Package edu.brown.benchmark.auctionmark.util

Examples of edu.brown.benchmark.auctionmark.util.UserIdGenerator

                long num_items = randomNumItems.nextInt();
            } // FOR
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace("Users Per Item Count:\n" + profile.users_per_item_count);
            this.idGenerator = new UserIdGenerator(profile.users_per_item_count, getNumClients());
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        // First grab the UserIdGenerator for the client (or -1 if there is no client)
        // and seek to that itemCount. We use the UserIdGenerator to ensure that we always
        // select the next UserId for a given client from the same set of UserIds
        Integer client_idx = (client == null ? -1 : client);
        UserIdGenerator gen = this.userIdGenerators.get(client_idx);
        if (gen == null) {
            synchronized (this.userIdGenerators) {
                gen = this.userIdGenerators.get(client);
                if (gen == null) {
                    gen = new UserIdGenerator(this.users_per_item_count, this.num_clients, client);
                    this.userIdGenerators.put(client_idx, gen);
            } // SYNCH
        UserId user_id = null;
        int tries = 1000;
        while (user_id == null && tries-- > 0) {
            // We first need to figure out how many items our seller needs to have
            long itemCount = -1;
            assert(min_item_count < this.users_per_item_count.getMaxValue());
            while (itemCount < min_item_count) {
                itemCount = this.randomItemCount.nextValue();
            } // WHILE
            // Set the current item count and then choose a random position
            // between where the generator is currently at and where it ends
            synchronized (gen) {
                long position = rng.number(gen.getCurrentPosition(), gen.getTotalUsers());
                user_id = gen.seekToPosition(position);
            } // SYNCH
            if (user_id == null) continue;
            // Make sure that we didn't select the same UserId as the one we were
            // told to exclude.
            if (exclude != null && exclude.length > 0) {
                for (UserId ex : exclude) {
                    if (ex != null && ex.equals(user_id)) {
                        if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Excluding " + user_id);
                        user_id = null;
                } // FOR
                if (user_id == null) continue;
            // If we don't care about skew, then we're done right here
            if (skew == false || this.window_size == null) {
                if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Selected " + user_id);
            // Otherwise, check whether this seller maps to our current window
            Integer partition = this.getPartition(user_id);
            if (this.window_partitions.contains(partition)) {
            if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Skipping " + user_id);
            user_id = null;
        } // WHILE
        assert(user_id != null) : String.format("Failed to select a random UserId " +
                                                "[min_item_count=%d, client=%d, skew=%s, exclude=%s, totalPossible=%d, currentPosition=%d]",
                                                min_item_count, client, skew, Arrays.toString(exclude),
                                                gen.getTotalUsers(), gen.getCurrentPosition());
        return (user_id);
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Related Classes of edu.brown.benchmark.auctionmark.util.UserIdGenerator

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