
Examples of

      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      assertEquals(f1.getBlueValues(), arr3);
      assertEquals(f1.getDataType(), byte[].class);
      assertEquals(f1.getFrameRate(), 3.f);
      assertEquals(f1.getGreenValues(), arr2);
      assertEquals(f1.getLineStride(), 1);
      assertEquals(f1.getMapSize(), 2);
      assertEquals(f1.getMaxDataLength(), 2000);
      assertEquals(f1.getRedValues(), arr1);
      assertEquals(f1.getSize(), new Dimension(1, 1));
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    final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
    final IndexedColorFormat f2 = (IndexedColorFormat) f1.clone();
    assertTrue(f2.getRedValues() == f1.getRedValues());
    assertTrue(f2.getGreenValues() == f1.getGreenValues());
    assertTrue(f2.getBlueValues() == f1.getBlueValues());
    assertTrue(f2.getSize() != f1.getSize());

    assertEquals(f1.getSize(), f2.getSize());
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    else if (c == IndexedColorFormat.class)

      final IndexedColorFormat o = (IndexedColorFormat) f;
      return "new IndexedColorFormat(" +
      toLiteral(o.getSize()) +
      ", " + o.getMaxDataLength() +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameRate()) +
      ", " + o.getLineStride() // TODO: use constants
      ", " + o.getMapSize() +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getRedValues()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getGreenValues()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getBlueValues())
      + ")";

    else if (c == H263Format.class)

      final H263Format o = (H263Format) f;
      return "new H263Format(" +
      toLiteral(o.getSize()) +
      ", " + o.getMaxDataLength() +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameRate()) +
      ", " + o.getAdvancedPrediction()
      ", " + o.getArithmeticCoding() +
      ", " + o.getErrorCompensation() +
      ", " + o.getHrDB() +
      ", " + o.getPBFrames() +
      ", " + o.getUnrestrictedVector()
      + ")";

    else if (c == H261Format.class)
      final H261Format o = (H261Format) f;
      return "new H261Format(" +
      toLiteral(o.getSize()) +
      ", " + o.getMaxDataLength() +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameRate()) +
      ", " + o.getStillImageTransmission()
      + ")";

    else if (c == AudioFormat.class)
      final AudioFormat o = (AudioFormat) f;
      return "new AudioFormat(" +
      CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEncoding()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSampleRate()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSampleSizeInBits()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getChannels()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEndian()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSigned()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameSizeInBits()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameRate()) +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType())
      + ")";

    else if (c == VideoFormat.class)
      final VideoFormat o = (VideoFormat) f;
      return "new VideoFormat(" +
      CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEncoding()) +
      ", " + toLiteral(o.getSize()) +
      ", " + o.getMaxDataLength() +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameRate())
      + ")";

    else if (c == Format.class)
      final Format o = (Format) f;
      return "new Format(" +
      CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEncoding()) +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType())
      + ")";

    else if (c == FileTypeDescriptor.class)
      final FileTypeDescriptor o = (FileTypeDescriptor) f;
      return "new FileTypeDescriptor(" +
      + ")";
    else if (c == ContentDescriptor.class)
      final ContentDescriptor o = (ContentDescriptor) f;
      return "new ContentDescriptor(" +
      + ")";
    else if (c ==
      // TODO: are the parameters correct?
      final o = ( f;
      return "new" +
      CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEncoding()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSampleRate()) +
      //", -1" + // int arg TODO - what is this?
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSampleSizeInBits()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getChannels()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getFrameSizeInBits()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getAverageBytesPerSecond()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getEndian()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getSigned()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral((float) o.getFrameRate()) +
      ", " + dataTypeToStr(o.getDataType()) +
      ", " + CGUtils.toLiteral(o.getCodecSpecificHeader())
      + ")";
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + f.getClass());
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    assertEquals(new H263Format().toString(), "H.263 video format");
    assertEquals(new H263Format(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.shortArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).toString(), "H.263 video format");
    assertEquals(new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}).toString(), "IRGB, 1x1, FrameRate=3.0, Length=2000");
    assertEquals(new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, -1.f, 1, 2, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}).toString(), "IRGB, 1x1, Length=2000");
    assertEquals(new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), -1, Format.byteArray, -1.f, 1, 2, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}).toString(), "IRGB, 1x1");
    assertEquals(new IndexedColorFormat(null, -1, Format.byteArray, -1.f, 1, 2, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}).toString(), "IRGB");
    assertEquals(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DOLBYAC3).toString(), "dolbyac3, Unknown Sample Rate");
    assertEquals(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DOLBYAC3, 2.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.0, Format.byteArray).toString(), "dolbyac3, 2.0 Hz, 1-bit, Stereo, Unsigned, 6.0 frame rate, FrameSize=5 bits");
    assertEquals(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DOLBYAC3, 2.0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.0, Format.byteArray).toString(), "dolbyac3, 2.0 Hz, 1-bit, Mono, Unsigned, 6.0 frame rate, FrameSize=5 bits");
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      final Format f1 = new Format(null);

      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0}, new byte[] {0, 0});
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = (IndexedColorFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getRedValues(), f1.getRedValues());
      assertEquals(f2.getGreenValues(), f1.getGreenValues());
      assertEquals(f2.getBlueValues(), f1.getBlueValues());
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getLineStride(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getMapSize(), f1.getMapSize());
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);

      final AudioFormat f1 = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.DOLBYAC3, 2.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.0, Format.byteArray);
      final AudioFormat f2 = (AudioFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getSampleRate(), f1.getSampleRate());
      assertEquals(f2.getChannels(), f1.getChannels());
      assertEquals(f2.getEndian(), f1.getEndian());
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), f1.getFrameRate());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameSizeInBits(), f1.getFrameSizeInBits());
      assertEquals(f2.getSampleSizeInBits(), f1.getSampleSizeInBits());
      assertEquals(f2.getSigned(), f1.getSigned());

      final RGBFormat f1 = new RGBFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
      final RGBFormat f2 = (RGBFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getRedMask(), f1.getRedMask());
      assertEquals(f2.getGreenMask(), f1.getGreenMask());
      assertEquals(f2.getBlueMask(), f1.getBlueMask());
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getLineStride(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getEndian(), f1.getEndian());
      assertEquals(f2.getBitsPerPixel(), f1.getBitsPerPixel());
      assertEquals(f2.getFlipped(), f1.getFlipped());
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);

      final YUVFormat f1 = new YUVFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
      final YUVFormat f2 = (YUVFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetU(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetV(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getOffsetY(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getStrideUV(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getStrideY(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getYuvType(), f1.getYuvType());
      final JPEGFormat f1 = new JPEGFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2);
      final JPEGFormat f2 = (JPEGFormat) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getQFactor(), f1.getQFactor());
      assertEquals(f2.getDecimation(), f1.getDecimation());
      final H261Format f1 = new H261Format(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1);
      final H261Format f2 = (H261Format) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getStillImageTransmission(), f1.getStillImageTransmission());

      final H263Format f1 = new H263Format(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 2.f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
      final H263Format f2 = (H263Format) f1.relax();
      assertEquals(f2.getEncoding(), f1.getEncoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getDataType(), f1.getDataType());
      assertEquals(f2.getFrameRate(), -1.f);
      assertEquals(f2.getMaxDataLength(), -1);
      assertEquals(f2.getSize(), null);
      assertEquals(f2.getAdvancedPrediction(), f1.getAdvancedPrediction());
      assertEquals(f2.getArithmeticCoding(), f1.getArithmeticCoding());
      assertEquals(f2.getErrorCompensation(), f1.getErrorCompensation());
      assertEquals(f2.getHrDB(), f1.getHrDB());
      assertEquals(f2.getPBFrames(), f1.getPBFrames());
      assertEquals(f2.getUnrestrictedVector(), f1.getUnrestrictedVector());

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      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

    // dimension
      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(0, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

    // dataType
      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.shortArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

    // max
      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2001, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 4.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 2, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 3, arr1, arr2, arr3);

      final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
      final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);
      final IndexedColorFormat f2 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 3, new byte[] {0, 0}, arr2, arr3);

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    final byte[] arr1 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final byte[] arr2 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final byte[] arr3 = new byte[] {0, 0};
    final IndexedColorFormat f1 = new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3);

    // IndexedColorFormat - equal and match:
      final IndexedColorFormat[] f2s = new IndexedColorFormat[]{
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
            (IndexedColorFormat) f1.clone(),
            (IndexedColorFormat) f1.intersects(f1)
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        IndexedColorFormat f2 = f2s[i];
    // IndexedColorFormat - not equal and not match:
      final IndexedColorFormat[] f2s = new IndexedColorFormat[]{
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 2), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.shortArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 4.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 11, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 12, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr2, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr3, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr1),
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        IndexedColorFormat f2 = f2s[i];

    // IndexedColorFormat - not equal but match:
      final IndexedColorFormat[] f2s = new IndexedColorFormat[]{
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2001, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(null, 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, null, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, 2, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, arr1, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, null, arr2, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, null, arr3),
          new IndexedColorFormat(new Dimension(1, 1), 2000, Format.byteArray, 3.f, 1, 2, arr1, arr2, null),
      for (int i = 0; i < f2s.length; ++i)
        IndexedColorFormat f2 = f2s[i];
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    assertEquals(new H261Format().getDataType(), Format.byteArray);
    assertEquals(new H263Format().getEncoding(), "h263");
    assertEquals(new H263Format().getDataType(), Format.byteArray);
    final IndexedColorFormat indexedColorFormat = new IndexedColorFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(0, 0), 0, null, 0.f, 0, 0, null, null, null);
    assertEquals(indexedColorFormat.getEncoding(), "irgb")
    assertEquals(indexedColorFormat.getDataType(), null);
    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().getEncoding(), "jpeg")
    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().getDecimation(), Format.NOT_SPECIFIED)
    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().getQFactor(), Format.NOT_SPECIFIED)
    assertEquals(new JPEGFormat().getDataType(), Format.byteArray);
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