Package es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape

Examples of es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.IntersectionModel

        //monitor.beginTask("Detecting intersections", 1);      
        // Get the intersection we will use to find a transformation
        IntersectionModel from = subShape.getIntersections().get(0);
        // Get the list of intersection in the subshape
        ArrayList<IntersectionModel> fromIntersections = subShape.getIntersections();
        // Get the list of intersection in the shape
        ArrayList<IntersectionModel> toIntersections = shape.getIntersections();
        //monitor.beginTask("Checking " + shape.getIntersections().size() + " intersections", shape.getIntersections().size());
        ExecutionReport.setCombinations(fromIntersections.size(), toIntersections.size());      
        // Point pairing tester allows detection of unpaired poins upon transformation
        PointPairingTester pairTester = new PointPairingTester(subShape, shape);
        ShapeModel lastFound = null;
        boolean markerFound, exclusionFound;      

        /* create all non identical permutations of points
          1. Take first transformation from subShape (has smallest angle)
          2. Create second triplets
          3. For each combination of points create transformation and test

        Matrix A = new Matrix(6, 6);
        Matrix b = new Matrix(6, 1);
        Matrix solution;
        Matrix subsolution = new Matrix(2, 2);
        Point2D transformedPoint = new Point2D.Double();

        // output transform
        AffineTransform outTransform = new AffineTransform();

        int[] fromIndexes = new int[3];

        // TODO: REDO
        fromIndexes[0] = 0;
        fromIndexes[1] = 1;
        fromIndexes[2] = 2;

        // create left matrix
        // 1st row
        IntersectionTriplet fromTriplet = from.getTriplet();

        A.set(0, 0, from.getIntersection().getX());
        A.set(0, 1, from.getIntersection().getY());
        A.set(0, 2, 1);
        // 2nd
        A.set(1, 3, from.getIntersection().getX());
        A.set(1, 4, from.getIntersection().getY());
        A.set(1, 5, 1);
        // 3rd
        A.set(2, 0, fromTriplet.getPointA().getX());
        A.set(2, 1, fromTriplet.getPointA().getY());
        A.set(2, 2, 1);
        // 4th
        A.set(3, 3, fromTriplet.getPointA().getX());
        A.set(3, 4, fromTriplet.getPointA().getY());
        A.set(3, 5, 1);
        // 5th
        A.set(4, 0, fromTriplet.getPointB().getX());
        A.set(4, 1, fromTriplet.getPointB().getY());
        A.set(4, 2, 1);
        // 6th
        A.set(5, 3, fromTriplet.getPointB().getX());
        A.set(5, 4, fromTriplet.getPointB().getY());
        A.set(5, 5, 1);

        // now find all intersection points in shape with same angle and ratio as original intersection
        IntersectionModel to;
        ArrayList<IntersectionTriplet> intersectionPairs;
        IntersectionTriplet currentPair;

        //Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Init pair: " + from.getIntersection().toString() + fromTriplet.toString());

        // show markers
        for (MarkerModel model : shape.getMarkers()) {
        // get itersections with the same angle
        toIntersections = shape.getIntersections(from.getAngle());     
        long triplets = 0;
        for (IntersectionModel intr : toIntersections) {
          ArrayList<IntersectionTriplet> arr = intr.getTriplets(fromTriplet.getRatio());
          if (arr != null) {
            triplets += arr.size();
        // intersections are ordered by the angle
        // we start with the smallest angle and continue to the top limit
        for (int tos = 0; tos < toIntersections.size(); tos++) {
          //monitor.setTaskName("Checking " + (tos + 1) + ". intersection");       
            if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
              return subShapes;
          // initial validation
            to = toIntersections.get(tos);

            Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Intersection: " + to.getIntersection());
//            // we stop if we've reached bigger angle
//            if (to.getAngle() > from.getAngle()) {
//                break;
//            }
//            // we continue to search for the exact angle and ratio
//            if (to.getAngle() < from.getAngle()) {
//                continue;
//            }

            // now we have an intersection with the good angle
            // we will search for all points on carriers that have the same ratio as the
            // initial intersection triplet
            // intersection is defined by point and two carriers
            intersectionPairs = to.getTriplets(fromTriplet.getRatio());
            // there exist no triplets on carriers with given ratio
            if (intersectionPairs == null)

            // iterate for all found pairs
            for (int pair = 0; pair < intersectionPairs.size(); pair++) {
              //monitor.subTask("Checking intersection triplets");
              if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
                  return subShapes;
                // get current pair
                currentPair = intersectionPairs.get(pair);                           
                Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Pair: " + currentPair);             
                Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("TESTING: " + to.getIntersection().toString() + currentPair.toString());
                // we test this 2 times (once when we flip pointA and pointB (symmetry))
                // TODO: Test ratio .. if by flip does not change continue
                for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
//                  if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
//                      return subShapes;
//                    }
                  // this counter is to see how much transformations were tested

                    b.set(0, 0, to.getIntersection().getX());
                    b.set(1, 0, to.getIntersection().getY());
                    b.set(2, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointA().getX() : currentPair.getPointB().getX());
                    b.set(3, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointA().getY() : currentPair.getPointB().getY());
                    b.set(4, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointB().getX() : currentPair.getPointA().getX());
                    b.set(5, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointB().getY() : currentPair.getPointA().getY());

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Related Classes of es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.IntersectionModel

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