Package megamek.common

Examples of megamek.common.TargetRoll

            // fall through
        case Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR:
        case Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE:
            vPhaseReport.addAll(tryClearHex(t.getPosition(), missiles * 4, ae.getId()));
            tryIgniteHex(t.getPosition(), ae.getId(), false, true, new TargetRoll(0, "inferno"), -1, vPhaseReport);
        case Targetable.TYPE_BLDG_IGNITE:
        case Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING:
            for (Enumeration<Entity> entities = game.getEntities(t.getPosition()); entities.hasMoreElements();) {
                Entity e = entities.nextElement();
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        // inferno always ignites
        // ERRATA not if targeting clear hexes for ignition is disabled.
        if (bInferno && !game.getOptions().booleanOption("no_ignite_clear")) {
            nTargetRoll = new TargetRoll(0, "inferno");

        // no lighting fires in tornados
        if (game.getPlanetaryConditions().getWindStrength() > PlanetaryConditions.WI_STORM) {
            nTargetRoll = new TargetRoll(TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_FAIL, "tornado");

        // The hex may already be on fire.
        if (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.FIRE)) {
            if (bReportAttempt) {
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        // Buildings can't be accidentally ignited,
        // and some weapons can't ignite fires.
        if ((entityTarget != null)
                && ((bldg == null) && (wtype.getFireTN() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE))) {
            server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, false, false,
                    new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName()), 3,

        //shots that miss an entity can also potential cause explosions in a heavy industrial hex
        server.checkExplodeIndustrialZone(target.getPosition(), vPhaseReport);
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        // Shots that miss an entity can set fires.
        // Buildings can't be accidentally ignited,
        // and some weapons can't ignite fires.
        if (entityTarget != null
                && (bldg == null && wtype.getFireTN() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE)) {
            server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true, false, new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName()),
                    3, vPhaseReport);

        //shots that miss an entity can also potential cause explosions in a heavy industrial hex
        server.checkExplodeIndustrialZone(target.getPosition(), vPhaseReport);
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            r = new Report(2270);
            r.subject = subjectId;
            r.newlines = 0;
        TargetRoll tn = new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName());
        if (tn.getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
            server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true, false, tn,
                    true, -1, vPhaseReport);
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        // Buildings can't be accidentally ignited.
        //TODO: change this for TacOps - now you roll another 2d6 first and on a 5 or less
        //you do a normal ignition as though for intentional fires
        if (bldg != null
                && server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true,false,
                        new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName()), 5, vPhaseReport)) {
        vPhaseReport.addAll(server.tryClearHex(target.getPosition(), nDamage, subjectId));
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        // Shots that miss an entity can set fires.
        // Buildings can't be accidentally ignited,
        // and some weapons can't ignite fires.
        if (entityTarget != null
                && (bldg == null && wtype.getFireTN() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE)) {
            server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true, false, new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName()),
                    3, vPhaseReport);
        //shots that miss an entity can also potential cause explosions in a heavy industrial hex
        server.checkExplodeIndustrialZone(target.getPosition(), vPhaseReport);
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            r = new Report(2270);
            r.subject = subjectId;
            r.newlines = 0;
        TargetRoll tn = new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName());
        if (tn.getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
            server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true, false, tn,
                    true, -1, vPhaseReport);
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        // Buildings can't be accidentally ignited.
        //TODO: change this for TacOps - now you roll another 2d6 first and on a 5 or less
        //you do a normal ignition as though for intentional fires
        if (bldg != null
                && server.tryIgniteHex(target.getPosition(), subjectId, true,false,
                        new TargetRoll(wtype.getFireTN(), wtype.getName()), 5, vPhaseReport)) {
        vPhaseReport.addAll(server.tryClearHex(target.getPosition(), nDamage, subjectId));
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        //This means that a fire cannot spread from a level 6 building at base level 0 to
        //a level 1 building at base level 0, for example.

        int curHeight = game.getBoard().getHex(src).ceiling();

        TargetRoll directroll = new TargetRoll(9, "spread downwind");
        TargetRoll obliqueroll = new TargetRoll(11, "spread 60 degrees to downwind");

        if((windStr > PlanetaryConditions.WI_NONE) && (windStr < PlanetaryConditions.WI_STRONG_GALE)) {
            directroll.addModifier(-2, "light/moderate gale");
            obliqueroll.addModifier(-1, "light/moderate gale");
        else if(windStr > PlanetaryConditions.WI_MOD_GALE) {
            directroll.addModifier(-3, "strong gale+");
            directroll.addModifier(-2, "strong gale+");
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Related Classes of megamek.common.TargetRoll

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