Package nexj.core.runtime

Examples of nexj.core.runtime.InstanceRef

            metaclass = getMetaclass(query);

         InstanceRef ref = m_query.getInvocationContext().findInstanceRef(metaclass, oid);
         Instance instance = (ref == null) ? null : ref.getInstance();

         // Check if the instance has already been retrieved
         if (instance != null)
            // Already retrieved instance
            if (instance.isLazy())
               if (query.isLazy())
                  if (!metaclass.isUpcast(instance.getLazyMetaclass()))

            if (instanceList != null)
               bAdd = !instanceList.contains(instance);

               if (bAdd &&
                  container == null &&
                  m_nMaxCount >= 0 &&
                  instanceList.getCount() == m_nOffset + m_nMaxCount)
                  m_bEOF = bDiscardExtra;
                  m_bEOP = !bDiscardExtra;

                  return false;

            if (bAdd)
               switch (instance.getState())
                  case Instance.DELETED:
                     bAdd = false;

                  case Instance.DIRTY:
                     if (reverse != null)
                        Object reverseValue = instance.getValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal());

                        if (reverseValue != Undefined.VALUE && reverseValue != container)
                           bAdd = false;


               if (!bAdd && instanceList == null)
                  if (container.getValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal()) == Undefined.VALUE)
                     // Set the new value to null, old value to the retrieved instance
                     container.setValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal(), null);

                  bAdd = true;

            if (m_instanceSet.get(query, instance) == null)
               // Merge the not yet retrieved attribute values

               if (!bSkipInstance)
                  // Overwrite only if the instance is clean
                  boolean bOverwrite = (instance.getUnitOfWork() == null);
                  Field lockingField = query.getLockingField();

                  if (lockingField != null)
                     Attribute lockingAttribute = lockingField.getAttribute();
                     Object oldValue = instance.getNewValueDirect(lockingAttribute.getOrdinal());

                     if (oldValue != Undefined.VALUE)
                        // Check the old lock value
                        Primitive primitive = (Primitive)lockingAttribute.getType();
                        Object value = getValue(lockingField);

                        if (((Boolean)primitive.findNEFunction(primitive).invoke(oldValue, value)).booleanValue())
                           // The lock values do not match
                           // If the instance is dirty/deleted or share-locked, throw an exception
                           if (!bOverwrite || ref.isLocked())
                              throw new OptimisticLockException(instance);

                           // Discard all the instance attributes
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         else if (value instanceof OID)
            // Associate an instance, creating a lazy instance if not loaded
            OID oid = (OID)value;
            Metaclass assocClass = (Metaclass)attribute.getType();
            InstanceRef assocRef = m_query.getInvocationContext().findInstanceRef(assocClass, oid);
            Instance assoc = (assocRef == null) ? null : assocRef.getInstance();

            if (assoc == null)
               assoc = new Instance(assocClass, true, m_query.getInvocationContext());
               assocRef = assoc.cache(oid);
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Related Classes of nexj.core.runtime.InstanceRef

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