Package net.rim.device.api.ui.container

Examples of net.rim.device.api.ui.container.ComponentCanvas


        // If the camera field was constructed successfully, create the UI
        if (_cameraField != null) {
            // Add the camera field to a new ComponentCanvas
            final ComponentCanvas compCanvas =
                    new ComponentCanvas(Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight());
            compCanvas.add(_cameraField, 0, 0);

            // Initialize GLField
            _glField = new DemoGLField(GL_FIELD_WIDTH, GL_FIELD_HEIGHT);

            // Add the GLField to the canvas
            compCanvas.add(_glField, 100, 100);

            // Add the ComponentCanvas to the screen
        } else {
            add(new RichTextField("Error connecting to camera"));
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            final int videoFieldX = (displayWidth - VIDEO_WIDTH) / 2;
            final int videoFieldY = (displayHeight - VIDEO_HEIGHT) / 2;
            absoluteFieldManager.add(videoField, videoFieldX, videoFieldY);

            // Create a ComponentCanvas for overlaying fields on the video
            final ComponentCanvas componentCanvas =
                    new ComponentCanvas(VIDEO_WIDTH + MARGIN, VIDEO_HEIGHT
                            + MARGIN);

            // Calculate the position of the ComponentCanvas
            // and add to the manager.
            final int canvasX = (displayWidth - (VIDEO_WIDTH + MARGIN)) / 2;
            final int canvasY = (displayHeight - (VIDEO_HEIGHT + MARGIN)) / 2;
            absoluteFieldManager.add(componentCanvas, canvasX, canvasY);

            // Button for pausing the video
            final ButtonField pauseButton =
                    new ButtonField("Pause", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK
                            | ButtonField.NEVER_DIRTY);
            pauseButton.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
                public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                        final Object object) {
                    // Pause the video
                    try {
                    } catch (final Exception e) {

            final Image pauseImage =
            componentCanvas.add(pauseButton, 0, VIDEO_HEIGHT - 15);

            // Button to start/re-start the video
            final ButtonField playButton =
                    new ButtonField("Play", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK
                            | ButtonField.NEVER_DIRTY);
            playButton.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler() {
                public void execute(final ReadOnlyCommandMetadata metadata,
                        final Object object) {
                    // Start the video
                    try {
                    } catch (final Exception e) {

            final Image playImage =
                    .add(playButton, VIDEO_WIDTH - 80, VIDEO_HEIGHT - 15);
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Related Classes of net.rim.device.api.ui.container.ComponentCanvas

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