Package flex.messaging.client

Examples of flex.messaging.client.FlushResult

        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      if ((currentTime - lastFlushTime) < delay)
            // Delaying flush. No messages will be returned at this point
            FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult();
            // Don't return any messages to flush.
            // And request that the next flush doesn't occur until 3 seconds since the previous.
            flushResult.setNextFlushWaitTimeMillis((int)(delay - (currentTime - lastFlushTime)));
            return flushResult;
        else // OK to flush.
            // Flushing. All queued messages will now be returned
            lastFlushTime = currentTime;   
            FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult();
            flushResult.setMessages(new ArrayList(outboundQueue));
            return flushResult;
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     * @param pollCommand The poll command from the client.
     * @return The flush info used to build the poll response.
    protected FlushResult handleFlexClientPoll(FlexClient flexClient, CommandMessage pollCommand)
        FlushResult flushResult = null;
        if (canWait && !pollCommand.headerExists(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER))
            FlexSession session = FlexContext.getFlexSession();
            // If canWait is true it means we currently have less than the max number of allowed waiting threads.
            // We need to protect writes/reads to the wait count with the endpoint's lock.
            // Also, we have to be careful to handle the case where two threads get to this point when only
            // one wait spot remains; one thread will win and the other needs to revert to a non-waitable poll.
            boolean thisThreadCanWait;
            synchronized (lock)
                if (waitingPollRequestsCount == maxWaitingPollRequests)
                    thisThreadCanWait = true; // This thread got the last wait spot.
                    canWait = false;
                else if (waitingPollRequestsCount > maxWaitingPollRequests)
                    thisThreadCanWait = false; // This thread was beaten out for the last spot.
                    --waitingPollRequestsCount; // Decrement the count because we're not going to try a poll with wait.
                    canWait = false; // All the wait spots are currently occupied so prevent further attempts for now.
                    // We haven't hit the limit yet, allow this thread to wait.
                    thisThreadCanWait = true;

            // Check the max waiting connections per session count
            if (thisThreadCanWait)
                String userAgentValue = FlexContext.getHttpRequest().getHeader(UserAgentManager.USER_AGENT_HEADER_NAME);
                UserAgentSettings agentSettings = userAgentManager.match(userAgentValue);
                    if (agentSettings != null)
                        session.maxConnectionsPerSession = agentSettings.getMaxStreamingConnectionsPerSession();

                    if (session.streamingConnectionsCount <= session.maxConnectionsPerSession)
                        thisThreadCanWait = true; // We haven't hit the limit yet, allow the wait.
                    else // (session.streamingConnectionsCount > session.maxConnectionsPerSession)
                        thisThreadCanWait = false; // no more from this client
                if (!thisThreadCanWait)
                    // Decrement the waiting poll count, since this poll isn't going to wait.
                    synchronized (lock)
                        if (waitingPollRequestsCount < maxWaitingPollRequests)
                            canWait = true;
                    if (Log.isDebug())
                        log.debug("Max long-polling requests per session limit (" + session.maxConnectionsPerSession + ") has been reached, this poll won't wait.");
            if (thisThreadCanWait)
                if (Log.isDebug())
                    log.debug("Number of waiting threads for endpoint with id '"+ getId() +"' is " + waitingPollRequestsCount + ".");
                    flushResult  = flexClient.pollWithWait(getId(), FlexContext.getFlexSession(), this, waitInterval);
                    if (flushResult != null)
                        // Prevent busy-polling due to multiple clients sharing a session and swapping each other out too quickly.
                        if ((flushResult instanceof PollFlushResult) && ((PollFlushResult)flushResult).isAvoidBusyPolling() && (flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis() < DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXCESS_POLL_WAIT_CLIENTS))
                            // Force the client polling interval to match the default defined in the client PollingChannel.
                        else if ((clientWaitInterval > 0) && (flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis() == 0))
                            // If the FlushResult doesn't specify it's own flush wait time, use the configured clientWaitInterval if defined.
                    // We're done waiting so decrement the count of waiting threads and update the canWait flag if necessary
                    synchronized (lock)
                        if (waitingPollRequestsCount < maxWaitingPollRequests)
                            canWait = true;
                    synchronized (session)
                    if (Log.isDebug())
                        log.debug("Number of waiting threads for endpoint with id '"+ getId() +"' is " + waitingPollRequestsCount + ".");           
        else if (Log.isDebug() && waitEnabled)
            if (pollCommand.headerExists(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER))
                log.debug("Suppressing poll wait for this request because it is part of a batch of messages to process.");
                log.debug("Max waiting poll requests limit '" + maxWaitingPollRequests + "' has been reached for endpoint '" + getId() + "'. FlexClient with id '"+ flexClient.getId() + "' will poll with no wait.");

        // If we weren't able to do a poll with wait above for any reason just run the base poll handling logic.
        if (flushResult == null)
            flushResult = super.handleFlexClientPoll(flexClient, pollCommand);
            // If this is an excess poll request that we couldn't wait on, make sure the client doesn't poll the endpoint too aggressively.
            // In this case, force a client wait to match the default polling interval defined in the client PollingChannel.
            if ( waitEnabled && (pollingIntervalMillis < DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXCESS_POLL_WAIT_CLIENTS))
                if (flushResult == null)
                    flushResult = new FlushResult();
        return flushResult;
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                            MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
                            for (Iterator iter = missedMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                                broker.routeMessageToMessageClient((Message), client);
                    FlushResult flushResult = client.getFlexClient().poll(client);
                    List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
                    if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                        replyMessage = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
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        if (Log.isDebug())
                 "Before handling general client poll request. " + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                 "  incomingMessage: " + pollCommand + StringUtils.NEWLINE);

        FlushResult flushResult = handleFlexClientPoll(flexClient, pollCommand);
        Message pollResponse = null;

        // Generate a no-op poll response if necessary; prevents a single client from busy polling when the server
        // is doing wait()-based long-polls.
        if ((flushResult instanceof PollFlushResult) && ((PollFlushResult)flushResult).isClientProcessingSuppressed())
            pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
            pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.NO_OP_POLL_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);

        if (pollResponse == null)
            List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
            if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
                pollResponse = new AcknowledgeMessage();

        // Set the adaptive poll wait time if necessary.
        if (flushResult != null)
            int nextFlushWaitTime = flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis();
            if (nextFlushWaitTime > 0)
                pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.POLL_WAIT_HEADER, new Integer(nextFlushWaitTime));

        if (Log.isDebug())
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                            MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
                            for (Iterator iter = missedMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                                broker.routeMessageToMessageClient((Message), client);
                    FlushResult flushResult = client.getFlexClient().poll(client);
                    List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
                    if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                        replyMessage = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
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     * @param pollCommand The poll command from the client.
     * @return The flush info used to build the poll response.
    protected FlushResult handleFlexClientPoll(FlexClient flexClient, CommandMessage pollCommand)
        FlushResult flushResult = null;
        if (canWait && !pollCommand.headerExists(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER))
            // If canWait is true it means we currently have less than the max number of allowed waiting threads.
            // We need to protect writes/reads to the wait count with the endpoint's lock.
            // Also, we have to be careful to handle the case where two threads get to this point when only
            // one wait spot remains; one thread will win and the other needs to revert to a non-waitable poll.
            boolean thisThreadCanWait = false;
            synchronized (lock)
                if (waitingPollRequestsCount == maxWaitingPollRequests)
                    thisThreadCanWait = true; // This thread got the last wait spot.
                    canWait = false;
                else if (waitingPollRequestsCount > maxWaitingPollRequests)
                    thisThreadCanWait = false; // This thread was beaten out for the last spot.
                    --waitingPollRequestsCount; // Decrement the count because we're not going to try a poll with wait.
                    canWait = false; // All the wait spots are currently occupied so prevent further attempts for now.
                    // We haven't hit the limit yet, allow this thread to wait.
                    thisThreadCanWait = true;
            if (thisThreadCanWait)
                if (Log.isDebug())
                    log.debug("Number of waiting threads for endpoint with id '"+ getId() +"' is " + waitingPollRequestsCount + ".");
                    flushResult  = flexClient.pollWithWait(getId(), FlexContext.getFlexSession(), this, waitInterval);
                    if (flushResult != null)
                        // Prevent busy-polling due to multiple clients sharing a session and swapping each other out too quickly.
                        if ((flushResult instanceof PollFlushResult) && ((PollFlushResult)flushResult).isAvoidBusyPolling() && (flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis() < DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXCESS_POLL_WAIT_CLIENTS))
                            // Force the client polling interval to match the default defined in the client PollingChannel.
                        else if ((clientWaitInterval > 0) && (flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis() == 0))
                            // If the FlushResult doesn't specify it's own flush wait time, use the configured clientWaitInterval if defined.
                    // We're done waiting so decrement the count of waiting threads and update the canWait flag if necessary
                    synchronized (lock)
                        if (waitingPollRequestsCount < maxWaitingPollRequests)
                            canWait = true;
                    if (Log.isDebug())
                        log.debug("Number of waiting threads for endpoint with id '"+ getId() +"' is " + waitingPollRequestsCount + ".");           
        else if (Log.isDebug() && waitEnabled)
            if (pollCommand.headerExists(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER))
                log.debug("Suppressing poll wait for this request because it is part of a batch of messages to process.");
                log.debug("Max waiting poll requests limit '" + maxWaitingPollRequests + "' has been reached for endpoint '" + getId() + "'. FlexClient with id '"+ flexClient.getId() + "' will poll with no wait.");

        // If we weren't able to do a poll with wait above for any reason just run the base poll handling logic.
        if (flushResult == null)
            flushResult = super.handleFlexClientPoll(flexClient, pollCommand);
            // If this is an excess poll request that we couldn't wait on, make sure the client doesn't poll the endpoint too aggressively.
            // In this case, force a client wait to match the default polling interval defined in the client PollingChannel.
            if ((flushResult != null) && waitEnabled && (pollingIntervalMillis < DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXCESS_POLL_WAIT_CLIENTS))
        return flushResult;
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        if (Log.isDebug())
                 "Before handling general client poll request. " + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                 "  incomingMessage: " + pollCommand + StringUtils.NEWLINE);

        FlushResult flushResult = handleFlexClientPoll(flexClient, pollCommand);
        Message pollResponse = null;
        // Generate a no-op poll response if necessary; prevents a single client from busy polling when the server
        // is doing wait()-based long-polls.
        if ((flushResult instanceof PollFlushResult) && ((PollFlushResult)flushResult).isClientProcessingSuppressed())
            pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
            pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.NO_OP_POLL_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);
        if (pollResponse == null)
            List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
            if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
                pollResponse = new AcknowledgeMessage();
        // Set the adaptive poll wait time if necessary.
        if (flushResult != null)
            int nextFlushWaitTime = flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis();
            if (nextFlushWaitTime > 0)
                pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.POLL_WAIT_HEADER, new Integer(nextFlushWaitTime));                  
        if (Log.isDebug())
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Related Classes of flex.messaging.client.FlushResult

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