Package com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget

Examples of com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.BoxComponent

    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalWidth = 0;
    int maxHeight = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();

      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalWidth += c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right;
      maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom);

    int innerCtHeight = maxHeight + t + getPadding().bottom;

    if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE) || hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h = Math.max(h, innerCtHeight), true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w, innerCtHeight, true);

    int extraWidth = w - totalWidth - l - getPadding().right;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, ct;
    int availableHeight = h - t - getPadding().bottom;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      l += extraWidth / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      l += extraWidth;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      l += cm.left;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE)) {
        int diff = availableHeight - (ch + + cm.bottom);
        if (diff == 0) {
          ct = t +;
        } else {
          ct = t + + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
          ct = h - (getPadding().bottom + cm.bottom + ch);
        } else {
          ct = t +;


      int width = -1;
      c.setPosition(l, ct);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraWidth * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += (extraWidth - allocated);

        cw += add;
        width = cw;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(strechHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(maxHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (width > 0) {
      l += cw + cm.right;

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    return event;

  private BoxComponent getRegionWidget(LayoutRegion region) {
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent w = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(w);
      if (d != null && d instanceof BorderLayoutData) {
        BorderLayoutData data = (BorderLayoutData) d;
        if (data.getRegion() == region) {
          return w;
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    int strechWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;
    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalHeight = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalHeight += c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom;
      maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right);

    int innerCtWidth = maxWidth + l + getPadding().right;

    if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w = Math.max(w, innerCtWidth), h, true);

    int extraHeight = h - totalHeight - t - getPadding().bottom;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, cl;
    int availableWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      t += extraHeight / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      t += extraHeight;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      t +=;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.CENTER)) {
        int diff = availableWidth - (cw + cm.left + cm.right);
        if (diff == 0) {
          cl = l + cm.left;
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.RIGHT)) {
          cl = w - (getPadding().right + cm.right + cw);
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left;

      int height = -1;
      c.setPosition(cl, t);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraHeight * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += extraHeight - allocated;
        ch += add;
        height = ch;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(strechWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(maxWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (height > 0) {
      t += ch + cm.bottom;

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    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalWidth = 0;
    int maxHeight = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();

      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalWidth += c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right;
      maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom);

    int innerCtHeight = maxHeight + t + getPadding().bottom;

    if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE) || hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h = Math.max(h, innerCtHeight), true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w, innerCtHeight, true);

    int extraWidth = w - totalWidth - l - getPadding().right;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, ct;
    int availableHeight = h - t - getPadding().bottom;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      l += extraWidth / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      l += extraWidth;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      l += cm.left;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE)) {
        int diff = availableHeight - (ch + + cm.bottom);
        if (diff == 0) {
          ct = t +;
        } else {
          ct = t + + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
          ct = h - (getPadding().bottom + cm.bottom + ch);
        } else {
          ct = t +;


      int width = -1;
      c.setPosition(l, ct);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraWidth * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += (extraWidth - allocated);

        cw += add;
        width = cw;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(strechHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(maxHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (width > 0) {
      l += cw + cm.right;

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    return event;

  private BoxComponent getRegionWidget(LayoutRegion region) {
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent w = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(w);
      if (d != null && d instanceof BorderLayoutData) {
        BorderLayoutData data = (BorderLayoutData) d;
        if (data.getRegion() == region) {
          return w;
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    int strechWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;
    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalHeight = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalHeight += c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom;
      maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right);

    int innerCtWidth = maxWidth + l + getPadding().right;

    if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w = Math.max(w, innerCtWidth), h, true);

    int extraHeight = h - totalHeight - t - getPadding().bottom;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, cl;
    int availableWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      t += extraHeight / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      t += extraHeight;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      t +=;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.CENTER)) {
        int diff = availableWidth - (cw + cm.left + cm.right);
        if (diff == 0) {
          cl = l + cm.left;
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.RIGHT)) {
          cl = w - (getPadding().right + cm.right + cw);
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left;

      int height = -1;
      c.setPosition(cl, t);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraHeight * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += extraHeight - allocated;
        ch += add;
        height = ch;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(strechWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(maxWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (height > 0) {
      t += ch + cm.bottom;

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    int strechWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;
    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalHeight = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalHeight += c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom;
      maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right);

    int innerCtWidth = maxWidth + l + getPadding().right;

    if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w = Math.max(w, innerCtWidth), h, true);

    int extraHeight = h - totalHeight - t - getPadding().bottom;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, cl;
    int availableWidth = w - l - getPadding().right;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      t += extraHeight / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      t += extraHeight;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      VBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof VBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (VBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new VBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      t +=;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.CENTER)) {
        int diff = availableWidth - (cw + cm.left + cm.right);
        if (diff == 0) {
          cl = l + cm.left;
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.RIGHT)) {
          cl = w - (getPadding().right + cm.right + cw);
        } else {
          cl = l + cm.left;

      int height = -1;
      c.setPosition(cl, t);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraHeight * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += extraHeight - allocated;
        ch += add;
        height = ch;
      if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(strechWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (vBoxLayoutAlign.equals(VBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(Util.constrain(maxWidth - cm.left - cm.right, layoutData.getMinWidth(), layoutData.getMaxWidth()),
      } else if (height > 0) {
      t += ch + cm.bottom;

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    int totalFlex = 0;
    int totalWidth = 0;
    int maxHeight = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      c.el().setStyleAttribute("margin", "0px");
      callLayout(c, false);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();

      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      totalFlex += layoutData.getFlex();
      totalWidth += c.getWidth() + cm.left + cm.right;
      maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, c.getHeight() + + cm.bottom);

    int innerCtHeight = maxHeight + t + getPadding().bottom;

    if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h, true);
    } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE) || hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
      innerCt.setSize(w, h = Math.max(h, innerCtHeight), true);
    } else {
      innerCt.setSize(w, innerCtHeight, true);

    int extraWidth = w - totalWidth - l - getPadding().right;
    int allocated = 0;
    int cw, ch, ct;
    int availableHeight = h - t - getPadding().bottom;

    if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.CENTER)) {
      l += extraWidth / 2;
    } else if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.END)) {
      l += extraWidth;

    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent c = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      HBoxLayoutData layoutData = null;
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(c);
      if (d != null && d instanceof HBoxLayoutData) {
        layoutData = (HBoxLayoutData) d;
      } else {
        layoutData = new HBoxLayoutData();
      Margins cm = layoutData.getMargins();
      cw = c.getWidth();
      ch = c.getHeight();
      l += cm.left;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.MIDDLE)) {
        int diff = availableHeight - (ch + + cm.bottom);
        if (diff == 0) {
          ct = t +;
        } else {
          ct = t + + (diff / 2);
      } else {
        if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.BOTTOM)) {
          ct = h - (getPadding().bottom + cm.bottom + ch);
        } else {
          ct = t +;


      int width = -1;
      c.setPosition(l, ct);
      if (getPack().equals(BoxLayoutPack.START) && layoutData.getFlex() > 0) {
        int add = (int) Math.floor(extraWidth * (layoutData.getFlex() / totalFlex));
        allocated += add;
        if (isAdjustForFlexRemainder() && i == container.getItemCount() - 1) {
          add += (extraWidth - allocated);

        cw += add;
        width = cw;
      if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCH)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(strechHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (hBoxLayoutAlign.equals(HBoxLayoutAlign.STRETCHMAX)) {
        c.setSize(width, Util.constrain(maxHeight - - cm.bottom, layoutData.getMinHeight(),
      } else if (width > 0) {
      l += cw + cm.right;

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    return cp;

  private BoxComponent getRegionWidget(LayoutRegion region) {
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent w = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      LayoutData d = getLayoutData(w);
      if (d != null && d instanceof BorderLayoutData) {
        BorderLayoutData data = (BorderLayoutData) d;
        if (data.getRegion() == region) {
          return w;
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    return cp;

  private BoxComponent getRegionWidget(LayoutRegion region) {
    for (int i = 0; i < container.getItemCount(); i++) {
      BoxComponent w = (BoxComponent) container.getItem(i);
      if (getLayoutData(w) != null && getLayoutData(w) instanceof BorderLayoutData) {
        BorderLayoutData data = (BorderLayoutData) getLayoutData(w);
        if (data.getRegion() == region) {
          return w;
    return null;
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Related Classes of com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.BoxComponent

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