Package edu.udo.cs.wvtool.generic.loader

Examples of edu.udo.cs.wvtool.generic.loader.WVTDocumentLoader


    public InputStream getInputStream(WVTDocumentInfo d, WVTConfiguration config) throws WVToolException {

        WVTDocumentLoader loader = null;
        loader = (WVTDocumentLoader) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_LOADER, d);

        return loader.loadDocument(d);

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    public Reader getReader(WVTDocumentInfo d, WVTConfiguration config) throws WVToolException {

        WVTDocumentLoader loader = null;
        WVTInputFilter infilter = null;

        loader = (WVTDocumentLoader) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_LOADER, d);
        infilter = (WVTInputFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_INPUT_FILTER, d);

        return infilter.convertToPlainText(loader.loadDocument(d), d);

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        WVTWordList wordList = new WVTWordList(initialWords, input.getNumClasses());

        // Initialize pointers to components for the individual steps
        WVTDocumentLoader loader = null;
        WVTInputFilter infilter = null;
        WVTCharConverter charConverter = null;
        WVTTokenizer tokenizer = null;
        WVTWordFilter wordFilter = null;
        WVTStemmer stemmer = null;

        // Obtain an expanded list of all documents to consider
        Iterator inList = input.getEntries();

        // Get through the list
        while (inList.hasNext()) {

            WVTDocumentInfo d = (WVTDocumentInfo);

            try {

                // Intialize all required components for this document

                loader = (WVTDocumentLoader) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_LOADER, d);
                infilter = (WVTInputFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_INPUT_FILTER, d);
                charConverter = (WVTCharConverter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_CHAR_MAPPER, d);
                tokenizer = (WVTTokenizer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_TOKENIZER, d);
                wordFilter = (WVTWordFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_WORDFILTER, d);
                stemmer = (WVTStemmer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_STEMMER, d);

                // Process the document

                TokenEnumeration tokens = stemmer.stem(wordFilter.filter(tokenizer.tokenize(charConverter.convertChars(infilter.convertToPlainText(loader.loadDocument(d), d), d), d), d), d);

                while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {


            } catch (WVToolException e) {

                WVToolLogger.getGlobalLogger().logException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);

                // close the input stream for this document


                // If errors should not be skip throw an exception
                if (!skipErrors) {
                    throw new WVToolException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);
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        // Initialize pointers to components for the individual steps
        WVTDocumentLoader loader = null;
        WVTInputFilter infilter = null;
        WVTCharConverter charConverter = null;
        WVTTokenizer tokenizer = null;
        WVTWordFilter wordFilter = null;
        WVTStemmer stemmer = null;
        WVTVectorCreator vectorCreator = null;
        WVTOutputFilter outputFilter = null;

        // Obtain an expanded list of all documents to consider
        Iterator inList = input.getEntries();

        // Get through the list
        while (inList.hasNext()) {

            WVTDocumentInfo d = (WVTDocumentInfo);

            try {

                // Intialize all required components for this document

                loader = (WVTDocumentLoader) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_LOADER, d);
                infilter = (WVTInputFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_INPUT_FILTER, d);
                charConverter = (WVTCharConverter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_CHAR_MAPPER, d);
                tokenizer = (WVTTokenizer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_TOKENIZER, d);
                wordFilter = (WVTWordFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_WORDFILTER, d);
                stemmer = (WVTStemmer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_STEMMER, d);

                vectorCreator = (WVTVectorCreator) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_VECTOR_CREATION, d);

                outputFilter = (WVTOutputFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_OUTPUT, d);

                // Process the document

                TokenEnumeration tokens = stemmer.stem(wordFilter.filter(tokenizer.tokenize(charConverter.convertChars(infilter.convertToPlainText(loader.loadDocument(d), d), d), d), d), d);

                while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {

                outputFilter.write(vectorCreator.createVector(wordList.getFrequenciesForCurrentDocument(), wordList.getTermCountForCurrentDocument(), wordList, d));


            } catch (WVToolException e) {

                // If an error occurs add it to the error log
                WVToolLogger.getGlobalLogger().logException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);

                // close the input stream for this document

                // If errors should not be skip throw an exception
                if (!skipErrors)
                    throw new WVToolException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);
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     * @throws WVToolException
    public void iterateWords(WVTInputList input, WVTConfiguration config, WVToolWordListener listener) throws WVToolException {

        // Initialize pointers to components for the individual steps
        WVTDocumentLoader loader = null;
        WVTInputFilter infilter = null;
        WVTCharConverter charConverter = null;
        WVTTokenizer tokenizer = null;
        WVTWordFilter wordFilter = null;
        WVTStemmer stemmer = null;

        // Obtain an expanded list of all documents to consider
        Iterator inList = input.getEntries();

        // Get through the list
        while (inList.hasNext()) {

            WVTDocumentInfo d = (WVTDocumentInfo);

            try {

                // Intialize all required components for this document

                loader = (WVTDocumentLoader) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_LOADER, d);
                infilter = (WVTInputFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_INPUT_FILTER, d);
                charConverter = (WVTCharConverter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_CHAR_MAPPER, d);
                tokenizer = (WVTTokenizer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_TOKENIZER, d);
                wordFilter = (WVTWordFilter) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_WORDFILTER, d);
                stemmer = (WVTStemmer) config.getComponentForStep(WVTConfiguration.STEP_STEMMER, d);

                // Process the document

                TokenEnumeration tokens = stemmer.stem(wordFilter.filter(tokenizer.tokenize(charConverter.convertChars(infilter.convertToPlainText(loader.loadDocument(d), d), d), d), d), d);

                while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {


            } catch (WVToolException e) {

                // If an error occurs add it to the error log
                WVToolLogger.getGlobalLogger().logException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);

                // close the input stream for this document

                // If errors should not be skip throw an exception
                if (!skipErrors)
                    throw new WVToolException("Problems processing document " + d.getSourceName(), e);

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Related Classes of edu.udo.cs.wvtool.generic.loader.WVTDocumentLoader

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