Package gistoolkit.features

Examples of gistoolkit.features.Envelope

            double tempNewYHeight = (inScreenEnvelope.getMinY() - inScreenEnvelope.getMaxY())/myYMultiplier;
            double tempOldYHeight = (inWorldEnvelope.getMinY() - inWorldEnvelope.getMaxY());
            double tempYDiff = (tempNewYHeight - tempOldYHeight)/2;

            // calculate the new world Envelope.
            myWorldEnvelope = new Envelope(
                inWorldEnvelope.getMinX() - tempXDiff,
                inWorldEnvelope.getMaxY() - tempYDiff,
                inWorldEnvelope.getMaxX() + tempXDiff,
                inWorldEnvelope.getMinY() + tempYDiff
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        LayerDefinition[] tempLayerDefinitions = tempService.getLayerDefinitions();
        for (int i=0; i<tempLayerDefinitions.length; i++){
            Envelope tempEnvelope = tempLayerDefinitions[i].getLatLonEnvelope();
            out.println("\t\t\t<LatLongBoundingBox minx=\""+tempEnvelope.getMinX()+"\" miny=\""+tempEnvelope.getMinY()+"\" maxx=\""+tempEnvelope.getMaxX()+"\" maxy=\""+tempEnvelope.getMaxY()+"\" />");
            // loop through the styles, listing the available ones.
            Style[] tempStyles = tempLayerDefinitions[i].getStyles();
            for (int j=0; j<tempStyles.length; j++){
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        LayerDefinition[] tempLayerDefinitions = tempService.getLayerDefinitions();
        for (int i=0; i<tempLayerDefinitions.length; i++){
            Envelope tempEnvelope = tempLayerDefinitions[i].getLatLonEnvelope();
            out.println("\t\t\t<LatLongBoundingBox minx=\""+tempEnvelope.getMinX()+"\" miny=\""+tempEnvelope.getMinY()+"\" maxx=\""+tempEnvelope.getMaxX()+"\" maxy=\""+tempEnvelope.getMaxY()+"\" />");
            // loop through the styles, listing the available ones.
            Style[] tempStyles = tempLayerDefinitions[i].getStyles();
            for (int j=0; j<tempStyles.length; j++){
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    public void execute(){
        // retrieve the display
        GISEditor tempEditor = getGISEditor();
        if (tempEditor != null){
            Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
            // check for the selected records.
            if (getGISDisplay().getDrawModel() instanceof SelectDrawModel){
                Record[] tempRecords = ((gistoolkit.display.drawmodel.SelectDrawModel) getGISDisplay().getDrawModel()).getSelectedRecords();
                if ((tempRecords != null) && (tempRecords.length > 0)){
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    public static Envelope calculateEnvelope(File inTFWFile, ImageInformation inImageInformation)throws Exception{
        if (inTFWFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read world coordinates, The World file is null");
        if (inImageInformation == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read Image Information for "+inTFWFile);
        /** Check for World file. */
        Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
        if (inTFWFile.length() > 0){
            // read the contents
            FileReader fread = new FileReader(inTFWFile);
            BufferedReader bread = new BufferedReader(fread);
            String tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("First line of tfw (The dimension of a pixel in map units in the x-direction) is not available");
            double tempXScale = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
            tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Second line of tfw (The rotation factor in the x-direction (generally 0)) is not available");
            double  tempXRot = 0;
            tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Third line of tfw (The rotation factor in the y-direction (generally 0)) is not available");
            double  tempYRot = 0;
            tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Fourth line of tfw (The negative of the dimension of a pixel in map units in the y-direction) is not available");
            double  tempYScale = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
            tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Fifth line of tfw (The x-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel) is not available");
            double  tempXStart = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
            tempLine = bread.readLine();
            if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Sixth line of tfw (The y-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel) is not available");
            double  tempYStart = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
            int tempWidth = inImageInformation.getImageWidth();
            int tempHeight = inImageInformation.getImageHeight();
            if ((tempWidth == 0) || (tempHeight == 0)) throw new Exception("Can not read the image file for "+inTFWFile);
            // calculate the bounds.
            double tempTopX = tempXStart - tempXScale/2;
            double tempBottomX = tempWidth*tempXScale + tempXStart;
            double tempTopY = tempYStart - tempYScale/2;
            double tempBottomY = tempHeight*tempYScale + tempYStart;
            tempEnvelope = new Envelope(tempTopX, tempTopY, tempBottomX, tempBottomY);
        return tempEnvelope;
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    public static void writeWorldFile(File inOutputFile, Envelope inEnvelope, double inXDimen, double inYDimen) throws Exception{
        if (inOutputFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to write world coordinates, The file is null");
        if (inEnvelope == null) throw new Exception("Envelope is null ");
        /** Check for World file. */
        Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
        FileWriter tempFileWriter = new FileWriter(inOutputFile);
        // The First line of the file is the dimension of a pixel in map units in the X direction.
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        // loop through the files to get the minimum bounding rectangle.
        if (mySourceImageDirectory == null) throw new Exception("Source Image Directory is null, no conversion can occur.");
        // look for the index file.
        Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
        tempEnvelope = readIndex();
        if (tempEnvelope == null){
            // Find the envelope of all the files.
            EnvelopeBuffer tempEnvelopeBuffer = new EnvelopeBuffer();
            notify("Reading World Files", -1, 0,0);
            // get the directory listing.
            File[] tempFiles = mySourceImageDirectory.listFiles();
            for (int i=0; i<tempFiles.length; i++){
                if (myStopProcessing) return;
                String tempName = tempFiles[i].getName();
                String tempUCName = tempName.toUpperCase();
                if ((tempUCName.endsWith(".TFW")) || (tempUCName.endsWith(".JGW")) || (tempUCName.endsWith(".TIFW"))){
                    int tempExtensionLength = 0;
                    if (tempUCName.endsWith(".TFW")) tempExtensionLength = 4;
                    if (tempUCName.endsWith(".JGW")) tempExtensionLength = 4;
                    if (tempUCName.endsWith(".TIFW")) tempExtensionLength = 5;
                    // look for the corrisponding Image File
                    String tempImageName = tempName.substring(0, tempName.length()-tempExtensionLength);
                    File tempImageFile = null;
                    for (int j=0; j<myExtensions.length; j++){
                        String tempFileName = mySourceImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+tempImageName+myExtensions[j];
                        File tempFile = new File(tempFileName);
                        if (tempFile.exists()){
                            tempImageFile = tempFile;
                    // if the image file was found then calculate the Envelope for this image.
                    notify("Reading World File "+tempImageFile.getAbsolutePath(), -1, 0,0);
                    if (tempImageFile != null){
                        // read the image file
                        ImageInformation tempInformation = ImageUtilities.readImageInformation(tempImageFile);
                        if (tempInformation != null){
                            // calculate the envelope for this file.
                            Envelope tempImgEnvelope = ImageUtilities.calculateEnvelope(tempFiles[i], tempInformation);
                            // save in the source list
                            ImageTile tempImageTile = new ImageTile(tempImageFile.getAbsolutePath(), tempImgEnvelope, tempInformation.getImageWidth(), tempInformation.getImageHeight());
            // loop through the envelope.
            tempEnvelope = tempEnvelopeBuffer.getEnvelope();
            // write the XML file for these nodes.
        if (tempEnvelope != null){
            // create the tiles for the first resolution.
            int tempCurrentResolution = myResolutions[0];
            // create the directory
            File tempResolutionDirectory = new File(myDestinationImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+"r"+tempCurrentResolution);
            // how big are the tiles in world coordinates.
            double tempWorldWidth = tempCurrentResolution * myMaxWidth;
            double tempWorldHeight = tempCurrentResolution * myMaxWidth;
            // how many tiles is it going to take at this resolution
            int tempXItter = (int) tempEnvelope.getWidth()/(tempCurrentResolution*myMaxWidth) + 1;
            int tempYItter = (int) tempEnvelope.getHeight()/(tempCurrentResolution*myMaxWidth) + 1;
            // loop through the tiles generating each one.
            for (int j=0; j<tempXItter; j++){
                for (int k=0; k<tempYItter; k++){
                    if (myStopProcessing) return;
                    notify(null, tempCurrentResolution, j, k);
                    // the file name
                    String tempFileName = "X"+j+"Y"+k+"."+myOutputType.toLowerCase();;
                    File tempFile = new File(myDestinationImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+"r"+tempCurrentResolution+File.separatorChar+tempFileName);
                    if (!tempFile.exists()){
                        // determine the world coordinates of the tile.
                        double tempWorldStartX = tempEnvelope.getMinX() + j*tempWorldWidth;
                        double tempWorldStartY = tempEnvelope.getMinY() + k*tempWorldHeight;
                        double tempWorldEndX = tempWorldStartX+tempWorldWidth;
                        double tempWorldEndY = tempWorldStartY+tempWorldHeight;
                        Envelope tempTileEnvelope = new Envelope(tempWorldStartX, tempWorldStartY, tempWorldEndX, tempWorldEndY);
                        System.out.println("TileEnvelope = "+tempTileEnvelope);
                        // create the buffer.
                        BufferedImage tempImage = null;
                        Graphics2D g2d = null;
                        boolean tempFound = false;
                        // loop through the images attempting to find the right one.
                        for (int l=0; l<mySourceList.size(); l++){
                            if (myStopProcessing) return;
                            ImageTile tempTile = (ImageTile) mySourceList.get(l);
                            if (tempTileEnvelope.intersects(tempTile.getEnvelope())){
                                System.out.println("ImageEnvelope = "+tempTile.getEnvelope());
                                // draw this tile on the buffer.
                                Envelope tempNewEnvelope = tempTileEnvelope.getOverlap(tempTile.getEnvelope());
                                // determine the image coordinates of the source image.
                                int tempSourceStartX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinX()-tempTile.getEnvelope().getMinX())/(tempTile.getEnvelope().getWidth())) * tempTile.getWidth());
                                int tempSourceStartY = tempTile.getHeight() - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinY()-tempTile.getEnvelope().getMinY())/(tempTile.getEnvelope().getHeight())) * tempTile.getHeight());
                                int tempSourceEndX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxX()-tempTile.getEnvelope().getMinX())/(tempTile.getEnvelope().getWidth())) * tempTile.getWidth());
                                int tempSourceEndY = tempTile.getHeight() - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxY()-tempTile.getEnvelope().getMinY())/(tempTile.getEnvelope().getHeight())) * tempTile.getHeight());
                                // determine the image coordinates of the destination image.
                                int tempDestinationStartX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinX()-tempWorldStartX)/(tempWorldWidth)) * myMaxWidth);
                                int tempDestinationStartY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinY()-tempWorldStartY)/(tempWorldHeight)) * myMaxWidth);
                                int tempDestinationEndX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxX()-tempWorldStartX)/(tempWorldWidth)) * myMaxWidth);
                                int tempDestinationEndY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxY()-tempWorldStartY)/(tempWorldHeight)) * myMaxWidth);
                                // read the image
                                ImageInformation tempInformation = null;
                                for (int m=0; m<myCacheFileNames.size(); m++){
                                    String tempTestFileName = (String) myCacheFileNames.get(m);
                                    if (tempTestFileName.equals(tempTile.getfileName())){
                                        tempInformation = (ImageInformation) myCacheImages.get(m);
                                if (tempInformation == null){
                                    System.out.println("Reading "+tempTile.getfileName());
                                    notify(tempTile.getfileName(), tempCurrentResolution, j, k);
                                    tempInformation = ImageUtilities.readImageInformation(new File(tempTile.getfileName()));
                                    if (tempInformation != null){
                                        myCacheFileNames.add(0,  tempTile.getfileName());
                                        myCacheImages.add(0, tempInformation);
                                        if (myCacheFileNames.size() > 2){
                                if (tempInformation != null){
                                    if (!tempFound){
                                        tempImage = new BufferedImage(myMaxWidth, myMaxWidth, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR);
                                        g2d = (Graphics2D) tempImage.getGraphics();
                                        g2d.setColor(new Color(255,255,255,255));
                                        g2d.fillRect(0, 0, myMaxWidth, myMaxWidth);
                                        tempFound = true;
                                    // draw the image
                        // write the immage.
                        if (tempFound){
                            ImageIO.write(tempImage, myOutputType.toLowerCase(), tempFile);
            // After doing the first resolution, do all the next ones based on the first one.
            for (int i=1; i<myResolutions.length; i++){
                // create the tiles for the first resolution.
                tempCurrentResolution = myResolutions[i];
                // create the directory
                tempResolutionDirectory = new File(myDestinationImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+"r"+tempCurrentResolution);
                // how big are the tiles in world coordinates.
                tempWorldWidth = tempCurrentResolution * myMaxWidth;
                tempWorldHeight = tempCurrentResolution * myMaxWidth;
                // how many tiles is it going to take at this resolution
                tempXItter = (int) tempEnvelope.getWidth()/(tempCurrentResolution*myMaxWidth) + 1;
                tempYItter = (int) tempEnvelope.getHeight()/(tempCurrentResolution*myMaxWidth) + 1;
                // loop through the tiles generating each one.
                for (int j=0; j<tempXItter; j++){
                    for (int k=0; k<tempYItter; k++){
                        if (myStopProcessing) return;
                        notify(null, tempCurrentResolution, j, k);
                        // the file name
                        String tempFileName = "X"+j+"Y"+k+"."+myOutputType.toLowerCase();;
                        File tempFile = new File(myDestinationImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+"r"+tempCurrentResolution+File.separatorChar+tempFileName);
                        if (!tempFile.exists()){
                            // determine the world coordinates of the tile.
                            double tempWorldStartX = tempEnvelope.getMinX() + j*tempWorldWidth;
                            double tempWorldStartY = tempEnvelope.getMinY() + k*tempWorldHeight;
                            double tempWorldEndX = tempWorldStartX+tempWorldWidth;
                            double tempWorldEndY = tempWorldStartY+tempWorldHeight;
                            Envelope tempTileEnvelope = new Envelope(tempWorldStartX, tempWorldStartY, tempWorldEndX, tempWorldEndY);
                            System.out.println("TileEnvelope = "+tempTileEnvelope);
                            // create the buffer.
                            BufferedImage tempImage = null;
                            Graphics2D g2d = null;
                            boolean tempFound = false;
                            // find the tiles from the previous resolution for this resoltuion.
                            int tempPreviousResolution = myResolutions[i-1];
                            double tempPreviousWorldWidth = myMaxWidth*tempPreviousResolution;
                            double tempPreviousWorldHeight = myMaxWidth*tempPreviousResolution;
                            int tempPreviousResolutionStartX = (int) ((tempWorldStartX - tempEnvelope.getMinX())/(tempPreviousWorldWidth));
                            int tempPreviousResolutionEndX = (int) ((tempWorldEndX - tempEnvelope.getMinX())/(tempPreviousWorldWidth));
                            int tempPreviousResolutionStartY = (int) ((tempWorldStartY - tempEnvelope.getMinY())/(tempPreviousWorldHeight));
                            int tempPreviousResolutionEndY = (int) ((tempWorldEndY - tempEnvelope.getMinY())/(tempPreviousWorldHeight));
                            // loop through the x and y tiles drawing them on the current set
                            for (int tx = tempPreviousResolutionStartX; tx<tempPreviousResolutionEndX+1; tx++){
                                for (int ty = tempPreviousResolutionStartY; ty<tempPreviousResolutionEndY+1; ty++){
                                    if (myStopProcessing) return;
                                    // Does this tile exist.
                                    String tempPreviousTileFileName = "X"+tx+"Y"+ty+"."+myOutputType.toLowerCase();;
                                    File tempPreviousFile = new File(myDestinationImageDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separatorChar+"r"+tempPreviousResolution+File.separatorChar+tempPreviousTileFileName);
                                    if (tempPreviousFile.exists()){
                                        // determine the world coordinates of the source tile.
                                        double tempTileMinX = tempEnvelope.getMinX() + (tx * tempPreviousWorldWidth);
                                        double tempTileMaxX = tempEnvelope.getMinX() + ((tx+1) * tempPreviousWorldWidth);
                                        double tempTileMinY = tempEnvelope.getMinY() + (ty * tempPreviousWorldHeight);
                                        double tempTileMaxY = tempEnvelope.getMinY() + ((ty+1) * tempPreviousWorldHeight);
                                        Envelope tempPreviousTileEnvelope = new Envelope(tempTileMinX, tempTileMinY, tempTileMaxX, tempTileMaxY);
                                        Envelope tempNewEnvelope = tempTileEnvelope.getOverlap(tempPreviousTileEnvelope);
                                        // determine the image coordinates of the source image.
                                        if (tempNewEnvelope != null){
                                            int tempSourceStartX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinX()-tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getMinX())/(tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getWidth())) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempSourceStartY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinY()-tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getMinY())/(tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getHeight())) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempSourceEndX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxX()-tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getMinX())/(tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getWidth())) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempSourceEndY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxY()-tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getMinY())/(tempPreviousTileEnvelope.getHeight())) * myMaxWidth);

                                            // determine the image coordinates of the destination image.
                                            int tempDestinationStartX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinX()-tempWorldStartX)/(tempWorldWidth)) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempDestinationStartY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMinY()-tempWorldStartY)/(tempWorldHeight)) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempDestinationEndX = (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxX()-tempWorldStartX)/(tempWorldWidth)) * myMaxWidth);
                                            int tempDestinationEndY = myMaxWidth - (int) (((tempNewEnvelope.getMaxY()-tempWorldStartY)/(tempWorldHeight)) * myMaxWidth);

                                            // read the image
                                            ImageInformation tempInformation = null;
                                            System.out.println("Reading "+tempPreviousFile.getAbsolutePath());
                                            notify(tempPreviousFile.getAbsolutePath(), tempCurrentResolution, j, k);
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                    catch (Exception e){
                        throw new Exception("Error parsing MaxY from RasterCatalog Index File");
                // Create the envelope
                Envelope tempEnvelope = new Envelope(tempMinX, tempMinY, tempMaxX, tempMaxY);
                // read the resolutions.
                int[] tempResolutions = null;
                String[] tempResolutionNames = null;
                    String tempString = tempRoot.getAttribute("Resolutions");
                    if (tempString == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read Resolutions configuration information.");
                    ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tempString);
                    while (st.hasMoreElements()){
                    tempResolutions = new int[tempList.size()];
                    tempResolutionNames = new String[tempList.size()];
                    for (int i=0; i<tempList.size(); i++){
                        tempResolutionNames[i] = (String) tempList.get(i);
                        tempResolutions[i] = Integer.parseInt(tempResolutionNames[i]);
                    if (tempResolutions.length == 0) throw new Exception("No Resolutions found in Index File!");
                    myResolutions = tempResolutions;
                catch (Exception e){
                    throw new Exception("Error parsing Resolutions from index file.");
                // Read the file extension of the tiles.
                String tempExtension = tempRoot.getAttribute("Extension");
                if (tempExtension == null) tempExtension = "jpg";
                // read the source information.
                Node[] tempSourceNodes = tempRoot.getChildren("SourceImage");
                for (int i=0; i<tempSourceNodes.length; i++){
                    // read the envelope.
                    String tempString = tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("MinX");
                    tempMinX = Double.parseDouble(tempString);
                    tempString = tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("MinY");
                    tempMinY = Double.parseDouble(tempString);
                    tempString = tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("MaxX");
                    tempMaxX = Double.parseDouble(tempString);
                    tempString = tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("MaxY");
                    tempMaxY = Double.parseDouble(tempString);
                    Envelope tempSourceEnvelope = new Envelope(tempMinX, tempMinY, tempMaxX, tempMaxY);
                    // read the width and height
                    int tempWidth = Integer.parseInt(tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("ImageWidth"));
                    int tempHeight = Integer.parseInt(tempSourceNodes[i].getAttribute("ImageHeight"));
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        /** Save the source information. */
        for (int i=0; i<mySourceList.size(); i++){
            ImageTile tempImageTile = (ImageTile) mySourceList.get(i);
            Node tempImageNode = new Node("SourceImage");
            Envelope tempImageEnvelope = tempImageTile.getEnvelope();
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("MinX", ""+tempImageEnvelope.getMinX());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("MinY", ""+tempImageEnvelope.getMinY());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("MaxX", ""+tempImageEnvelope.getMaxX());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("MaxY", ""+tempImageEnvelope.getMaxY());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("ImageWidth", ""+tempImageTile.getWidth());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("ImageHeight", ""+tempImageTile.getHeight());
            tempImageNode.addAttribute("ImageFileName", ""+tempImageTile.getfileName());
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Related Classes of gistoolkit.features.Envelope

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