Package com.scaleunlimited.cascading

Examples of com.scaleunlimited.cascading.SplitterAssembly

        // Our crawl db is defined by the CrawlDbDatum
        Tap inputSource = platform.makeTap(platform.makeBinaryScheme(CrawlDbDatum.FIELDS), crawlDbPath);
        Pipe importPipe = new Pipe("import pipe");

        // Split into tuples that are to be fetched and that have already been fetched
        SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(importPipe, new SplitFetchedUnfetchedCrawlDatums());

        Pipe finishedDatumsFromDb = splitter.getRHSPipe();
        Pipe urlsToFetchPipe = new Pipe("urls to Fetch", splitter.getLHSPipe());

        // Convert the urlsToFetchPipe so that we now deal with UrlDatums.
        urlsToFetchPipe = new Each(urlsToFetchPipe, new CreateUrlDatumFromCrawlDbFunction());
        // A TupleLogger is a good way to follow the tuples around in a flow. You can enable the output
        // of tuples by setting options.setDebugLogging() to true.
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        RegexParser crawlDbParser = new RegexParser(CrawlDbDatum.FIELDS,
        importPipe = new Each(importPipe, new Fields("line"), crawlDbParser);

        // Split into tuples that are to be fetched and that have already been fetched
        SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(importPipe, new SplitFetchedUnfetchedSSCrawlDatums());

        Pipe finishedDatumsFromDb = new Pipe("finished datums from db", splitter.getRHSPipe());
        Pipe urlsToFetchPipe = splitter.getLHSPipe();

        // Limit to MAX_DISTRIBUTED_FETCH if running in real cluster,
        // or MAX_LOCAL_FETCH if running locally. So first we sort the entries
        // from high to low by links score.
        // TODO add unit test
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        Pipe robotsPipe = new Each(urlProvider, new GroupFunction(new GroupByDomain()));
        robotsPipe = new GroupBy("Grouping URLs by IP/delay", robotsPipe, GroupedUrlDatum.getGroupingField());
        robotsPipe = new Every(robotsPipe, new FilterAndScoreByUrlAndRobots(robotsFetcher, parser, scorer), Fields.RESULTS);
        // Split into records for URLs that are special (not fetchable) and regular
        SplitterAssembly splitter = new SplitterAssembly(robotsPipe, new SplitIntoSpecialAndRegularKeys());
        // Now generate sets of URLs to fetch. We'll wind up with all URLs for the same server & the same crawl delay,
        // ordered by score, getting passed per list to the PreFetchBuffer. This will generate PreFetchDatums that contain a key
        // based on the hash of the IP address (with a range of values == number of reducers), plus a list of URLs and a target
        // crawl time.
        Pipe prefetchPipe = new GroupBy("Distributing URL sets", splitter.getRHSPipe(), GroupedUrlDatum.getGroupingField(), ScoredUrlDatum.getSortingField(), true);
        prefetchPipe = new Every(prefetchPipe, new MakeFetchSetsBuffer(fetchJobPolicy, numReducers), Fields.RESULTS);
        Pipe fetchPipe = new GroupBy("Fetching URL sets", prefetchPipe, FetchSetDatum.getGroupingField(), FetchSetDatum.getSortingField());
        fetchPipe = new Every(fetchPipe, new FetchBuffer(fetcher), Fields.RESULTS);

        Pipe fetchedContent = new Pipe(CONTENT_PIPE_NAME, new Each(fetchPipe, new FilterErrorsFunction()));
        Pipe fetchedStatus = new Pipe("fetched status", new Each(fetchPipe, new MakeStatusFunction()));
        // We need to merge URLs from the LHS of the splitter (never fetched) so that our status pipe
        // gets status for every URL we put into this sub-assembly.
        Pipe skippedStatus = new Pipe("skipped status", new Each(splitter.getLHSPipe(), new MakeSkippedStatus()));
        // TODO KKr You're already setting the group name here (so that the
        // tail pipe gets the same name), so I wasn't able to pass in a
        // group name here for BaseTool.nameFlowSteps to use for the job name.
        Pipe joinedStatus = new GroupBy(STATUS_PIPE_NAME, Pipe.pipes(skippedStatus, fetchedStatus), new Fields(StatusDatum.URL_FN));
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Related Classes of com.scaleunlimited.cascading.SplitterAssembly

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