Package lotus.domino

Examples of lotus.domino.DocumentCollection


  public void exportDocuments(Database database) throws IOException, NotesException {
    try {
      DocumentCollection docs = database.getAllDocuments();
      try {
        for(Document doc=docs.getFirstDocument(); doc!=null; doc=docs.getNextDocument(doc)) {
      } finally {
    } finally {
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      // Getting the specified Notes database.
      Database database = session.getDatabase( "", stringDatabase );
      // Getting a collection of all documents from the database.
      DocumentCollection documentcollection = database.getAllDocuments();
      // Getting the first document from the database
      Document document = documentcollection.getFirstDocument();
      // Start to write to cells at this row.
      int intRowToStart = 0;
      // The current row.
      int intRow = intRowToStart;
      // The current column.
      int intColumn = 0;
      // Process all documents
      while ( document != null ) {
        // Getting the name of the stock.
        String stringName = document.getItemValueString( "Name" );
        // Inserting the name to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn, intRow, stringName, xspreadsheet, "" );
        // Getting the number of stocks.
        double intNumber = document.getItemValueInteger( "Number" );
        // Inserting the number of stocks to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 1, intRow, String.valueOf( intNumber ),
        xspreadsheet, "V" );
        // Getting current share price.
        double doubleSharePrice = document.getItemValueDouble( "SharePrice" );
        // Inserting the current share price to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 2, intRow, String.valueOf( doubleSharePrice ),
        xspreadsheet, "V" );
        // Inserting the total value.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 3, intRow, "=B"
        + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 ) + "*C" + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 ),
        xspreadsheet, "" );
        // Increasing the current row.
        // Getting the next document from the collection.
        document = documentcollection.getNextDocument();
      // Summing all specific amounts.
      insertIntoCell( intColumn + 3, intRow, "=sum(D"
      + String.valueOf( intRowToStart + 1 ) + ":D"
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            // Getting the specified Notes database.
            Database database = session.getDatabase( "", stringDatabase );
            // Getting a collection of all documents from the database.
            DocumentCollection documentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
            // Getting the first document from the database
            Document document = documentCollection.getFirstDocument();
            // Start to write to cells at this row.
            int intRowToStart = 0;
            // The current row.
            int intRow = intRowToStart;
            // The current column.
            int intColumn = 0;
            // Process all documents
            while ( document != null ) {
                // Getting the name of the stock.
                String stringName = document.getItemValueString("Name");
                // Inserting the name to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn, intRow, stringName, xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Getting the number of stocks.
                double intNumber = document.getItemValueInteger( "Number" );
                // Inserting the number of stocks to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell( intColumn + 1, intRow, String.valueOf(intNumber),
                                xSpreadsheet, "V" );
                // Getting current share price.
                double doubleSharePrice = document.getItemValueDouble("SharePrice");
                // Inserting the current share price to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 2, intRow,
                               xSpreadsheet, "V");
                // Inserting the total value.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=B"
                               + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 )
                               + "*C" + String.valueOf(intRow + 1),
                               xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Increasing the current row.
                // Getting the next document from the collection.
                document = documentCollection.getNextDocument();
            // Summing all specific amounts.
            insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=sum(D"
                           + String.valueOf( intRowToStart + 1 ) + ":D"
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            // Getting the specified Notes database.
            Database database = session.getDatabase( "", stringDatabase );
            // Getting a collection of all documents from the database.
            DocumentCollection documentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
            // Getting the first document from the database
            Document document = documentCollection.getFirstDocument();
            // Start to write to cells at this row.
            int intRowToStart = 0;
            // The current row.
            int intRow = intRowToStart;
            // The current column.
            int intColumn = 0;
            // Process all documents
            while ( document != null ) {
                // Getting the name of the stock.
                String stringName = document.getItemValueString("Name");
                // Inserting the name to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn, intRow, stringName, xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Getting the number of stocks.
                double intNumber = document.getItemValueInteger( "Number" );
                // Inserting the number of stocks to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell( intColumn + 1, intRow, String.valueOf(intNumber),
                                xSpreadsheet, "V" );
                // Getting current share price.
                double doubleSharePrice = document.getItemValueDouble("SharePrice");
                // Inserting the current share price to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 2, intRow,
                               xSpreadsheet, "V");
                // Inserting the total value.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=B"
                               + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 )
                               + "*C" + String.valueOf(intRow + 1),
                               xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Increasing the current row.
                // Getting the next document from the collection.
                document = documentCollection.getNextDocument();
            // Summing all specific amounts.
            insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=sum(D"
                           + String.valueOf( intRowToStart + 1 ) + ":D"
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      // Getting the specified Notes database.
      Database database = session.getDatabase( "", stringDatabase );
      // Getting a collection of all documents from the database.
      DocumentCollection documentcollection = database.getAllDocuments();
      // Getting the first document from the database
      Document document = documentcollection.getFirstDocument();
      // Start to write to cells at this row.
      int intRowToStart = 0;
      // The current row.
      int intRow = intRowToStart;
      // The current column.
      int intColumn = 0;
      // Process all documents
      while ( document != null ) {
        // Getting the name of the stock.
        String stringName = document.getItemValueString( "Name" );
        // Inserting the name to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn, intRow, stringName, xspreadsheet, "" );
        // Getting the number of stocks.
        double intNumber = document.getItemValueInteger( "Number" );
        // Inserting the number of stocks to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 1, intRow, String.valueOf( intNumber ),
        xspreadsheet, "V" );
        // Getting current share price.
        double doubleSharePrice = document.getItemValueDouble( "SharePrice" );
        // Inserting the current share price to a specified cell.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 2, intRow, String.valueOf( doubleSharePrice ),
        xspreadsheet, "V" );
        // Inserting the total value.
        insertIntoCell( intColumn + 3, intRow, "=B"
        + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 ) + "*C" + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 ),
        xspreadsheet, "" );
        // Increasing the current row.
        // Getting the next document from the collection.
        document = documentcollection.getNextDocument();
      // Summing all specific amounts.
      insertIntoCell( intColumn + 3, intRow, "=sum(D"
      + String.valueOf( intRowToStart + 1 ) + ":D"
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            // Getting the specified Notes database.
            Database database = session.getDatabase( "", stringDatabase );
            // Getting a collection of all documents from the database.
            DocumentCollection documentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();
            // Getting the first document from the database
            Document document = documentCollection.getFirstDocument();
            // Start to write to cells at this row.
            int intRowToStart = 0;
            // The current row.
            int intRow = intRowToStart;
            // The current column.
            int intColumn = 0;
            // Process all documents
            while ( document != null ) {
                // Getting the name of the stock.
                String stringName = document.getItemValueString("Name");
                // Inserting the name to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn, intRow, stringName, xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Getting the number of stocks.
                double intNumber = document.getItemValueInteger( "Number" );
                // Inserting the number of stocks to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell( intColumn + 1, intRow, String.valueOf(intNumber),
                                xSpreadsheet, "V" );
                // Getting current share price.
                double doubleSharePrice = document.getItemValueDouble("SharePrice");
                // Inserting the current share price to a specified cell.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 2, intRow,
                               xSpreadsheet, "V");
                // Inserting the total value.
                insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=B"
                               + String.valueOf( intRow + 1 )
                               + "*C" + String.valueOf(intRow + 1),
                               xSpreadsheet, "");
                // Increasing the current row.
                // Getting the next document from the collection.
                document = documentCollection.getNextDocument();
            // Summing all specific amounts.
            insertIntoCell(intColumn + 3, intRow, "=sum(D"
                           + String.valueOf( intRowToStart + 1 ) + ":D"
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        //        long ncWalkTime = System.nanoTime();
        //        System.out.println("NOTECOLL: noteid array walked " + nids.length + " entries in " + (ncWalkTime - ncBuildTime) / 1000
        //            + "us");

        long mergeStartTime = System.nanoTime();
        DocumentCollection mergeColl ="@False", db.getLastModified(), 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < nids.length; j++) {
        long mergeBuildTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl has " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in " + (mergeBuildTime - mergeStartTime)
            / 1000 + "us");
        doc = mergeColl.getFirstDocument();
        while (doc != null) {
          nextDoc = mergeColl.getNextDocument(doc);
          int n = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16);
          doc = nextDoc;
        long mergeWalkTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl walked " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in "
            + (mergeWalkTime - mergeBuildTime) / 1000 + "us");

        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl total time " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in "
            + (mergeWalkTime - ncStartTime) / 1000 + "us");

        walkStartTime = System.nanoTime();
        doc = allDocs.getFirstDocument();
        i = 0;
        while (doc != null) {
          nextDoc = allDocs.getNextDocument(doc);
          nids[i++] = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16);
          doc = nextDoc;
        walkEndTime = System.nanoTime();

        System.out.println("DOCWALK: noteid array has " + allDocs.getCount() + " entries in " + (walkEndTime - walkStartTime)
            / 1000 + "us");

        ncStartTime = System.nanoTime();
        nc = db.createNoteCollection(false);
        nids = nc.getNoteIDs();
        ncBuildTime = System.nanoTime();
        .println("NOTECOLL: noteid array has " + nids.length + " entries in " + (ncBuildTime - ncStartTime) / 1000 + "us");
        //        for (int j = 0; j < nids.length; j++) {
        //          doc = db.getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(nids[j], 16));
        //        }
        //        long ncWalkTime = System.nanoTime();
        //        System.out.println("NOTECOLL: noteid array walked " + nids.length + " entries in " + (ncWalkTime - ncBuildTime) / 1000
        //            + "us");

        mergeStartTime = System.nanoTime();
        mergeColl ="@False", db.getLastModified(), 1);
        for (int j = 0; j < nids.length; j++) {
        mergeBuildTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl has " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in " + (mergeBuildTime - mergeStartTime)
            / 1000 + "us");
        doc = mergeColl.getFirstDocument();
        while (doc != null) {
          nextDoc = mergeColl.getNextDocument(doc);
          int n = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16);
          doc = nextDoc;
        mergeWalkTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl walked " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in "
            + (mergeWalkTime - mergeBuildTime) / 1000 + "us");

        System.out.println("MERGECOLL: mergeColl total time " + mergeColl.getCount() + " entries in "
            + (mergeWalkTime - ncStartTime) / 1000 + "us");


      } catch (Throwable t) {

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    Database db = session.getDatabase("", "events4.nsf");
    NoteCollection cacheNC = db.createNoteCollection(false);
    DocumentCollection cacheDc = db.getAllDocuments();
    Document cacheDoc = cacheDc.getFirstDocument();

    db = session.getDatabase("", "events4.nsf");
    DocumentCollection dc = db.getAllDocuments();
    Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
    Document nextDoc = null;
    int dcCount = dc.getCount();
    int j = 0;
    String[] dcUnids = new String[dcCount];
    long dcStart = System.nanoTime();
    while (doc != null) {
      nextDoc = dc.getNextDocument(doc);
      dcUnids[j++] = doc.getUniversalID();
      doc = nextDoc;
    System.out.println("DocumentCollection strategy got UNIDs for " + dcCount + " docs in " + (System.nanoTime() - dcStart) / 1000
        + "us");

    db = session.getDatabase("", "events4.nsf");
    NoteCollection nc3 = db.createNoteCollection(false);
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  public void getAllDocumentsByKey() {
    Database db = null;
    View view = null;
    DocumentCollection dc = null;
    Document doc = null;
    Document nextDoc = null;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    try {
      db = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase();
      view = db.getView("allContactsByState");
      Vector<String> key = new Vector<String>();
      dc = view.getAllDocumentsByKey(key, true);
      doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
      while (doc != null) {
        nextDoc = dc.getNextDocument();
        try {
          sb.append(doc.getItemValueString("FirstName") + " " + doc.getItemValueString("LastName") + "...");
        } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne1) {
        } finally {
        doc = nextDoc;
    } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne) {

    ExtLibUtil.getViewScope().put("oldJavaTest", sb.toString());
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  public void getAllDocumentsByKeyNoMatch() {
    Database db = null;
    View view = null;
    DocumentCollection dc = null;
    Document doc = null;
    Document nextDoc = null;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    try {
      db = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase();
      view = db.getView("allContactsByState");
      Vector<String> key = new Vector<String>();
      dc = view.getAllDocumentsByKey(key, true);
      sb.append("Getting values...");
      doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
      while (doc != null) {
        nextDoc = dc.getNextDocument();
        try {
          sb.append(doc.getItemValueString("FirstName") + " " + doc.getItemValueString("LastName") + "...");
        } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne1) {
        } finally {
        doc = nextDoc;
    } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (lotus.domino.NotesException ne) {

    ExtLibUtil.getViewScope().put("oldJavaTest", sb.toString());
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Related Classes of lotus.domino.DocumentCollection

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