Package com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type

Examples of com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type.CustomTypeHandler

        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the parameter mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new NestedRuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new NestedRuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new NestedRuntimeException("Error occurred during custom type handler configuration.  Cause: " + e, e);
        } else {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping property type or name.");
          handler = resolveTypeHandler(vars.client.getDelegate().getTypeHandlerFactory(), vars.currentResultMap.getResultClass(), propertyName, javaType, jdbcType, true);

        BasicResultMapping mapping = new BasicResultMapping();

        if (resultMapName != null && resultMapName.length() > 0) {

        try {
          if (javaType != null && javaType.length() > 0) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          throw new NestedRuntimeException("Error setting javaType on result mapping.  Cause: " + e);

        if (columnIndex != null && columnIndex.length() > 0) {
        } else {


    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator/subMap", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        if (vars.discriminator == null) {
          throw new NestedRuntimeException ("The discriminator is null, but somehow a subMap was reached.  This is a bug.");
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String value = childAttributes.getProperty("value");
        String resultMap = childAttributes.getProperty("resultMap");
        vars.discriminator.addSubMap(value, applyNamespace(resultMap));

    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String nullValue = childAttributes.getProperty("nullValue");
        String jdbcType = childAttributes.getProperty("jdbcType");
        String javaType = childAttributes.getProperty("javaType");
        String columnName = childAttributes.getProperty("column");
        String columnIndex = childAttributes.getProperty("columnIndex");
        String callback = childAttributes.getProperty("typeHandler");

        callback = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(callback);
        javaType = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(javaType);

        TypeHandler handler = null;
        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new NestedRuntimeException ("The class '' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        } else if ("nullValue".equals(field)) {
        } else if ("handler".equals(field)) {
          try {
            value = typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(value);
            mapping.setTypeHandler(new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) Resources.classForName(value).newInstance()));
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SqlMapException("Error loading class specified by handler field in " + token + ".  Cause: " + e, e);
        } else {
          throw new SqlMapException("Unrecognized parameter mapping field: '" + field + "' in " + token);
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        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the parameter mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred during custom type handler configuration.  Cause: " + e, e);
        } else {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping property type or name.");
          handler = resolveTypeHandler(vars.client.getDelegate().getTypeHandlerFactory(), vars.currentResultMap.getResultClass(), propertyName, javaType, jdbcType, true);

        BasicResultMapping mapping = new BasicResultMapping();

        if (resultMapName != null && resultMapName.length() > 0) {

        try {
          if (javaType != null && javaType.length() > 0) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Error setting javaType on result mapping.  Cause: " + e);

        if (columnIndex != null && columnIndex.length() > 0) {
        } else {


    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator/subMap", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        if (vars.discriminator == null) {
          throw new RuntimeException ("The discriminator is null, but somehow a subMap was reached.  This is a bug.");
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String value = childAttributes.getProperty("value");
        String resultMap = childAttributes.getProperty("resultMap");
        vars.discriminator.addSubMap(value, applyNamespace(resultMap));

    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String nullValue = childAttributes.getProperty("nullValue");
        String jdbcType = childAttributes.getProperty("jdbcType");
        String javaType = childAttributes.getProperty("javaType");
        String columnName = childAttributes.getProperty("column");
        String columnIndex = childAttributes.getProperty("columnIndex");
        String callback = childAttributes.getProperty("typeHandler");

        callback = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(callback);
        javaType = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(javaType);

        TypeHandler handler = null;
        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        } else if ("handler".equals(field)) {
          try {
            value = typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(value);
            Object impl = Resources.instantiate(value);
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler(new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl));
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler((TypeHandler) impl);
            } else {
              throw new SqlMapException ("The class " + value + " is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the parameter mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '"+callback+"' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred during custom type handler configuration.  Cause: " + e, e);
        } else {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping property type or name.");
          handler = resolveTypeHandler(vars.client.getDelegate().getTypeHandlerFactory(), vars.currentResultMap.getResultClass(), propertyName, javaType, jdbcType, true);

        BasicResultMapping mapping = new BasicResultMapping();

        if (resultMapName != null && resultMapName.length() > 0) {

        try {
          if (javaType != null && javaType.length() > 0) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Error setting javaType on result mapping.  Cause: " + e);

        if (columnIndex != null && columnIndex.length() > 0) {
        } else {


    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator/subMap", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        if (vars.discriminator == null) {
          throw new RuntimeException ("The discriminator is null, but somehow a subMap was reached.  This is a bug.");
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String value = childAttributes.getProperty("value");
        String resultMap = childAttributes.getProperty("resultMap");
        vars.discriminator.addSubMap(value, applyNamespace(resultMap));

    parser.addNodelet("/sqlMap/resultMap/discriminator", new Nodelet() {
      public void process(Node node) throws Exception {
        Properties childAttributes = NodeletUtils.parseAttributes(node,;
        String nullValue = childAttributes.getProperty("nullValue");
        String jdbcType = childAttributes.getProperty("jdbcType");
        String javaType = childAttributes.getProperty("javaType");
        String columnName = childAttributes.getProperty("column");
        String columnIndex = childAttributes.getProperty("columnIndex");
        String callback = childAttributes.getProperty("typeHandler");

        callback = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(callback);
        javaType = vars.typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(javaType);

        TypeHandler handler = null;
        if (callback != null) {
          vars.errorCtx.setMoreInfo("Check the result mapping typeHandler attribute '" + callback + "' (must be a TypeHandlerCallback implementation).");
          try {
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(callback).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              handler = new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl);
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              handler = (TypeHandler) impl;
            } else {
              throw new RuntimeException ("The class '' is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        } else if ("handler".equals(field)) {
          try {
            value = typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(value);
            Object impl = Resources.classForName(value).newInstance();
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler(new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl));
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler((TypeHandler) impl);
            } else {
              throw new SqlMapException ("The class " + value + " is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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        } else if ("handler".equals(field)) {
          try {
            value = typeHandlerFactory.resolveAlias(value);
            Object impl = Resources.instantiate(value);
            if (impl instanceof TypeHandlerCallback) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler(new CustomTypeHandler((TypeHandlerCallback) impl));
            } else if (impl instanceof TypeHandler) {
              mapping.setTypeHandler((TypeHandler) impl);
            } else {
              throw new SqlMapException ("The class " + value + " is not a valid implementation of TypeHandler or TypeHandlerCallback");
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Related Classes of com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type.CustomTypeHandler

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