Package gnu.trove.stack.array

Examples of gnu.trove.stack.array.TIntArrayStack
 = new TObjectIntHashMap<IntVar>();
        for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
  [i], i);
        this.toRemove = new TIntArrayStack();
        this.toUpdateLeft = new TIntArrayStack[nbR + 1];
        this.toUpdateRight = new TIntArrayStack[nbR + 1];

        for (int i = 0; i <= nbR; i++) {
            this.toUpdateLeft[i] = new TIntArrayStack();
            this.toUpdateRight[i] = new TIntArrayStack();
        this.boundUpdate = new TIntHashSet();
        this.pi = cauto;
        rem_proc = new RemProc(this);
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        this.sccSequences = new int[this.n][this.n];
        this.dfsNodes = new int[this.n];
        this.sccNumbers = new int[this.n];
        this.tmpArray = new int[this.n];
        this.pQueue = new PriorityQueue(this.n);
        this.s1 = new TIntArrayStack(this.n);
        this.s2 = new Stack2(this.n);
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            idms[i] = this.vars[i].monitorDelta(this);
        this.zIdx = vars.length - 1;
        this.rem_proc = new RemProc(this);
        IEnvironment environment = solver.getEnvironment();
        this.toRemove = new TIntArrayStack();
        this.boundChange = environment.makeBool(false);
        this.graph = graph;
        this.cautomaton = cautomaton;
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        this.starts = starts;
        this.offsets = offsets;
        this.layers = layers;
        this.sourceIndex = layers[0][0];
        this.tinkIndex = layers[layers.length - 1][0];
        this.toUpdateLeft = new TIntArrayStack();
        this.toUpdateRight = new TIntArrayStack();

        this.GNodes = new Nodes();
        this.GArcs = new Arcs();

        TIntHashSet[] sups = new TIntHashSet[supportLength];
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    //  return immediately if given an invalid "count" parameter
    if (count <= 0) {

    TIntStack parents = new TIntArrayStack();

    TIntStack parentsEntry = new TIntArrayStack();

    TIntArrayList savedValues = new TIntArrayList();
    float savedPriority = 0;

    // TODO: possible shortcut here - could test for intersection with the
    //       MBR of the root node. If no intersection, return immediately.

    float furthestDistanceSq = furthestDistance * furthestDistance;

    while (parents.size() > 0) {
      Node n = getNode(parents.peek());
      int startIndex = parentsEntry.peek() + 1;

      if (!n.isLeaf()) {
        // go through every entry in the index node to check
        // if it could contain an entry closer than the farthest entry
        // currently stored.
        boolean near = false;
        for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
          if (Rectangle.distanceSq(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i],
                                 n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i],
                                 p.x, p.y) <= furthestDistanceSq) {
            parentsEntry.push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
            near = true;
            break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
        if (near) {
      } else {
        // go through every entry in the leaf to check if
        // it is currently one of the nearest N entries.
        for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
          float entryDistanceSq = Rectangle.distanceSq(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i],
                                                   n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i],
                                                   p.x, p.y);
          int entryId = n.ids[i];

          if (entryDistanceSq <= furthestDistanceSq) {
            distanceQueue.insert(entryId, entryDistanceSq);

            while (distanceQueue.size() > count) {
              // normal case - we can simply remove the lowest priority (highest distance) entry
              int value = distanceQueue.getValue();
              float distanceSq = distanceQueue.getPriority();

              // rare case - multiple items of the same priority (distance)
              if (distanceSq == distanceQueue.getPriority()) {
                savedPriority = distanceSq;
              } else {

            // if the saved values have the same distance as the
            // next one in the tree, add them back in.
            if (savedValues.size() > 0 && savedPriority == distanceQueue.getPriority()) {
              for (int svi = 0; svi < savedValues.size(); svi++) {
                distanceQueue.insert(savedValues.get(svi), savedPriority);

            // narrow the search, if we have already found N items
            if (distanceQueue.getPriority() < furthestDistanceSq && distanceQueue.size() >= count) {
              furthestDistanceSq = distanceQueue.getPriority();
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   * @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#contains(Rectangle, TIntProcedure)
  public void contains(Rectangle r, TIntProcedure v) {
    // find all rectangles in the tree that are contained by the passed rectangle
    // written to be non-recursive (should model other searches on this?)
    TIntStack parents = new TIntArrayStack();

    TIntStack parentsEntry = new TIntArrayStack();

    // TODO: possible shortcut here - could test for intersection with the
    // MBR of the root node. If no intersection, return immediately.

    while (parents.size() > 0) {
      Node n = getNode(parents.peek());
      int startIndex = parentsEntry.peek() + 1;

      if (!n.isLeaf()) {
        // go through every entry in the index node to check
        // if it intersects the passed rectangle. If so, it
        // could contain entries that are contained.
        boolean intersects = false;
        for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
          if (Rectangle.intersects(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY,
                                   n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i])) {
            parentsEntry.push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
            intersects = true;
            break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
        if (intersects) {
      } else {
        // go through every entry in the leaf to check if
        // it is contained by the passed rectangle
        for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
          if (Rectangle.contains(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY,
                                 n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i])) {
            if (!v.execute(n.ids[i])) {
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    // nodes to be empty.
    Node n = l;
    Node parent = null;
    int parentEntry = 0;

    TIntStack eliminatedNodeIds = new TIntArrayStack();

    // CT2 [Find parent entry] If N is the root, go to CT6. Otherwise
    // let P be the parent of N, and let En be N's entry in P
    while (n.level != treeHeight) {
      parent = getNode(parents.pop());
      parentEntry = parentsEntry.pop();

      // CT3 [Eliminiate under-full node] If N has too few entries,
      // delete En from P and add N to the list of eliminated nodes
      if (n.entryCount < minNodeEntries) {
      } else {
        // CT4 [Adjust covering rectangle] If N has not been eliminated,
        // adjust EnI to tightly contain all entries in N
        if (n.mbrMinX != parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry] ||
            n.mbrMinY != parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry] ||
            n.mbrMaxX != parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry] ||
            n.mbrMaxY != parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry]) {
          float deletedMinX = parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry];
          float deletedMinY = parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry];
          float deletedMaxX = parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry];
          float deletedMaxY = parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry];
          parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry] = n.mbrMinX;
          parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry] = n.mbrMinY;
          parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry] = n.mbrMaxX;
          parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry] = n.mbrMaxY;
          parent.recalculateMBRIfInfluencedBy(deletedMinX, deletedMinY, deletedMaxX, deletedMaxY);
      // CT5 [Move up one level in tree] Set N=P and repeat from CT2
      n = parent;

    // CT6 [Reinsert orphaned entries] Reinsert all entries of nodes in set Q.
    // Entries from eliminated leaf nodes are reinserted in tree leaves as in
    // Insert(), but entries from higher level nodes must be placed higher in
    // the tree, so that leaves of their dependent subtrees will be on the same
    // level as leaves of the main tree
    while (eliminatedNodeIds.size() > 0) {
      Node e = getNode(eliminatedNodeIds.pop());
      for (int j = 0; j < e.entryCount; j++) {
        add(e.entriesMinX[j], e.entriesMinY[j], e.entriesMaxX[j], e.entriesMaxY[j], e.ids[j], e.level);
        e.ids[j] = -1;
      e.entryCount = 0;
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          "Can't extract pairs if structure is not given");

    ArrayList<IntPair> ans = new ArrayList<IntPair>();

    TIntArrayStack stack = new TIntArrayStack(secondary.length() / 2);
    // run on all types of brackets
    for (int b = 0; b < possibleBracketsInStructure.length; b++) {
      final char openBracket = possibleBracketsInStructure[b][0];
      final char closeBracket = possibleBracketsInStructure[b][1];
      for (int i = 0; i < secondary.length(); i++) {
        if (secondary.charAt(i) == openBracket) {
        } else if (secondary.charAt(i) == closeBracket) {
          if (stack.size() == 0) {
            return false;
          final int start = stack.pop();
          ans.add(new IntPair(start, i));
      if (stack.size() != 0) {
        return false;
    return true;
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          "Can't extract pairs if structure is not given");

    ArrayList<IntPair> ans = new ArrayList<IntPair>();

    TIntArrayStack stack = new TIntArrayStack(secondary.length() / 2);
    // run on all types of brackets
    for (int b = 0; b < possibleBracketsInStructure.length; b++) {
      final char openBracket = possibleBracketsInStructure[b][0];
      final char closeBracket = possibleBracketsInStructure[b][1];
      for (int i = 0; i < secondary.length(); i++) {
        if (secondary.charAt(i) == openBracket) {
        } else if (secondary.charAt(i) == closeBracket) {
          final int start = stack.pop();
          ans.add(new IntPair(start, i));
    return ans;
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Related Classes of gnu.trove.stack.array.TIntArrayStack

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