Package net.flexmojos.oss.generator

Examples of net.flexmojos.oss.generator.GenerationException

      // add / create package translators
      for(String currentTranslator : request.getTranslators()){
        String[] splitTranslator = currentTranslator.split("=");
        if(splitTranslator.length != 2){
          throw new GenerationException("Invalid format: translators must be in format 'java.package=as3.package'");
        String java = splitTranslator[0];
        String as3 = splitTranslator[1];
        getLogger().info("Adding translator: [" + java + ", " + as3 + "]");
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            catch ( Exception e )
                getLogger().error( getStackTrace( e ) );
                throw new GenerationException( "Fail to generate class [" + className + "]", e );
        return count;
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            return (T) loader.loadClass( className ).newInstance();
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new GenerationException( "Instantiate [" + className + "] failed." );
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        throws GenerationException
        Map<String, File> classes = request.getClasses();
        if ( !classes.containsKey( THREAD_LOCAL_TOOLKIT ) )
            throw new GenerationException( "Class not found: " + THREAD_LOCAL_TOOLKIT );

            instrumentThreadLocalToolkit( classes.get( THREAD_LOCAL_TOOLKIT ), request.getTransientOutputFolder() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new GenerationException( "Failed to generated wrapper " + THREAD_LOCAL_TOOLKIT, e );
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                clazz = request.getClassLoader().loadClass( classname );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e );

            List<Field> fieldsToGenerate = new ArrayList<Field>();

            Field[] fields = clazz.getFields();
            for ( Field field : fields )
                if ( isPublic( field.getModifiers() ) && isStatic( field.getModifiers() )
                    && isFinal( field.getModifiers() ) && isPrimitive( field.getType() ) )
                    fieldsToGenerate.add( field );

            if ( fieldsToGenerate.isEmpty() )

            File outDir = request.getTransientOutputFolder();
            outDir = new File( outDir, clazz.getPackage().getName().replace( '.', '/' ) );

            File outFile = new File( outDir, clazz.getSimpleName() + ".as" );

            FileWriter fw;
                fw = new FileWriter( outFile );
                fw.append( "package " ).append( clazz.getPackage().getName() ).append( '{' ).append( '\n' );
                fw.append( "public class " ).append( clazz.getSimpleName() ).append( '{' ).append( '\n' );
                for ( Field field : fieldsToGenerate )
                    fw.append( "public static const " ).append( field.getName() ).append( ':' );
                    fw.append( getAsType( field.getType() ) ).append( '=' );
                    fw.append( toString( field.get( clazz.newInstance() ) ) ).append( ';' ).append( '\n' );
                fw.append( '}' ).append( '\n' );
                fw.append( '}' ).append( '\n' );


            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new GenerationException( "Error generating " + clazz.getName(), e );
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      // add / create package translators
      for(String currentTranslator : request.getTranslators()){
        String[] splitTranslator = currentTranslator.split("=");
        if(splitTranslator.length != 2){
          throw new GenerationException("Invalid format: translators must be in format 'java.package=as3.package'");
        String java = splitTranslator[0];
        String as3 = splitTranslator[1];
        getLogger().info("Adding translator: [" + java + ", " + as3 + "]");
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            catch ( Exception e )
                getLogger().error( getStackTrace( e ) );
                throw new GenerationException( "Fail to generate class [" + className + "]", e );
        return count;
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            return (T) loader.loadClass( className ).newInstance();
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new GenerationException( "Instantiate [" + className + "] failed." );
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                clazz = request.getClassLoader().loadClass( classname );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e );

            getMethods( clazz, factory, ann, arg );

            File outDir = request.getTransientOutputFolder();

                factory.write( outDir );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new GenerationException( "Error generating " + clazz.getName(), e );
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                            f.setAccessible( true );
                            argnames = f.get( info );
                        catch ( Exception e )
                            throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e );
                        if ( argnames != null && argnames.getClass().isArray() && ( (Object[]) argnames ).length != 1 )
                            type = generateSubclass( factory, arg, info, name, ( (Object[]) argnames ).length );
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Related Classes of net.flexmojos.oss.generator.GenerationException

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