Package megamek.common.actions

Examples of megamek.common.actions.ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction

            // declare searchlight, if possible
            if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getAutoDeclareSearchlight()) {

            attacks.addElement(new ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction(cen, target
                    .getTargetType(), target.getTargetId()));
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            // declare searchlight, if possible
            if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getAutoDeclareSearchlight()) {

            attacks.addElement(new ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction(cen, target
                    .getTargetType(), target.getTargetId()));
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     * Handle a Protomech physicalattack

    private void resolveProtoAttack(PhysicalResult pr, int lastEntityId) {
        final ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction ppaa = (ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction);
        final Entity ae = game.getEntity(ppaa.getEntityId());
        // get damage, ToHitData and roll from the PhysicalResult
        int damage = pr.damage;
        final ToHitData toHit = pr.toHit;
        int roll = pr.roll;
        final Targetable target = game.getTarget(ppaa.getTargetType(), ppaa.getTargetId());
        Entity te = null;
        if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
            te = (Entity) target;
        boolean throughFront = true;
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        } else if (aaa instanceof KickAttackAction) {
            KickAttackAction kaa = (KickAttackAction) aaa;
            toHit = kaa.toHit(game);
            damage = KickAttackAction.getDamageFor(ae, kaa.getLeg(), (kaa.getTarget(game) instanceof Infantry) && !(kaa.getTarget(game) instanceof BattleArmor));
        } else if (aaa instanceof ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction) {
            ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction paa = (ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction) aaa;
            toHit = paa.toHit(game);
            damage = ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction.getDamageFor(ae);
        } else if (aaa instanceof PunchAttackAction) {
            PunchAttackAction paa = (PunchAttackAction) aaa;
            int arm = paa.getArm();
            int damageRight = 0;
            toHit = paa.toHit(game);
            ToHitData toHitRight = paa.toHit(game);
            damage = PunchAttackAction.getDamageFor(ae, PunchAttackAction.LEFT, (paa.getTarget(game) instanceof Infantry) && !(paa.getTarget(game) instanceof BattleArmor));
            damageRight = PunchAttackAction.getDamageFor(ae, PunchAttackAction.RIGHT, (paa.getTarget(game) instanceof Infantry) && !(paa.getTarget(game) instanceof BattleArmor));
            // If we're punching while prone (at a Tank,
            // duh), then we can only use one arm.
            if (ae.isProne()) {
                double oddsLeft = Compute.oddsAbove(toHit.getValue());
                double oddsRight = Compute.oddsAbove(toHitRight.getValue());
                // Use the best attack.
                if (oddsLeft * damage > oddsRight * damageRight) {
                } else {
            pr.damageRight = damageRight;
            pr.toHitRight = toHitRight;
            pr.rollRight = Compute.d6(2);
        } else if (aaa instanceof PushAttackAction) {
            PushAttackAction paa = (PushAttackAction) aaa;
            toHit = paa.toHit(game);
        } else if (aaa instanceof TripAttackAction) {
            TripAttackAction paa = (TripAttackAction) aaa;
            toHit = paa.toHit(game);
        } else if (aaa instanceof LayExplosivesAttackAction) {
            LayExplosivesAttackAction leaa = (LayExplosivesAttackAction) aaa;
            toHit = leaa.toHit(game);
            damage = LayExplosivesAttackAction.getDamageFor(ae);
        } else if (aaa instanceof ThrashAttackAction) {
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Related Classes of megamek.common.actions.ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction

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