Package org.apache.avalon.framework.service

Examples of org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException

                    proxy.setType( InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE );
                    throw new ServiceException( fullInstrumentName, "Encountered an unknown "
                        + "Instrument type for the Instrument with key, "
                        + fullInstrumentName + ": " + instrument.getClass().getName() );

                // Mark the instrument proxy as registered.
                // Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
                ( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );

                instrumentableProxy.addInstrumentProxy( proxy );
                // Register the existing proxy with the Instrument.  Make sure that the
                //  type didn't change on us.
                if( instrument instanceof CounterInstrument )
                    switch( proxy.getType() )
                        case InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_COUNTER:
                            // Type is the same.
                            // Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
                            ( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );

                        case InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_NONE:
                            // Not yet set.  Created in configuration.
                            proxy.setType( InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_COUNTER );

                            // Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
                            ( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );

                            throw new ServiceException( instrumentName,
                                "Instruments of more than one type are assigned to name: "
                                + instrumentName );
                else if( instrument instanceof ValueInstrument )
                    switch( proxy.getType() )
                        case InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE:
                            // Type is the same.
                            // Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
                            ( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );

                        case InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_NONE:
                            // Not yet set.  Created in configuration.
                            proxy.setType( InstrumentManagerClient.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE );

                            // Store a reference to the proxy in the Instrument.
                            ( (AbstractInstrument)instrument ).setInstrumentProxy( proxy );

                            throw new ServiceException( instrumentName,
                                "Instruments of more than one type are assigned to name: "
                                + instrumentName );
                    throw new ServiceException( instrumentName, "Encountered an unknown Instrument "
                        + "type for the Instrument with name, " + instrumentName + ": "
                        + instrument.getClass().getName() );
                // Mark the instrument proxy as registered.

        // Loop over the child Instrumentables published by this Instrumentable
        Instrumentable[] children = instrumentable.getChildInstrumentables();
        for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
            Instrumentable child = children[i];
            // Make sure that the child instrumentable name is set.
            String childName = child.getInstrumentableName();
            if( childName == null )
                String msg = "The getInstrumentableName() method of a child Instrumentable of " +
                    instrumentableName + " returned null.  Child class: " +
                getLogger().debug( msg );
                throw new ServiceException( instrumentable.getClass().getName(), msg );
            String fullChildName = instrumentableName + "." + childName;
            getLogger().debug( "Registering Child Instrumentable: " + fullChildName );
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    public List<FileItem> parseUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException
        if (uploadService == null)
            throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE, "UploadService is not available.");
            return uploadService.parseRequest(request);
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    public FileItemIterator getItemIterator(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException
        if (uploadService == null)
            throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE, "UploadService is not available.");
            return uploadService.getItemIterator(request);
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             * Automatic parsing of uploaded file items was requested but no
             * UploadService is available
            if (getAutomaticUpload())
                throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE,
                        AUTOMATIC_KEY + " = true requires " +
                        UploadService.ROLE + " to be available");

        if (manager.hasService(PoolService.ROLE))
            poolService = (PoolService)manager.lookup(PoolService.ROLE);
            throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE,
                    "Service requires " +
                    PoolService.ROLE + " to be available");
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            repConf = (Configuration)policy;
        catch( final ClassCastException cce )
            throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), "Hint is of the wrong type. " +
                                                           "Must be a Configuration", cce );

        URL destination = null;
            destination = new URL( repConf.getAttribute( "destinationURL" ) );
        catch( final ConfigurationException ce )
            throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), "Malformed configuration has no " +
                                                           "destinationURL attribute", ce );
        catch( final MalformedURLException mue )
            throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), "destination is malformed. " +
                                                           "Must be a valid URL", mue );

            final String type = repConf.getAttribute( "type" );
            final String repID = destination + type;
            Repository reply = (Repository)m_repositories.get( repID );
            final String model = (String)repConf.getAttribute( "model" );

            if( null != reply )
                if( m_models.get( repID ).equals( model ) )
                    return reply;
                    final String message = "There is already another repository with the " +
                        "same destination and type but with different model";
                    throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), message );
                final String protocol = destination.getProtocol();
                final String repClass = (String)m_classes.get( protocol + type + model );

                getLogger().debug( "Need instance of " + repClass + " to handle: " +
                                   protocol + type + model );

                    reply = (Repository)Class.forName( repClass ).newInstance();

                    setupLogger( reply, "repository" );

                    ContainerUtil.contextualize( reply, m_context );
                    ContainerUtil.service( reply, m_serviceManager );
                    ContainerUtil.configure( reply, repConf );
                    ContainerUtil.initialize( reply );

                    m_repositories.put( repID, reply );
                    m_models.put( repID, model );
                    getLogger().info( "New instance of " + repClass + " created for " +
                                      destination );
                    return reply;
                catch( final Exception e )
                    final String message = "Cannot find or init repository: " + e.getMessage();
                    getLogger().warn( message, e );

                    throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), message, e );
        catch( final ConfigurationException ce )
            throw new ServiceException( policy.toString(), "Malformed configuration", ce );
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             * Automatic parsing of uploaded file items was requested but no
             * UploadService is available
            if (getAutomaticUpload())
                throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE,
                        AUTOMATIC_KEY + " = true requires " +
                        UploadService.ROLE + " to be available");

        if (manager.hasService(PoolService.ROLE))
            poolService = (PoolService)manager.lookup(PoolService.ROLE);
            throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE,
                    "Service requires " +
                    PoolService.ROLE + " to be available");
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    public List parseUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException
        if (uploadService == null)
            throw new ServiceException(ParserService.ROLE, "UploadService is not available.");
            return uploadService.parseRequest(request);
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        final Object component = m_dataSources.get( hint );

        if( null == component )
            throw new ServiceException( hint.toString(), "Unable to provide DataSourceComponent for " + hint );

        return component;
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    public Object select(Object hint) throws ServiceException {
        if (!isSelectable(hint))
            throw new ServiceException((String)hint, "Non-existing component for this hint");
        String stringHint = (String)hint;
        return components.get(stringHint);
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        final Object component = m_dataSources.get( hint );

        if( null == component )
            throw new ServiceException( hint.toString(), "Unable to provide DataSourceComponent for " + hint );

        return component;
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Related Classes of org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException

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