Package com.eteks.sweethome3d.swing

Examples of com.eteks.sweethome3d.swing.FurnitureTable$UserPreferencesChangeListener

    // Check catalog furniture count equals home furniture count
    assertEquals("Different furniture count in list and home",
        homeFurniture.size(), home.getFurniture().size());

    // 3. Create a table that displays home furniture
    JTable table = new FurnitureTable(home, preferences);
    // Check home furniture count equals table row count
    assertEquals("Different furniture count in home and table",
        home.getFurniture().size(), table.getRowCount());
    // 4. Check the displayed depth in table are different in French and US version
    for (int row = 0, n = table.getRowCount(); row < n; row++) {
      String widthInInch = getRenderedDepth(table, row);
      String widthInMeter = getRenderedDepth(table, row);
      assertFalse("Same depth in different units",
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    assertTrue("Home furniture is empty", homeFurniture.size() > 0);

    // 2. Create a table that displays home furniture with its controller 
    FurnitureController furnitureController =
        new FurnitureController(home, preferences, new SwingViewFactory());
    FurnitureTable table = (FurnitureTable)furnitureController.getView();
    // 3. Sort furniture table in alphabetical order of furniture name
    // Check the alphabetical order of table data
    assertFurnitureIsSortedByName(table, true);
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    assertTrue("Home furniture is empty", homeFurniture.size() > 0);

    // 2. Create a table that displays home furniture with its controller 
    FurnitureController furnitureController =
        new FurnitureController(home, preferences, new SwingViewFactory());
    FurnitureTable table = (FurnitureTable)furnitureController.getView();
    assertEquals("Home furniture count and row count different", homeFurniture.size(), table.getRowCount());
    // Apply a filter on furniture that refuses pieces that are windows
    table.setFurnitureFilter(new FurnitureFilter() {
        public boolean include(Home home, HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {         
          return !piece.isDoorOrWindow();
    // Count how many doors and windows are in home
    int doorsAndWindowsCount = 0;
    HomePieceOfFurniture doorOrWindowPiece = null;
    HomePieceOfFurniture otherPiece = null;
    for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : home.getFurniture()) {
      if (piece.isDoorOrWindow()) {
        doorOrWindowPiece = piece;
      } else {
        otherPiece = piece;
    // Check there's no door or window in table
    int homeFurnitureCount = homeFurniture.size();
    int tableFilterRowCount = table.getRowCount();
    assertEquals("Home furniture count and row count same",
        homeFurnitureCount - doorsAndWindowsCount, tableFilterRowCount);
    // 3. Add a door or window to home
    home.addPieceOfFurniture(new HomePieceOfFurniture(doorOrWindowPiece));
    // Check no row were added in table
    assertEquals("Wrong furniture count in home", homeFurnitureCount + 1, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong row count in table", tableFilterRowCount, table.getRowCount());
    // 4. Add an other kind of piece to home
    home.addPieceOfFurniture(new HomePieceOfFurniture(otherPiece));
    // Check one row was added in table
    assertEquals("Wrong furniture count in home", homeFurnitureCount + 2, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong row count in table", tableFilterRowCount + 1, table.getRowCount());
    // 5. Test sort and filter internal buffer of the table
    // Check the alphabetical order of table data
    assertFurnitureIsSortedByName(table, true);
    // Add a door or window and an other kind of piece to home
    home.addPieceOfFurniture(new HomePieceOfFurniture(doorOrWindowPiece));
    home.addPieceOfFurniture(new HomePieceOfFurniture(otherPiece));
    // Check one row was added in sorted table
    assertEquals("Wrong furniture count in home", homeFurnitureCount + 4, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong row count in table", tableFilterRowCount + 2, table.getRowCount());
    assertFurnitureIsSortedByName(table, true);
    // 6. Remove filter
    // Check missing rows are back
    assertEquals("Home furniture count and row count different",
        home.getFurniture().size(), table.getRowCount());
    assertFurnitureIsSortedByName(table, true);
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    List<HomePieceOfFurniture> homeFurniture =
    Home home = new Home(homeFurniture);
    // Create a furniture table
    JTable table = new FurnitureTable(home, preferences);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Furniture table Test");
    frame.add(new JScrollPane(table));
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    final HomeController controller = new HomeController(home, preferences, viewFactory);
    JComponent homeView = (JComponent)controller.getView();
    final FurnitureCatalogTree catalogTree = (FurnitureCatalogTree)TestUtilities.findComponent(
         homeView, FurnitureCatalogTree.class);
    FurnitureTable furnitureTable = (FurnitureTable)TestUtilities.findComponent(
        homeView, FurnitureTable.class);
    final PlanComponent planComponent = (PlanComponent)TestUtilities.findComponent(
         homeView, PlanComponent.class);

    // 1. Create a frame that displays a home view
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Home TransferHandler Test");   
    // Ensure clipboard is empty
    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(""), null);

    // Show home plan frame
    final JComponentTester tester = new JComponentTester();
    // Check catalog tree has default focus
    assertTrue("Tree doesn't have the focus", catalogTree.isFocusOwner());
    // Check Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete actions are disable
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, false, false, false, false);
    // 2. Select the first piece of furniture in catalog
    tester.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        catalogTree.addSelectionInterval(1, 1);
    // Check only Copy action is enabled
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, false, true, false, false);
    // 3. Drag and drop selected piece in tree to point (120, 120) in plan component
    Rectangle selectedRowBounds = catalogTree.getRowBounds(1);
    tester.actionDrag(catalogTree, new ComponentLocation(
        new Point(selectedRowBounds.x, selectedRowBounds.y)));
    tester.actionDrop(planComponent, new ComponentLocation(
        new Point(120, 120)));
    // Check a piece was added to home
    assertEquals("Wrong piece count in home", 1, home.getFurniture().size());
    // Check top left corner of the piece is at (200, 200)
    HomePieceOfFurniture piece = home.getFurniture().get(0);
    assertTrue("Incorrect X " + piece.getX(),
        Math.abs(200 - piece.getX() + piece.getWidth() / 2) < 1E-5);
    assertTrue("Incorrect Y " + piece.getY(),
        Math.abs(200 - piece.getY() + piece.getDepth() / 2) < 1E-5);

    // 4.  Transfer focus to plan view with TAB keys
    // Check plan component has focus
    assertTrue("Plan doesn't have the focus", planComponent.isFocusOwner());
    // Check Cut, Copy and Delete actions are enabled in plan view
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, true, true, false, true);

    // 5. Use Wall creation mode
    tester.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    // Check Cut, Copy, Paste actions are enabled
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, true, true, false, true);   
    // Create a wall between points (25, 25) and (100, 25)
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 25, 25);
    // Check Cut, Copy, Paste actions are disabled during wall drawing
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, false, false, false, false);   
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 100, 25, InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, 2);

    // 6. Use Dimension creation mode
    tester.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    // Check Cut, Copy, Paste actions are enabled
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, true, true, false, true);
    // 7. Create a dimension line between points (25, 35) and (100, 35)
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 25, 35);
    // Check Cut, Copy, Paste actions are disabled during dimension line drawing
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, false, false, false, false);   
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 100, 35, InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK, 2);
    // Use Selection mode
    tester.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    // Check Cut, Copy and Delete actions are enabled
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, true, true, false, true);
    // 7. Select the dimension, the wall and the piece
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 30, 25);
    tester.actionClick(planComponent, 120, 120);
    // Check home selection contains 3 items
    assertEquals("Selected items wrong count", 3, home.getSelectedItems().size());
    // Cut selected items in plan component
    runAction(tester, controller, HomePane.ActionType.CUT);
    // Check home is empty
    assertEquals("Wrong piece count in home", 0, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong wall count in home", 0, home.getWalls().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong dimension count in home", 0, home.getDimensionLines().size());
    // Check only Paste action is enabled
    assertActionsEnabled(controller, false, false, true, false);
    Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    // Check clipboard contains two different data flavors (HomeTransferableList and Image)
    assertTrue("Missing home data flavor", clipboard.isDataFlavorAvailable(HomeTransferableList.HOME_FLAVOR));
    assertTrue("Missing String flavor", clipboard.isDataFlavorAvailable(DataFlavor.imageFlavor));

    // 8. Paste selected items in plan component
    runAction(tester, controller, HomePane.ActionType.PASTE);
    // Check home contains one piece, one wall and one dimension
    assertEquals("Wrong piece count in home", 1, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong wall count in home", 1, home.getWalls().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong dimension count in home", 1, home.getDimensionLines().size());

    // 9. Transfer focus to furniture table
    tester.actionKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
    // Check furniture table has focus
    assertTrue("Table doesn't have the focus", furnitureTable.isFocusOwner());
    // Delete selection
    runAction(tester, controller, HomePane.ActionType.DELETE);
    // Check home contains no piece, one wall and one dimension
    assertEquals("Wrong piece count in home", 0, home.getFurniture().size());
    assertEquals("Wrong wall count in home", 1, home.getWalls().size());
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Related Classes of com.eteks.sweethome3d.swing.FurnitureTable$UserPreferencesChangeListener

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