route route = entry.getValue().getRoute();
            RouteService routeService = entry.getValue().getRouteService();

            // if we are starting camel, then skip routes which are configured to not be auto started
            boolean autoStartup = routeService.getRouteDefinition().isAutoStartup(this) && this.isAutoStartup();
            if (addingRoute && !autoStartup) {
      "Skipping starting of route " + routeService.getId() + " as its configured with autoStartup=false");

            // start the service
            for (Consumer consumer : routeService.getInputs().values()) {
                Endpoint endpoint = consumer.getEndpoint();

                // check multiple consumer violation, with the other routes to be started
                if (!doCheckMultipleConsumerSupportClash(endpoint, routeInputs)) {
                    throw new FailedToStartRouteException(routeService.getId(),
                        "Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed: " + endpoint);
                // check for multiple consumer violations with existing routes which
                // have already been started, or is currently starting
                List<Endpoint> existingEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
                for (Route existingRoute : getRoutes()) {
                    if (route.getId().equals(existingRoute.getId())) {
                        // skip ourselves
                    Endpoint existing = existingRoute.getEndpoint();
                    ServiceStatus status = getRouteStatus(existingRoute.getId());
                    if (status != null && (status.isStarted() || status.isStarting())) {
                if (!doCheckMultipleConsumerSupportClash(endpoint, existingEndpoints)) {
                    throw new FailedToStartRouteException(routeService.getId(),
                            "Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed: " + endpoint);

                // start the consumer on the route
                log.debug("Route: {} >>> {}", route.getId(), route);
                if (resumeOnly) {
                    log.debug("Resuming consumer (order: {}) on route: {}", order, route.getId());
                } else {
                    log.debug("Starting consumer (order: {}) on route: {}", order, route.getId());

                if (resumeOnly && route.supportsSuspension()) {
                    // if we are resuming and the route can be resumed
          "Route: " + route.getId() + " resumed and consuming from: " + endpoint);
                } else {
                    // when starting we should invoke the lifecycle strategies
                    for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : lifecycleStrategies) {
                        strategy.onServiceAdd(this, consumer, route);
          "Route: " + route.getId() + " started and consuming from: " + endpoint);


                // add to the order which they was started, so we know how to stop them in reverse order
                // but only add if we haven't already registered it before (we dont want to double add when restarting)
                boolean found = false;
                for (RouteStartupOrder other : routeStartupOrder) {
                    if (other.getRoute().getId().equals(route.getId())) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
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            // wrap in route lifecycle
            internal.addAdvice(new CamelInternalProcessor.RouteLifecycleAdvice());

            // and create the route that wraps the UoW
            Route edcr = new EventDrivenConsumerRoute(this, getEndpoint(), internal);
            edcr.getProperties().put(Route.ID_PROPERTY, routeId);
            edcr.getProperties().put(Route.PARENT_PROPERTY, Integer.toHexString(route.hashCode()));
            if (route.getGroup() != null) {
                edcr.getProperties().put(Route.GROUP_PROPERTY, route.getGroup());
            String rest = "false";
            if (route.isRest() != null && route.isRest()) {
                rest = "true";
            edcr.getProperties().put(Route.REST_PROPERTY, rest);

            // after the route is created then set the route on the policy processor so we get hold of it
            CamelInternalProcessor.RoutePolicyAdvice task = internal.getAdvice(CamelInternalProcessor.RoutePolicyAdvice.class);
            if (task != null) {
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    public void shouldDetectRoutes() {
        // When
        Route route = camelContext.getRoute(ROUTE_ID);

        // Then
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        // assemble list of startup ordering so routes can be shutdown accordingly
        List<RouteStartupOrder> orders = new ArrayList<RouteStartupOrder>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, RouteService> entry : suspendedRouteServices.entrySet()) {
            Route route = entry.getValue().getRoutes().iterator().next();
            Integer order = entry.getValue().getRouteDefinition().getStartupOrder();
            if (order == null) {
                order = defaultRouteStartupOrder++;
            orders.add(new DefaultRouteStartupOrder(order, route, entry.getValue()));
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            // auto assign a default startup order
            startupOrder = defaultRouteStartupOrder++;

        // create holder object that contains information about this route to be started
        Route route = routeService.getRoutes().iterator().next();
        return new DefaultRouteStartupOrder(startupOrder, route, routeService);
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    private void doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers(Map<Integer, DefaultRouteStartupOrder> inputs, boolean resumeOnly, boolean addingRoute) throws Exception {
        List<Endpoint> routeInputs = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, DefaultRouteStartupOrder> entry : inputs.entrySet()) {
            Integer order = entry.getKey();
            Route route = entry.getValue().getRoute();
            RouteService routeService = entry.getValue().getRouteService();

            // if we are starting camel, then skip routes which are configured to not be auto started
            boolean autoStartup = routeService.getRouteDefinition().isAutoStartup(this);
            if (addingRoute && !autoStartup) {
      "Skipping starting of route " + routeService.getId() + " as its configured with autoStartup=false");

            // start the service
            for (Consumer consumer : routeService.getInputs().values()) {
                Endpoint endpoint = consumer.getEndpoint();

                // check multiple consumer violation, with the other routes to be started
                if (!doCheckMultipleConsumerSupportClash(endpoint, routeInputs)) {
                    throw new FailedToStartRouteException(routeService.getId(),
                        "Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed: " + endpoint);
                // check for multiple consumer violations with existing routes which
                // have already been started, or is currently starting
                List<Endpoint> existingEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
                for (Route existingRoute : getRoutes()) {
                    if (route.getId().equals(existingRoute.getId())) {
                        // skip ourselves
                    Endpoint existing = existingRoute.getEndpoint();
                    ServiceStatus status = getRouteStatus(existingRoute.getId());
                    if (status != null && (status.isStarted() || status.isStarting())) {
                if (!doCheckMultipleConsumerSupportClash(endpoint, existingEndpoints)) {
                    throw new FailedToStartRouteException(routeService.getId(),
                            "Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed: " + endpoint);

                // start the consumer on the route
                log.debug("Route: {} >>> {}", route.getId(), route);
                if (resumeOnly) {
                    log.debug("Resuming consumer (order: {}) on route: {}", order, route.getId());
                } else {
                    log.debug("Starting consumer (order: {}) on route: {}", order, route.getId());

                if (resumeOnly && route.supportsSuspension()) {
                    // if we are resuming and the route can be resumed
          "Route: " + route.getId() + " resumed and consuming from: " + endpoint);
                } else {
                    // when starting we should invoke the lifecycle strategies
                    for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : lifecycleStrategies) {
                        strategy.onServiceAdd(this, consumer, route);
          "Route: " + route.getId() + " started and consuming from: " + endpoint);


                // add to the order which they was started, so we know how to stop them in reverse order
                // but only add if we haven't already registered it before (we dont want to double add when restarting)
                boolean found = false;
                for (RouteStartupOrder other : routeStartupOrder) {
                    if (other.getRoute().getId() == route.getId()) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
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        Endpoint from = routeContext.getEndpoint();
        final Processor processor = routeContext.createProcessor(this);
        final Aggregator service = new Aggregator(from, processor, getExpression()
            .createExpression(routeContext), aggregationStrategy);

        Route route = new Route<Exchange>(from, service) {
            public String toString() {
                return "AggregatorRoute[" + getEndpoint() + " -> " + processor + "]";
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    public void addRoutes(RouteContext routeContext, Collection<Route> routes) throws Exception {
        Endpoint from = routeContext.getEndpoint();
        final Processor processor = routeContext.createProcessor(this);
        final Resequencer resequencer = new Resequencer(from, processor, resolveExpressionList(routeContext));

        Route route = new Route<Exchange>(from, resequencer) {
            public String toString() {
                return "ResequencerRoute[" + getEndpoint() + " -> " + processor + "]";
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.Route

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