Package com.sun.codemodel.internal

Examples of com.sun.codemodel.internal.JClass

        // box all the types and compute the intersection of all types
        Set<JClass> s = null;

        for (JType type : uniqueTypes) {
            JClass cls = type.boxify();

            if (s == null)
                s = getAssignableTypes(cls);

        // any JClass can be casted to Object, so make sure it's always there
        s.add( codeModel.ref(Object.class));

        // refine 's' by removing "lower" types.
        // for example, if we have both java.lang.Object and
        //, then we don't want to use java.lang.Object.

        JClass[] raw = s.toArray(new JClass[s.size()]);

        for (int i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { // for each raw[i]
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < raw.length; j++) { // see if raw[j] "includes" raw[i]
                if (i == j)

                if (raw[i].isAssignableFrom(raw[j]))
                    break; // raw[j] is derived from raw[i], hence j includes i.

            if (j == raw.length)
                // no other type inclueds raw[i]. remember this value.

        assert !s.isEmpty(); // since at least java.lang.Object has to be there

        // we now pick the candidate for the return type
        JClass result = pickOne(s);

        // finally, sometimes this method is used to compute the base type of types like
        // JAXBElement<A>, JAXBElement<B>, and JAXBElement<C>.
        // for those inputs, at this point result=JAXBElement.
        // here, we'll try to figure out the parameterization
        // so that we can return JAXBElement<? extends D> instead of just "JAXBElement".
            return result;

        // for each uniqueType we store the list of base type parameterization
        List<List<JClass>> parameters = new ArrayList<List<JClass>>(uniqueTypes.size());
        int paramLen = -1;

        for (JType type : uniqueTypes) {
            JClass cls = type.boxify();
            JClass bp = cls.getBaseClass(result);
            // if there's no parameterization in the base type,
            // we won't do any better than <?>. Thus no point in trying to figure out the parameterization.
            // just return the base type.
                return result;

            assert bp.isParameterized();
            List<JClass> tp = bp.getTypeParameters();

            assert paramLen==-1 || paramLen==tp.size();
                // since 'bp' always is a parameterized version of 'result', it should always
                // have the same number of parameters.
            paramLen = tp.size();

        List<JClass> paramResult = new ArrayList<JClass>();
        List<JClass> argList = new ArrayList<JClass>(parameters.size());
        // for each type parameter compute the common base type
        for( int i=0; i<paramLen; i++ ) {
            for (List<JClass> list : parameters)

            // compute the lower bound.
            JClass bound = (JClass)getCommonBaseType(codeModel,argList);
            boolean allSame = true;
            for (JClass a : argList)
                allSame &= a.equals(bound);
                bound = bound.wildcard();


        return result.narrow(paramResult);
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        // add its raw type

        // if this type is added for the first time,
        // recursively process the super class.
        JClass _super = t._extends();

        // recursively process all implemented interfaces
        Iterator<JClass> itr = t._implements();
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                    // a very small number of adapters.

            JClass bim = inMemoryType.boxify();


            JMethod unmarshal = adapter.method(JMod.PUBLIC, bim, "unmarshal");
            JVar $value = unmarshal.param(String.class, "value");

            JExpression inv;

            if( parseMethod.equals("new") ) {
                // "new" indicates that the constructor of the target type
                // will do the unmarshalling.

                // RESULT: new <type>()
                inv = JExpr._new(bim).arg($value);
            } else {
                int idx = parseMethod.lastIndexOf('.');
                if(idx<0) {
                    // parseMethod specifies the static method of the target type
                    // which will do the unmarshalling.

                    // because of an error check at the constructor,
                    // we can safely assume that this cast works.
                    inv = bim.staticInvoke(parseMethod).arg($value);
                } else {
                    inv ="(value)");
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    public JExpression createConstant(Outline outline, XmlString literal) {
        // correctly identifying which constant it maps to is hard, so
        // here I'm cheating
        JClass type = toType(outline,Aspect.EXPOSED);
        for (CEnumConstant mem : members) {
                return type.staticRef(mem.getName());
        return null;
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        // traverse the interface declarations again
        // and populate its expression according to the members attribute.
        for( Map.Entry<BIInterface,JClass> e : decls.entrySet() ) {
            BIInterface decl = e.getKey();
            JClass c = e.getValue();

            for (String member : decl.members()) {
                InterfaceAcceptor acc = fromName.get(member);
                if (acc == null) {
                    // there is no such class/interface
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        public void toRawValue(JBlock block, JVar $var) {
            JCodeModel cm = outline().getCodeModel();
            JClass elementType = ei.toType(outline(),EXPOSED).boxify();

            // [RESULT]
            // $var = new ArrayList();
            // for( JAXBElement e : [core.toRawValue] ) {
            //   if(e==null)
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        public void fromRawValue(JBlock block, String uniqueName, JExpression $var) {
            JCodeModel cm = outline().getCodeModel();
            JClass elementType = ei.toType(outline(),EXPOSED).boxify();

            // [RESULT]
            // $t = new ArrayList();
            // for( Type e : $var ) {
            //     $var.add(new JAXBElement(e));
            // }
            // [core.fromRawValue]

            JClass col = cm.ref(ArrayList.class).narrow(elementType);
            JVar $t = block.decl(col,uniqueName+"_col",JExpr._new(col));

            JForEach loop = block.forEach(itemType(), uniqueName+"_i", $t);
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        JType exposedType = ei.getContentInMemoryType().toType(outline,exposed);
        JType implType = ei.getContentInMemoryType().toType(outline,impl);
        String namespaceURI = ei.getElementName().getNamespaceURI();
        String localPart = ei.getElementName().getLocalPart();

        JClass scope=null;
            scope = outline.getClazz(ei.getScope()).implClass;

        JMethod m;

        if(ei.isAbstract()) {
            // TODO: see the "Abstract elements and mighty IXmlElement" e-mail
            // that I sent to jaxb-tech

        {// collision check
            CElementInfo existing = elementFactoryNames.put(ei.getSqueezedName(),ei);
            if( existing!=null ) {

        // no arg constructor
        // [RESULT] if the element doesn't have its own class, something like:
        //        @XmlElementMapping(uri = "", name = "foo")
        //        public JAXBElement<Foo> createFoo( Foo value ) {
        //            return new JAXBElement<Foo>(
        //                new QName("","foo"),(Class)FooImpl.class,scope,(FooImpl)value);
        //        }
        //        NOTE: when we generate value classes Foo==FooImpl
        // [RESULT] otherwise
        //        @XmlElementMapping(uri = "", name = "foo")
        //        public Foo createFoo( FooType value ) {
        //            return new Foo((FooTypeImpl)value);
        //        }
        //        NOTE: when we generate value classes FooType==FooTypeImpl
        // to deal with
        //  new JAXBElement<List<String>>( ..., List.class, ... );
        // we sometimes have to produce (Class)List.class instead of just List.class

        m = objectFactory.method( JMod.PUBLIC, exposedElementType, "create" + ei.getSqueezedName() );
        JVar $value = m.param(exposedType,"value");

        JExpression declaredType;
        if(implType.boxify().isParameterized() || !exposedType.equals(implType))
            declaredType = JExpr.cast(classRef,implType.boxify().dotclass());
            declaredType = implType.boxify().dotclass();
        JExpression scopeClass = scope==null?JExpr._null():scope.dotclass();

        // build up the return extpression
        JInvocation exp = JExpr._new(exposedElementType);
        if(!ei.hasClass()) {
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        this.args = args;
        assert args.length>0;

    public JClass toType(Outline o, Aspect aspect) {
        JClass r = rawType.toType(o,aspect);

        for( NType arg : args )
            r = r.narrow(arg.toType(o,aspect).boxify());

        return r;
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        super(outline, model, targetPackage.subPackage("impl"));

        JPackage implPkg = targetPackage.subPackage("impl");

        // put JAXBContextFactory into the impl package
        JClass factory = outline.generateStaticClass(JAXBContextFactory.class,implPkg);

        // and then put to point to it
        JPropertyFile jaxbProperties = new JPropertyFile("");
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Related Classes of com.sun.codemodel.internal.JClass

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