Package com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model

Examples of com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model.mxGraphHierarchyEdge

        maxY = Math.max(maxY, cell.height);
      else if (cell.isEdge())
        mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
        // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
        // time the parallel edge spacing
        int numEdges = 1;

        if (edge.edges != null)
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          maxCellHeight = Math.max(maxCellHeight, cell.height);
        else if (cell.isEdge())
          mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
          // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
          // time the parallel edge spacing
          int numEdges = 1;

          if (edge.edges != null)
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    if (cell.minRank == cell.maxRank)

    mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
    // For parallel edges we need to seperate out the points a
    // little
    double offsetX = 0.0;
    // Only set the edge control points once

    if (edge.temp[0] != 101207)
      Iterator<Object> parallelEdges = edge.edges.iterator();

      while (parallelEdges.hasNext())
        Object realEdge =;
        //List oldPoints = graph.getPoints(realEdge);
        List<mxPoint> newPoints = new ArrayList<mxPoint>(edge.x.length);

        // Declare variables to define loop through edge points and
        // change direction if edge is reversed

        int loopStart = edge.x.length - 1;
        int loopLimit = -1;
        int loopDelta = -1;
        int currentRank = edge.maxRank - 1;

        if (edge.isReversed())
          loopStart = 0;
          loopLimit = edge.x.length;
          loopDelta = 1;
          currentRank = edge.minRank + 1;
        // Reversed edges need the points inserted in
        // reverse order
        for (int j = loopStart; j != loopLimit; j += loopDelta)
          // The horizontal position in a vertical layout
          double positionX = edge.x[j] + offsetX;

          // Work out the vertical positions in a vertical layout
          // in the edge buffer channels above and below this rank
          double topChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank + 1]) / 2.0;
          double bottomChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank - 1] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;

          if (edge.isReversed())
            double tmp = topChannelY;
            topChannelY = bottomChannelY;
            bottomChannelY = tmp;

          if (orientation == SwingConstants.NORTH
              || orientation == SwingConstants.SOUTH)
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, topChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, bottomChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(topChannelY, positionX));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(bottomChannelY, positionX));

          limitX = Math.max(limitX, positionX);

          //          double currentY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;
          //          System.out.println("topChannelY = " + topChannelY + " , "
          //              + "exact Y = " + edge.y[j]);
          currentRank += loopDelta;

        if (edge.isReversed())
          processReversedEdge(edge, realEdge);

        layout.setEdgePoints(realEdge, newPoints);
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        maxY = Math.max(maxY, cell.height);
      else if (cell.isEdge())
        mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
        // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
        // time the parallel edge spacing
        int numEdges = 1;

        if (edge.edges != null)
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          maxCellHeight = Math.max(maxCellHeight, cell.height);
        else if (cell.isEdge())
          mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
          // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
          // time the parallel edge spacing
          int numEdges = 1;

          if (edge.edges != null)
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   * Fixes the control points
   * @param cell
  protected void setEdgePosition(mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell cell)
    mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;

    // For parallel edges we need to separate out the points a
    // little
    double offsetX = 0.0;

    // Only set the edge control points once
    if (edge.temp[0] != 101207)
      int maxRank = edge.maxRank;
      int minRank = edge.minRank;
      if (maxRank == minRank)
        maxRank = edge.source.maxRank;
        minRank =;

      Iterator<Object> parallelEdges = edge.edges.iterator();
      int parallelEdgeCount = 0;
      double[] jettys = jettyPositions.get(edge);
      Object source = edge.isReversed() ? : edge.source.cell;

      while (parallelEdges.hasNext())
        Object realEdge =;
        Object realSource = layout.getGraph().getView().getVisibleTerminal(realEdge, true);
        List<mxPoint> newPoints = new ArrayList<mxPoint>(edge.x.length);

        // Single length reversed edges end up with the jettys in the wrong
        // places. Since single length edges only have jettys, not segment
        // control points, we just say the edge isn't reversed in this section
        boolean reversed = edge.isReversed();
        if (realSource != source)
          // The real edges include all core model edges and these can go
          // in both directions. If the source of the hierarchical model edge
          // isn't the source of the specific real edge in this iteration
          // treat if as reversed
          reversed = !reversed;
        // First jetty of edge
        if (jettys != null)
          int arrayOffset = reversed ? 2 : 0;
          double y = reversed ? rankTopY[minRank] : rankBottomY[maxRank];
          double jetty = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 1 + arrayOffset];
          // If the edge is reversed invert the y position within the channel,
          // unless it is a single length edge
          if (reversed)
            jetty = -jetty;
          y += jetty;
          double x = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + arrayOffset];

          if (orientation == SwingConstants.NORTH
              || orientation == SwingConstants.SOUTH)
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(x, y));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(y, x));

        // Declare variables to define loop through edge points and
        // change direction if edge is reversed

        int loopStart = edge.x.length - 1;
        int loopLimit = -1;
        int loopDelta = -1;
        int currentRank = edge.maxRank - 1;

        if (reversed)
          loopStart = 0;
          loopLimit = edge.x.length;
          loopDelta = 1;
          currentRank = edge.minRank + 1;

        // Reversed edges need the points inserted in
        // reverse order
        for (int j = loopStart; (edge.maxRank != edge.minRank) && j != loopLimit; j += loopDelta)
          // The horizontal position in a vertical layout
          double positionX = edge.x[j] + offsetX;

          // Work out the vertical positions in a vertical layout
          // in the edge buffer channels above and below this rank
          double topChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank + 1]) / 2.0;
          double bottomChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank - 1] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;

          if (reversed)
            double tmp = topChannelY;
            topChannelY = bottomChannelY;
            bottomChannelY = tmp;

          if (orientation == SwingConstants.NORTH
              || orientation == SwingConstants.SOUTH)
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, topChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, bottomChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(topChannelY, positionX));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(bottomChannelY, positionX));

          limitX = Math.max(limitX, positionX);

          //          double currentY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;
          //          System.out.println("topChannelY = " + topChannelY + " , "
          //              + "exact Y = " + edge.y[j]);
          currentRank += loopDelta;

        // Second jetty of edge
        if (jettys != null)
          int arrayOffset = reversed ? 2 : 0;
          double rankY = reversed ? rankBottomY[maxRank] : rankTopY[minRank];
          double jetty = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 3 - arrayOffset];
          if (reversed)
            jetty = -jetty;
          double y = rankY - jetty;
          double x = jettys[parallelEdgeCount * 4 + 2 - arrayOffset];

          if (orientation == SwingConstants.NORTH
              || orientation == SwingConstants.SOUTH)
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(x, y));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(y, x));
        if (edge.isReversed())
          processReversedEdge(edge, realEdge);

        layout.setEdgePoints(realEdge, newPoints);
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        maxY = Math.max(maxY, cell.height);
      else if (cell.isEdge())
        mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
        // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
        // time the parallel edge spacing
        int numEdges = 1;

        if (edge.edges != null)
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          maxCellHeight = Math.max(maxCellHeight, cell.height);
        else if (cell.isEdge())
          mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
          // The width is the number of additional parallel edges
          // time the parallel edge spacing
          int numEdges = 1;

          if (edge.edges != null)
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    if (cell.minRank == cell.maxRank)

    mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge = (mxGraphHierarchyEdge) cell;
    // For parallel edges we need to seperate out the points a
    // little
    double offsetX = 0.0;
    // Only set the edge control points once

    if (edge.temp[0] != 101207)
      Iterator<Object> parallelEdges = edge.edges.iterator();

      while (parallelEdges.hasNext())
        Object realEdge =;
        //List oldPoints = graph.getPoints(realEdge);
        List<mxPoint> newPoints = new ArrayList<mxPoint>(edge.x.length);

        // Declare variables to define loop through edge points and
        // change direction if edge is reversed

        int loopStart = edge.x.length - 1;
        int loopLimit = -1;
        int loopDelta = -1;
        int currentRank = edge.maxRank - 1;

        if (edge.isReversed())
          loopStart = 0;
          loopLimit = edge.x.length;
          loopDelta = 1;
          currentRank = edge.minRank + 1;
        // Reversed edges need the points inserted in
        // reverse order
        for (int j = loopStart; j != loopLimit; j += loopDelta)
          // The horizontal position in a vertical layout
          double positionX = edge.x[j] + offsetX;

          // Work out the vertical positions in a vertical layout
          // in the edge buffer channels above and below this rank
          double topChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank + 1]) / 2.0;
          double bottomChannelY = (rankTopY[currentRank - 1] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;

          if (edge.isReversed())
            double tmp = topChannelY;
            topChannelY = bottomChannelY;
            bottomChannelY = tmp;

          if (orientation == SwingConstants.NORTH
              || orientation == SwingConstants.SOUTH)
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, topChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(positionX, bottomChannelY));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(topChannelY, positionX));
            newPoints.add(new mxPoint(bottomChannelY, positionX));

          limitX = Math.max(limitX, positionX);

          //          double currentY = (rankTopY[currentRank] + rankBottomY[currentRank]) / 2.0;
          //          System.out.println("topChannelY = " + topChannelY + " , "
          //              + "exact Y = " + edge.y[j]);
          currentRank += loopDelta;

        if (edge.isReversed())
          processReversedEdge(edge, realEdge);

        layout.setEdgePoints(realEdge, newPoints);
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Related Classes of com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model.mxGraphHierarchyEdge

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