
Examples of

        TableDataFactory tdFactory = new TableDataFactory();
        CalcEngineFactory calcFactory = new CalcEngineFactory();       
        //Create the objects used to store the results...
        //This is the class the holds all results (or errors) for serialization
        CalculateResults results = new CalculateResults();
        //Holds the results for each individual player if there are no errors
        PlayerResults[] playerResults;
        //The table data factory is responsible for deserializing the input
        //array and returning the appropriate concrete Table Data implementation
        TableDataIntf td = tdFactory.createTableData( in, flag );
        //The calc engine factory uses the table data instance to determine the
        //appropriate calc engine implementation to use
        calcEngine = calcFactory.createCalcEngine( td );
        //Set the calc engine options - do this 1st because the options may
        //affect how game data is set and processed
        calcEngine.setOtherOptions( td.getOptions() );
        //Use a try..catch here in case generating the results throws an error
        try {
            //Set the game data - this is the player & cards
            calcEngine.setGameData( td );
            //Get the calculation results and return the PlayerResults array
            playerResults = calcEngine.getCalculationResults();
            //Add the player results to the return object
            results.setPlayerResults( playerResults );
            //Serialize the results as a byte array
            return TransportUtils.getSerializedResult( results );
        } catch ( CalcEngineException e ) {
            //There was an error thrown by a lower process.  Format the message
            //and assign it to the results class.  Use getLocalizedMessage() in
            //case so other engines require an extension of CalcEngineException
            results.setError( true );
            results.setErrorMessage( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
            return TransportUtils.getSerializedResult( results );
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        opts.put( CalcEngineFactory.ENGINE_PROPH_SIMS, -1 );
        td.setOptions( opts );
        CalculateResults results = new CalculateResults();
        //Object o = TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult(new CalcHandResults().getResults( td ), res.getClass() );
        results = (CalculateResults)TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult(new CalcHandResults().getResults( TransportUtils.getSerializedResult( td ), 1 ), results.getClass() );
        //Object o = TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult(new CalcHandResults().getResults( 3 ), td.getClass() );
        if ( results.getError() )
            System.out.println( results.getErrorMessage() );
            printResults( results.getPlayerResults() );   

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    private static void printResults( byte[] result ) {
        //Decode the result as an object
        CalculateResults results = new CalculateResults();
        results = (CalculateResults)TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult( result, results.getClass() );
        //Check the data type for an error (a string)
        if ( results.getError() )
            System.out.println( results.getErrorMessage() );
        else {
            PlayerResults[] res = results.getPlayerResults();
            for( int ii = 0; ii < res.length; ii++ ) {
                System.out.println( res[ii].toString() +
                "\n--------------------------------\n" );   
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    Hashtable <String, Object> opts = new Hashtable <String, Object> ();
    opts.put(CalcEngineFactory.ENGINE_PROPH_SIMS, 50);
    CalculateResults results = calculator.calculate(tableData);
    //check that results were actually returned
    PlayerResults [] playerResults = results.getPlayerResults();
    float p1WinPct = playerResults [0].getPerfectWinPct() * 100;
    float p2WinPct = playerResults [1].getPerfectWinPct() * 100;
    //considering the players cards both should have about
    //a 50% chance of winning give or take 2%
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    //call the process method
    calculateActionServlet.process(req, resp);
    //retrieve the results from the request
    CalculateResults results = (CalculateResults)req.getAttribute(CalculateActionServlet.REQUEST_VAR_RESULTS);
    //check that the results var in the request
    //was actually populated via the process method
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   * @throws IOException
  public void process(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
            CalculateResults results = null;
            try {
                //create a calculator instance 1st because this is what sets the Locale
                CalculatorIntf calculator = CalculatorFactory.createDefaultCalculator();

                //construct the Table from the http request
    Dealer dealer = new Dealer();
    dealer.setPokerTableBuilder(new TexasHoldemTableBuilder(req));
    //calculate the results
    results = calculator.calculate(dealer.getPokerTable());
            } catch ( TransportException e ) {
          results = new CalculateResults();
    results.setErrorMessage( e.getMessage() );
            //store the results in the request
            req.setAttribute(REQUEST_VAR_RESULTS, results);
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            endPointURI = endPoint;
  public CalculateResults calculate(TableDataIntf tableData) {
    CalculateResults res = new CalculateResults();

    try {
      // Use a remote proecdure call to connect to the web service
      RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient();

      // Get a reference to the service endpoint
      EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference( endPointURI );

      // Get the client options and set the target to the endpoint
      Options options = serviceClient.getOptions();

      // Create a qualified reference to the getResulst method of the
      // calcengine service
      QName opGetResults = new QName(QUALIFIED_CLASS_NAME, METHOD_NAME );

      // Create a serialzied byte array to pass as a service parameter
      byte[] serializedResult = TransportUtils

      // Setup an array of input arguments - include the flag indicating
      // the table data contains community cards
      Object[] obInputArgs = new Object[] { serializedResult,
          TableDataFactory.TABLE_DATA_COMMUNITY };

      // Setup an array of only one return object a byte array
      Class[] returnTypes = new Class[] { byte[].class };

      // Invoke a blocking call to the service and store the results
      Object[] response = serviceClient.invokeBlocking(opGetResults,
          obInputArgs, returnTypes);

      res = (CalculateResults) TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult(
          (byte[]) response[0], res.getClass());

      return res;

    } catch (AxisFault af) {
      res.setErrorMessage("REMOTE CALL ERROR: " + af.getMessage());
      return res;
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* This class implements the hand calculation logic locally.
public class CalculatorLocalImpl implements CalculatorIntf {
  public CalculateResults calculate(TableDataIntf tableData) {
    CalculateResults res = new CalculateResults();

    byte[] serializedResult = TransportUtils.getSerializedResult(tableData);
    CalcHandResults calcHandResults = new CalcHandResults();
    byte[] results = calcHandResults.getResults(serializedResult,
    res = (CalculateResults) TransportUtils.getDeserializedResult(results, res.getClass());

    return res;
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