
Examples of

        if (world.isRemote)
            return false;

        int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
        world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
        WorldGenerator obj = null;

        if (meta == 0)
            obj = new GlowshroomGenBlueGreen(true, 0);
        if (meta == 1)
            obj = new GlowshroomGenPurple(true);
        if (meta == 2)
            obj = new GlowshroomGenBlueGreen(true, 1);

        /*if (this.blockID == Block.mushroomBrown.blockID)
            worldgenbigmushroom = new WorldGenBigMushroom(0);
        else if (this.blockID == Block.mushroomRed.blockID)
            worldgenbigmushroom = new WorldGenBigMushroom(1);

        if (obj != null && obj.generate(world, random, x, y, z))
            return true;
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            if (random.nextInt(35) == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    WorldGenerator obj = random.nextInt(3) == 0 ? purpleGlowshroom : blueGreenGlowshroom;
                    xSpawn = xPos + random.nextInt(24) - 4;
                    zSpawn = zPos + random.nextInt(24) - 4;
                    ySpawn = findGround(world, xSpawn, random.nextInt(64) + 32, zSpawn);
                    if (ySpawn != -1)
                        obj.generate(world, random, xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn);
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    public void func_149878_d (World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
        int md = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) % 8;
        world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.air);
        WorldGenerator obj = null;

        if (md == 1)
            obj = new RareTreeGen(true, 4, 2, 1, 1);

        else if (md == 2)
            obj = new RareTreeGen(true, 9, 8, 2, 2);

        else if (md == 3)
            obj = new RareTreeGen(true, 6, 4, 3, 3);

        else if (md == 4)
            obj = new WillowGen(true);

            obj = new RareTreeGen(true, 4, 2, 0, 0);

        if (!(obj.generate(world, random, x, y, z)))
            world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, md + 8, 3);
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    public void func_149878_d(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
        int md = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) % 8;
        world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.air);
        WorldGenerator obj = null;

        if (md == 1)
            obj = new EucalyptusTreeGenShort(0, 1);

        else if (md == 2)
            obj = new BushTreeGen(true, 2, 3, 2);

        else if (md == 3)
            obj = new SakuraTreeGen(true, 1, 0);

        else if (md == 4)
            obj = new WhiteTreeGen(true, 2, 1);

        else if (md == 5)
            obj = new BloodTreeLargeGen(3, 2);

        else if (md == 6)
            obj = new DarkwoodGen(true, 3, 0);

        else if (md == 7)
            obj = new FusewoodGen(true, 3, 1);

            obj = new RedwoodTreeGen(true, NContent.redwood);

        if (!(obj.generate(world, random, x, y, z)))
            world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, md + 8, 3);
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    public void growTree(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random rand)
        final int metadata = unmarkedMetadata(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
        WorldGenerator tree = null;
        int x1 = 0;
        int z1 = 0;
        boolean isHuge = false;
        int offset = 0;
        final boolean isForestryFarmed = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == forestrySoil;
        if (metadata == BlockType.UMBER.metadata())
            if (rand.nextInt(3) != 0)
                tree = new WorldGenBigAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.BROWN);
                WorldGenBigAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
                tree = new WorldGenAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.BROWN);
                WorldGenAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
        else if (metadata == BlockType.GOLDENROD.metadata())
            if (rand.nextInt(3) != 0)
                tree = new WorldGenBigAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.ORANGE);
                WorldGenBigAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
                tree = new WorldGenAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.ORANGE);
                WorldGenAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
        else if (metadata == BlockType.VERMILLION.metadata())
            if (rand.nextInt(3) != 0)
                tree = new WorldGenBigAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.PURPLE);
                WorldGenBigAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
                tree = new WorldGenAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.PURPLE);
                WorldGenAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
        else if (metadata == BlockType.CITRINE.metadata())
            if (rand.nextInt(3) != 0)
                tree = new WorldGenBigAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.YELLOW);
                WorldGenBigAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
                tree = new WorldGenAutumnTree(true, AutumnTreeType.YELLOW);
                WorldGenAutumnTree.setTrunkBlock(Block.getBlockFromItem(Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItem()), Element.LOG_AUTUMN.get().getItemDamage());
        else if (metadata == BlockType.ACACIA.metadata())
            tree = new WorldGenAcacia(true);
        else if (metadata == BlockType.CYPRESS.metadata())
            tree = new WorldGenCypressTree(true);
            // Check for 2x2 firs and redwoods
            for (x1 = 0; x1 >= -1; --x1)
                for (z1 = 0; z1 >= -1; --z1)
                    if (isSameSapling(world, x + x1, y, z + z1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1, y, z + z1 + 1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1 + 1, metadata))
                        if (metadata == BlockType.FIR.metadata())
                            tree = new WorldGenFirTreeHuge(true);
                            offset = 1;
                            tree = GeneralSettings.useLegacyRedwoods ? new WorldGenRedwood(true) : new WorldGenNewRedwood(true);
                            offset = 0;
                        isHuge = true;
                if (tree != null)
            if (tree == null && metadata == BlockType.FIR.metadata())
                // Single fir sapling generates 1x1 tree
                z1 = 0;
                x1 = 0;
                tree = new WorldGenFirTree(true);
        if (tree != null)
            if (isHuge)
                world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1 + 1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1 + 1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.air);
            if (!tree.generate(world, rand, x + x1 + offset, y, z + z1 + offset))
                if (isHuge)
                    world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1, this, metadata, 3);
                    world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, this, metadata, 3);
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    public void growTree(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random rand)
        final int metadata = unmarkedMetadata(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
        WorldGenerator tree = null;
        int x1 = 0;
        int z1 = 0;
        boolean isHuge = false;
        final boolean isForestryFarmed = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == forestrySoil;
        if (metadata == BlockType.BALD_CYPRESS.metadata() || metadata == BlockType.RAINBOW_EUCALYPTUS.metadata())
            for (x1 = 0; x1 >= -1; --x1)
                for (z1 = 0; z1 >= -1; --z1)
                    if (isSameSapling(world, x + x1, y, z + z1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1, y, z + z1 + 1, metadata) && isSameSapling(world, x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1 + 1, metadata))
                        if (metadata == BlockType.BALD_CYPRESS.metadata())
                            tree = new WorldGenBaldCypressTree(true);
                            tree = new WorldGenRainbowEucalyptusTree(true);
                        isHuge = true;
                if (tree != null)
        else if (metadata == BlockType.JAPANESE_MAPLE.metadata())
            tree = new WorldGenJapaneseMapleTree(true);
        else if (metadata == BlockType.SAKURA_BLOSSOM.metadata())
            tree = new WorldGenSakuraBlossomTree(true);
            tree = new WorldGenJapaneseMapleShrub(true);
        if (tree != null)
            if (isHuge)
                world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1 + 1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1 + 1, Blocks.air);
                world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.air);
            if (!tree.generate(world, rand, x + x1, y, z + z1))
                if (isHuge)
                    world.setBlock(x + x1, y, z + z1, this, metadata, 3);
                    world.setBlock(x + x1 + 1, y, z + z1, this, metadata, 3);
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  public void registerBlock(Block block, Collection<BlockType> types) {
    for( BlockCustomFlower.BlockType type : types ) {
      // special cases
      final WorldGenerator gen;
      switch( type ) {
        case ROOT:
          gen = new WorldGenRoot(block, type.metadata());
        case TINY_CACTUS:
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  // special gen for wild crops
  public void registerCrop(Element element) {
    if (element.isPresent()) {
      final WorldGenerator gen = new WorldGenMetadataFlowers(
          Block.getBlockFromItem(element.get().getItem()), BlockCropBasic.MAX_GROWTH_STAGE);
      cropGens.put(element, gen);
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  protected int applyGenerator(BlockType type, World world, int chunkX, int chunkZ, Random rand, int times) {
    final WorldGenerator gen = flowerGens.get(type);
    int count = 0;
    if (gen != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
        final int x = chunkX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
        final int y = rand.nextInt(128);
        final int z = chunkZ + rand.nextInt(16) + 8;
        if (gen.generate(world, rand, x, y, z)) ++count;
    return count;
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    return count;

  protected boolean applyGenerator(BlockType type, World world, int chunkX, int chunkZ, Random rand) {
    final WorldGenerator gen = flowerGens.get(type);
    if (gen != null) {
      return applyGenerator(gen, world, chunkX, chunkZ, rand);
    return false;
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