Package mykeynote.exceptions.configuration

Examples of mykeynote.exceptions.configuration.UniqueFileException

      //the unique file does not exist. maybe first run?
      report.reportDebugLog("localhost", "The unique file is missing, creating a new one: " + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
      try {
             report.reportErrorLog("localhost","Unable to create the unique file.");
             throw new UniqueFileException("Unable to create the unique file.");
           } else {
         } catch (IOException e) {
           report.reportVerbouseLog("locahost", e.getMessage());
           throw new UniqueFileException("IOException hit while creating the unique file.");
      report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "Unable to read the unique file: "
          + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
      throw new UniqueFileException("Unique file not readable.");
      report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "Unable to write to the unique file: "
          + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
      throw new UniqueFileException("Unique file not writable.");
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(uniqueFile));
          report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "It seems that the unique file is empty: "
            + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
          throw new UniqueFileException(String.format("Unique file %s not readable.", uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath()));
        unique = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "The unique file was not found: "
          + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
        throw new UniqueFileException("The Unique file could not be found.");
      } catch (IOException e){
        report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "IOException hit while reading the unique file: "
          + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
      throw new UniqueFileException("IOException hit while reading the unique file.");
      } catch (NumberFormatException e){
        report.reportErrorLog("localhost", "The first line of the unique file is not a parsable integer: "
          + uniqueFile.getAbsolutePath());
      throw new ConfigurationUnacceptableValue("The first line of the unique file is not a parsable integer.");
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Related Classes of mykeynote.exceptions.configuration.UniqueFileException

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