Package hudson

Examples of hudson.Proc

            if ( mavenRemoteUseInet ) {
                envVars.put(MAVEN_REMOTE_USEINET_ENV_VAR_NAME , "true" );
            final ArgumentListBuilder cmdLine = buildMavenAgentCmdLine( listener,acceptor.getPort());
            String[] cmds = cmdLine.toCommandArray();
            final Proc proc = launcher.launch().cmds(cmds).envs(envVars).stdout(mca).pwd(workDir).start();

            Connection con;
            try {
                con = acceptor.accept();
            } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
                // failed to connect. Is the process dead?
                // if so, the error should have been provided by the launcher already.
                // so abort gracefully without a stack trace.
                    throw new AbortException("Failed to launch Maven. Exit code = "+proc.join());
                throw e;

            return new NewProcess(
                Channels.forProcess("Channel to Maven "+ Arrays.toString(cmds),
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        return new LocalLauncher(listener) {
            public Proc launch(ProcStarter starter) throws IOException {
                synchronized (PretendSlave.this) {
                Proc p = faker.onLaunch(starter);
                if (p!=null)    return p;
                return super.launch(starter);
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        if (classpath != null)
        vmb.args().add("-connectTo", "localhost:" + serverSocket.getLocalPort());

        // TODO add XVFB options here
        Proc p = vmb.launch(new LocalLauncher(listener)).stdout(listener).envs(envVariables).start();

        Socket s = serverSocket.accept();

        return Channels.forProcess("Channel to " + displayName, Computer.threadPoolForRemoting, new BufferedInputStream(new SocketInputStream(s)),
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     * record the log and its exit code, then call it a build.
    public void run(final String[] cmd) {
        run(new Runner() {
            public Result run(BuildListener listener) throws Exception {
                Proc proc = new Proc.LocalProc(cmd,getEnvironment(listener),,new DualOutputStream(System.out,listener.getLogger()));
                return proc.join()==0?Result.SUCCESS:Result.FAILURE;

            public void post(BuildListener listener) {
                // do nothing
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        listener.getLogger().println("Starting "+displayName);
        Proc p = vmb.launch(new LocalLauncher(listener)).stdout(listener).pwd(workDir).start();

        Socket s = serverSocket.accept();

        return forProcess("Channel to "+displayName, Computer.threadPoolForRemoting,
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     * Launches the JNLP slave agent and asserts its basic operations.
    private void launchJnlpAndVerify(Computer c, ArgumentListBuilder args) throws Exception {
        Proc proc = createLocalLauncher().launch().cmds(args).stdout(System.out).pwd(".").start();

        try {
            // verify that the connection is established, up to 20 secs
            for( int i=0; i<200; i++ ) {

            if (c.isOffline()) {
                fail("Slave failed to go online");
            // run some trivial thing
            System.err.println("Calling task...");
            assertEquals("done", c.getChannel().callAsync(new NoopTask()).get(5 * 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        } finally {

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        final Thread t1 = new StreamCopyThread("stdout copier: "+name, proc.getInputStream(), ps.stdout(),false);
        final Thread t2 = new StreamCopyThread("stdin copier: "+name,ps.stdin(), proc.getOutputStream(),true);

        return new Proc() {
            public boolean isAlive() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                try {
                    return false;
                } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
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        final AndroidEmulatorContext emu = new AndroidEmulatorContext(build, launcher, listener, androidSdk);

        // We manually start the adb-server so that later commands will not have to start it,
        // allowing them to complete faster.
        Proc adbStart = emu.getToolProcStarter(Tool.ADB, "start-server").stdout(logger).start();
        adbStart.joinWithTimeout(5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, listener);
        Proc adbStart2 = emu.getToolProcStarter(Tool.ADB, "start-server").stdout(logger).start();
        adbStart2.joinWithTimeout(5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, listener);

        // Determine whether we need to create the first snapshot
        final SnapshotState snapshotState;
        if (useSnapshots && androidSdk.supportsSnapshots()) {
            boolean hasSnapshot = emuConfig.hasExistingSnapshot(launcher, androidSdk);
            if (hasSnapshot) {
                // Boot from the existing "jenkins" snapshot
                snapshotState = SnapshotState.BOOT;
            } else {
                // Create an initial "jenkins" snapshot...
                snapshotState = SnapshotState.INITIALISE;
                // ..with a clean start
        } else {
            // If snapshots are disabled or not supported, there's nothing to do
            snapshotState = SnapshotState.NONE;

        // Compile complete command for starting emulator
        final String emulatorArgs = emuConfig.getCommandArguments(snapshotState,
                androidSdk.supportsSnapshots(), emu.userPort(), emu.adbPort());

        // Start emulator process
        if (snapshotState == SnapshotState.BOOT) {
            log(logger, Messages.STARTING_EMULATOR_FROM_SNAPSHOT());
        } else if (snapshotState == SnapshotState.INITIALISE) {
            log(logger, Messages.STARTING_EMULATOR_SNAPSHOT_INIT());
        } else {
            log(logger, Messages.STARTING_EMULATOR());
        if (emulatorAlreadyExists && emuConfig.shouldWipeData()) {
            log(logger, Messages.ERASING_EXISTING_EMULATOR_DATA());
        final long bootTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Prepare to capture and log emulator standard output
        ByteArrayOutputStream emulatorOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ForkOutputStream emulatorLogger = new ForkOutputStream(logger, emulatorOutput);

        final Proc emulatorProcess = emu.getToolProcStarter(emuConfig.getExecutable(), emulatorArgs).stdout(emulatorLogger).start();

        // Give the emulator process a chance to initialise
        Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);

        // Check whether a failure was reported on stdout
        if (emulatorOutput.toString().contains("image is used by another emulator")) {
            log(logger, Messages.EMULATOR_ALREADY_IN_USE(emuConfig.getAvdName()));
            return null;

        // Wait for TCP socket to become available
        boolean socket = waitForSocket(launcher, emu.adbPort(), ADB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS);
        if (!socket) {
            log(logger, Messages.EMULATOR_DID_NOT_START());
            cleanUp(emuConfig, emu);
            return null;

        // As of SDK Tools r12, "emulator" is no longer the main process; it just starts a certain
        // child process depending on the AVD architecture.  Therefore on Windows, checking the
        // status of this original process will not work, as it ends after it has started the child.
        // With the adb socket open we know the correct process is running, so we set this flag to
        // indicate that any methods wanting to check the "emulator" process state should ignore it.
        boolean ignoreProcess = !launcher.isUnix() && androidSdk.getSdkToolsVersion() >= 12;

        // Notify adb of our existence
        int result = emu.getToolProcStarter(Tool.ADB, "connect " + emu.serial()).join();
        if (result != 0) { // adb currently only ever returns 0!
            log(logger, Messages.CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_EMULATOR());
            cleanUp(emuConfig, emu);
            return null;

        // Monitor device for boot completion signal
        log(logger, Messages.WAITING_FOR_BOOT_COMPLETION());
        int bootTimeout = BOOT_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT_MS;
        if (!emulatorAlreadyExists || emuConfig.shouldWipeData() || snapshotState == SnapshotState.INITIALISE) {
            bootTimeout *= 2;
        boolean bootSucceeded = waitForBootCompletion(ignoreProcess, bootTimeout, emu);
        if (!bootSucceeded) {
            if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - bootTime) < bootTimeout) {
                log(logger, Messages.EMULATOR_STOPPED_DURING_BOOT());
            } else {
                log(logger, Messages.BOOT_COMPLETION_TIMED_OUT(bootTimeout / 1000));
            cleanUp(emuConfig, emu);
            return null;

        // Start dumping logcat to temporary file
        final File artifactsDir = build.getArtifactsDir();
        final FilePath logcatFile = build.getWorkspace().createTextTempFile("logcat_", ".log", "", false);
        final OutputStream logcatStream = logcatFile.write();
        final String logcatArgs = String.format("-s %s logcat -v time", emu.serial());
        final Proc logWriter = emu.getToolProcStarter(Tool.ADB, logcatArgs).stdout(logcatStream).stderr(new NullStream()).start();

        // Unlock emulator by pressing the Menu key once, if required.
        // Upon first boot (and when the data is wiped) the emulator is already unlocked
        final long bootDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - bootTime;
        if (emulatorAlreadyExists && !wipeData && snapshotState != SnapshotState.BOOT) {
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            int iterations = 0;
            while (System.currentTimeMillis() < start + timeout && (ignoreProcess || emu.process().isAlive())) {
                ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4);

                // Run "getprop", timing-out in case adb hangs
                Proc proc = emu.getProcStarter(bootCheckCmd).stdout(stream).start();
                int retVal = proc.joinWithTimeout(adbTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, emu.launcher().getListener());
                if (retVal == 0) {
                    // If boot is complete, our work here is done
                    String result = stream.toString().trim();
                    if (result.equals("1")) {
                        return true;
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            env.put("ANDROID_SDK_HOME", sdk.getSdkHome());
            procStarter = procStarter.envs(env);

        // Run the command and accept any licence requests during installation
        Proc proc = procStarter.start();
        BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getStdout()));
        String line;
        while (proc.isAlive() && (line = r.readLine()) != null) {
            if (line.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("license id: ")) {
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Related Classes of hudson.Proc

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