
Examples of

        setHeader( localize( "header.playgroundEdit" ) );

        Form form = new Form( PLAYGROUND_FORM, Playground.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.playgroundEdit" ) );
        form.add( fieldSet );

        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.description" ), new TextBox( "description" ).setAutoFocus( true ) ) );
        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.code" ), new TextArea( "code" ) ) );

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "" ) ) );
        form.add( new Anchor( "cancel", localize( "button.cancel" ), PlaygroundList.class ) );
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        setHeader( localize( "header.categoryEdit" ) );

        Form form = new Form( CATEGORY_FORM, Category.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.categoryEdit" ) );
        form.add( fieldSet );

        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "name" ).setAutoFocus( true ) ) );

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "" ) ) );
        form.add( new Anchor( "cancel", localize( "button.cancel" ), CategoryList.class ) );
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        setHeader( localize( "header.tagEdit" ) );

        Form form = new Form( TAG_FORM, Tag.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.tagEdit" ) );
        form.add( fieldSet );

        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "name" ).setAutoFocus( true ) ) );

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "" ) ) );
        form.add( new Anchor( "cancel", localize( "button.cancel" ), TagList.class ) );
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        setHeader( localize( "header.articleEdit" ) );

        Form form = new Form( ARTICLE_FORM, Article.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.articleEdit" ) );
        form.add( fieldSet );

        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "title" ).setAutoFocus( true ) ) );
        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.content" ), new TextArea( "content" ) ) );
        fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.category" ), new Select<Category>( "category", getCategories(), new EntityChoiceRenderer(), true ) ) );

        for ( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
            fieldSet.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.tag" ) + "_" + i, new Select<Tag>( "tag_" + i, getTags(), new EntityChoiceRenderer(), true ) ) );

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "" ) ) );
        form.add( new Anchor( "cancel", localize( "button.cancel" ), ArticleList.class ) );
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        setHeader( localize( "header.registration" ) );

        Form form = new Form( REGISTRATION_FORM, Account.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet loginInfo = new FieldSet( localize( "title.loginInfo" ) );
        form.add( loginInfo );

        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.loginProvider" ), new Select<LoginProvider>( "loginProvider", LoginProvider.class.getEnumConstants(), new EnumChoiceRenderer() ) ) );
        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "email" ) ) );
        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.login" ), new TextBox( "login" ) ) );
        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.password" ), new TextBox( "password" ) ) );
        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.passwordAgain" ), new TextBox( "passwordAgain" ) ) );

        FieldSet additionalInfo = new FieldSet( localize( "title.additionalInfo" ) );
        form.add( additionalInfo );

        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "name" ) ) );
        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.surname" ), new TextBox( "surname" ) ) );
        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.notify" ), new CheckBox( "notify" ) ) );

        // TODO: captcha

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "button.register" ) ) );
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        setHeader( localize( "header.myAccount" ) );

        Form form = new Form( MY_ACCOUNT_FORM, Account.class );
        add( form );

        FieldSet loginInfo = new FieldSet( localize( "title.loginInfo" ) );
        form.add( loginInfo );

        loginInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new ReadOnlyBox( "userInfo" ) ) );

        FieldSet additionalInfo = new FieldSet( localize( "title.additionalInfo" ) );
        form.add( additionalInfo );

        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "" ), new TextBox( "name" ) ) );
        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.surname" ), new TextBox( "surname" ) ) );
        additionalInfo.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.notify" ), new CheckBox( "notify" ) ) );

        form.add( new AjaxSubmitButton( "save", localize( "" ) ) );
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        add( renderLoginPanel( loginProperties ) );

    private FieldSet renderProvidersPanel( LoginProperties loginProperties )
        FieldSet providersFieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.singleSignInLogin" ) );
        providersFieldSet.setClassName( "login-providers-panel" );

        for ( Map.Entry<String, String> provider : loginProperties.getProviders().entrySet() )
            String providerKey = provider.getKey();
            Anchor a = new Anchor( providerKey, localize( "label." + providerKey ), provider.getValue() );
            a.setClassName( "login-provider" );
            a.addClassName( providerKey );
            providersFieldSet.add( a );

        return providersFieldSet;
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        return providersFieldSet;

    private FieldSet renderLoginPanel( LoginProperties loginProperties )
        FieldSet classicLoginFieldSet = new FieldSet( localize( "title.classicLogin" ) );
        classicLoginFieldSet.setClassName( "login-classic-panel" );

        Form form = new Form( loginProperties.getLoginServletPath() );
        classicLoginFieldSet.add( form );

        form.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.login" ), new TextBox( loginProperties.getLoginParamName() ) ) );
        form.add( new FormRow( localize( "label.password" ), new PasswordBox( loginProperties.getLoginParamPassword() ) ) );
        form.add( new SubmitButton( "login", localize( "button.login" ) ) );
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