Package com.ctc.wstx.dtd

Examples of com.ctc.wstx.dtd.DTDSubset

        /* We know there are no spaces, as this char was read and pushed
         * back earlier...
        char c = getNextChar(SUFFIX_IN_DTD);
        DTDSubset intSubset = null;

        /* Do we have an internal subset? Note that we have earlier checked
         * that it has to be either '[' or closing '>'.
        if (c == '[') {
            // Do we need to copy the contents of int. subset in the buffer?
            if (copyContents) {
                ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).startBranch(mTextBuffer, mInputPtr, mNormalizeLFs);

            try {
                intSubset = FullDTDReader.readInternalSubset(this, mInput, mConfig,
            } finally {
                /* Let's close branching in any and every case (may allow
                 * graceful recovery in error cases in future
                if (copyContents) {
                    /* Need to "push back" ']' got in the succesful case
                     * (that's -1 part below);
                     * in error case it'll just be whatever last char was.
                    ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).endBranch(mInputPtr-1);

            // And then we need closing '>'
            c = getNextCharAfterWS(SUFFIX_IN_DTD_INTERNAL);

        if (c != '>') {
            throwUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '>' to finish DOCTYPE declaration.");

        /* But, then, we also may need to read the external subset, if
         * one was defined:
        /* 19-Sep-2004, TSa: That does not need to be done, however, if
         *    there's a DTD override set.

        mDTD = mConfig.getDTDOverride();
        if (mDTD != null) {
            // We have earlier override that's already parsed
        } else { // Nope, no override
            DTDSubset extSubset = null;

            /* 05-Mar-2006, TSa: If standalone was specified as "yes", we
             *   should not rely on any external declarations, so shouldn't
             *   we really just skip the external subset?
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        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw constructFromIOE(ioe);

        if (cache) {
            DTDSubset extSubset = findCachedSubset(dtdId, intSubset);
            if (extSubset != null) {
                return extSubset;

        // No useful cached copy? Need to read it then.
        /* For now, we do require system identifier; otherwise we don't
         * know how to resolve DTDs by public id. In future should
         * probably also have some simple catalog resolving facility?
        if (sysId == null) {
            throwParseError("Can not resolve DTD with public id \"{0}\"; missing system identifier", mDtdPublicId, null);
        WstxInputSource src = null;

        try {
            int xmlVersion = mDocXmlVersion;
            // 05-Feb-2006, TSa: If xmlVersion not explicitly known, defaults to 1.0
            if (xmlVersion == XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN) {
                xmlVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_10;
            /* null -> no explicit path context, use parent's
             * null -> not an entity expansion, no name.
             * Note, too, that we can NOT just pass mEntityResolver, since
             * that's the one used for general entities, whereas ext subset
             * should be resolved by the param entity resolver.
            src = DefaultInputResolver.resolveEntity
                (mInput, null, null, pubId, sysId, mConfig.getDtdResolver(),
                 mConfig, xmlVersion);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fex) {
            /* Let's catch and rethrow this just so we get more meaningful
             * description (with input source position etc)
            throwParseError("(was {0}) {1}", fex.getClass().getName(), fex.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {

        DTDSubset extSubset = FullDTDReader.readExternalSubset(src, mConfig, intSubset,
        if (cache) {
            /* Ok; can be cached, but only if it does NOT refer to
             * parameter entities defined in the internal subset (if
             * it does, there's no easy/efficient to check if it could
             * be used later on, plus it's unlikely it could be)
            if (extSubset.isCachable()) {
                mOwner.addCachedDTD(dtdId, extSubset);

        return extSubset;
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    private DTDSubset findCachedSubset(DTDId id, DTDSubset intSubset)
        throws XMLStreamException
        DTDSubset extSubset = mOwner.findCachedDTD(id);
        /* Ok, now; can use the cached copy iff it does not refer to
         * any parameter entities internal subset (if one exists)
         * defines:
        if (extSubset != null) {
            if (intSubset == null || extSubset.isReusableWith(intSubset)) {
                return extSubset;
        return null;
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            input = DefaultInputResolver.sourceFromString
                (null, cfg, "[dtd]", /*xml version for compatibility checks*/ XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN, output);

            strw = new StringWriter();
            DTDSubset ss = FullDTDReader.flattenExternalSubset
                (input, strw, inclComments, inclConditionals, inclPEs);
            String output2 = strw.toString();

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        /* We know there are no spaces, as this char was read and pushed
         * back earlier...
        char c = getNextChar(SUFFIX_IN_DTD);
        DTDSubset intSubset = null;

        /* Do we have an internal subset? Note that we have earlier checked
         * that it has to be either '[' or closing '>'.
        if (c == '[') {
            // Do we need to copy the contents of int. subset in the buffer?
            if (copyContents) {
                ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).startBranch(mTextBuffer, mInputPtr, mCfgNormalizeLFs);

            try {
                intSubset = FullDTDReader.readInternalSubset(this, mInput, mConfig,
            } finally {
                /* Let's close branching in any and every case (may allow
                 * graceful recovery in error cases in future
                if (copyContents) {
                    /* Need to "push back" ']' got in the succesful case
                     * (that's -1 part below);
                     * in error case it'll just be whatever last char was.
                    ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).endBranch(mInputPtr-1);

            // And then we need closing '>'
            c = getNextCharAfterWS(SUFFIX_IN_DTD_INTERNAL);

        if (c != '>') {
            throwUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '>' to finish DOCTYPE declaration.");

        /* But, then, we also may need to read the external subset, if
         * one was defined:

        /* 19-Sep-2004, TSa: That does not need to be done, however, if
         *    there's a DTD override set.
        if (mDTDOverridden) {
            // We have earlier override that's already parsed
        } else { // Nope, no override
            DTDSubset extSubset = null;

            /* 05-Mar-2006, TSa: If standalone was specified as "yes", we
             *   should not rely on any external declarations, so shouldn't
             *   we really just skip the external subset?
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        boolean cache = hasConfigFlags(CFG_CACHE_DTDS);
        DTDId dtdId = constructDtdId(pubId, sysId);

        if (cache) {
            DTDSubset extSubset = findCachedSubset(dtdId, intSubset);
            if (extSubset != null) {
                return extSubset;

        // No useful cached copy? Need to read it then.
        /* For now, we do require system identifier; otherwise we don't
         * know how to resolve DTDs by public id. In future should
         * probably also have some simple catalog resolving facility?
        if (sysId == null) {
            throwParseError("Can not resolve DTD with public id '"
                            +mDtdPublicId+"'; missing system identifier.");
        WstxInputSource src = null;

        try {
            int xmlVersion = mDocXmlVersion;
            // 05-Feb-2006, TSa: If xmlVersion not explicitly known, defaults to 1.0
            if (xmlVersion == XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN) {
                xmlVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_10;
            /* null -> no explicit path context, use parent's
             * null -> not an entity expansion, no name.
             * Note, too, that we can NOT just pass mEntityResolver, since
             * that's the one used for general entities, whereas ext subset
             * should be resolved by the param entity resolver.
            src = DefaultInputResolver.resolveEntity
                (mInput, null, null, pubId, sysId, mConfig.getDtdResolver(),
                 mConfig, xmlVersion);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fex) {
            /* Let's catch and rethrow this just so we get more meaningful
             * description (with input source position etc)
            throwParseError("(was "+fex.getClass().getName()+") "+fex.getMessage());

        DTDSubset extSubset = FullDTDReader.readExternalSubset(src, mConfig, intSubset,
        if (cache) {
            /* Ok; can be cached, but only if it does NOT refer to
             * parameter entities defined in the internal subset (if
             * it does, there's no easy/efficient to check if it could
             * be used later on, plus it's unlikely it could be)
            if (extSubset.isCachable()) {
                mOwner.addCachedDTD(dtdId, extSubset);

        return extSubset;
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    private DTDSubset findCachedSubset(DTDId id, DTDSubset intSubset)
        throws XMLStreamException
        DTDSubset extSubset = mOwner.findCachedDTD(id);
        /* Ok, now; can use the cached copy iff it does not refer to
         * any parameter entities internal subset (if one exists)
         * defines:
        if (extSubset != null) {
            if (intSubset == null || extSubset.isReusableWith(intSubset)) {
                return extSubset;
        return null;
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            boolean inclConditionals = (i & 2) != 0;
            boolean inclPEs = (i & 1) != 0;
            WstxInputSource input = DefaultInputResolver.sourceFromString
                (null, cfg, "[dtd]", /*xml version for compat checks*/ XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN, DTD);
            StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
            DTDSubset ss = FullDTDReader.flattenExternalSubset
                (input, strw,
                 inclComments, inclConditionals, inclPEs);
            String output = strw.toString();

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        /* We know there are no spaces, as this char was read and pushed
         * back earlier...
        char c = getNextChar(SUFFIX_IN_DTD);
        DTDSubset intSubset = null;

        /* Do we have an internal subset? Note that we have earlier checked
         * that it has to be either '[' or closing '>'.
        if (c == '[') {
            // Do we need to copy the contents of int. subset in the buffer?
            if (copyContents) {
                ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).startBranch(mTextBuffer, mInputPtr, mNormalizeLFs);

            try {
                intSubset = FullDTDReader.readInternalSubset(this, mInput, mConfig,
            } finally {
                /* Let's close branching in any and every case (may allow
                 * graceful recovery in error cases in future
                if (copyContents) {
                    /* Need to "push back" ']' got in the succesful case
                     * (that's -1 part below);
                     * in error case it'll just be whatever last char was.
                    ((BranchingReaderSource) mInput).endBranch(mInputPtr-1);

            // And then we need closing '>'
            c = getNextCharAfterWS(SUFFIX_IN_DTD_INTERNAL);

        if (c != '>') {
            throwUnexpectedChar(c, "; expected '>' to finish DOCTYPE declaration.");

        /* But, then, we also may need to read the external subset, if
         * one was defined:
        /* 19-Sep-2004, TSa: That does not need to be done, however, if
         *    there's a DTD override set.

        mDTD = mConfig.getDTDOverride();
        if (mDTD != null) {
            // We have earlier override that's already parsed
        } else { // Nope, no override
            DTDSubset extSubset = null;

            /* 05-Mar-2006, TSa: If standalone was specified as "yes", we
             *   should not rely on any external declarations, so shouldn't
             *   we really just skip the external subset?
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        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw constructFromIOE(ioe);

        if (cache) {
            DTDSubset extSubset = findCachedSubset(dtdId, intSubset);
            if (extSubset != null) {
                return extSubset;

        // No useful cached copy? Need to read it then.
        /* For now, we do require system identifier; otherwise we don't
         * know how to resolve DTDs by public id. In future should
         * probably also have some simple catalog resolving facility?
        if (sysId == null) {
            throwParseError("Can not resolve DTD with public id \"{0}\"; missing system identifier", mDtdPublicId, null);
        WstxInputSource src = null;

        try {
            int xmlVersion = mDocXmlVersion;
            // 05-Feb-2006, TSa: If xmlVersion not explicitly known, defaults to 1.0
            if (xmlVersion == XmlConsts.XML_V_UNKNOWN) {
                xmlVersion = XmlConsts.XML_V_10;
            /* null -> no explicit path context, use parent's
             * null -> not an entity expansion, no name.
             * Note, too, that we can NOT just pass mEntityResolver, since
             * that's the one used for general entities, whereas ext subset
             * should be resolved by the param entity resolver.
            src = DefaultInputResolver.resolveEntity
                (mInput, null, null, pubId, sysId, mConfig.getDtdResolver(),
                 mConfig, xmlVersion);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fex) {
            /* Let's catch and rethrow this just so we get more meaningful
             * description (with input source position etc)
            throwParseError("(was {0}) {1}", fex.getClass().getName(), fex.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {

        DTDSubset extSubset = FullDTDReader.readExternalSubset(src, mConfig, intSubset,
        if (cache) {
            /* Ok; can be cached, but only if it does NOT refer to
             * parameter entities defined in the internal subset (if
             * it does, there's no easy/efficient to check if it could
             * be used later on, plus it's unlikely it could be)
            if (extSubset.isCachable()) {
                mOwner.addCachedDTD(dtdId, extSubset);

        return extSubset;
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Related Classes of com.ctc.wstx.dtd.DTDSubset

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