
Examples of

            errorMessage.append(", vlanId id=" + vlanDbId);

        sc.setParameters("dc", dcId);

        DataCenter zone = _configMgr.getZone(dcId);

        // for direct network take ip addresses only from the vlans belonging to the network
        if (vlanUse == VlanType.DirectAttached) {
            sc.setJoinParameters("vlan", "networkId", guestNetworkId);
            errorMessage.append(", network id=" + guestNetworkId);
        sc.setJoinParameters("vlan", "type", vlanUse);

        if (requestedIp != null) {
            sc.addAnd("address", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, requestedIp);
            errorMessage.append(": requested ip " + requestedIp + " is not available");

        Filter filter = new Filter(IPAddressVO.class, "vlanId", true, 0l, 1l);

        List<IPAddressVO> addrs = _ipAddressDao.lockRows(sc, filter, true);

        if (addrs.size() == 0) {
            if (podId != null) {
                InsufficientAddressCapacityException ex = new InsufficientAddressCapacityException
                        ("Insufficient address capacity", Pod.class, podId);
                // for now, we hardcode the table names, but we should ideally do a lookup for the tablename from the VO object.
                ex.addProxyObject("Pod", podId, "podId");               
                throw ex;
            InsufficientAddressCapacityException ex = new InsufficientAddressCapacityException
                    ("Insufficient address capacity", DataCenter.class, dcId);
            ex.addProxyObject("data_center", dcId, "dcId");
            throw ex;

        assert (addrs.size() == 1) : "Return size is incorrect: " + addrs.size();

        IPAddressVO addr = addrs.get(0);
        addr.setAllocatedTime(new Date());

        if (assign) {
        } else {
        addr.setState(assign ? IpAddress.State.Allocated : IpAddress.State.Allocating);

        if (vlanUse != VlanType.DirectAttached || zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {

        _ipAddressDao.update(addr.getId(), addr);
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        Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();
        long callerUserId = UserContext.current().getCallerUserId();
        // check permissions
        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, ipOwner);
        DataCenter zone = _configMgr.getZone(zoneId);
        return allocateIp(ipOwner, isSystem, caller, callerUserId, zone);
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        } else {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to find ip address by id: " + ipId);
            return null;
        DataCenter zone = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());

        // allow associating IP addresses to guest network only
        if (network.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address can be associated to the network with trafficType " +

        // Check that network belongs to IP owner - skip this check for Basic zone as there is just one guest network,
        // and it belongs to the system
        if (zone.getNetworkType() != NetworkType.Basic && network.getAccountId() != owner.getId()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The owner of the network is not the same as owner of the IP");
        // In Advance zone only allow to do IP assoc for Isolated networks with source nat service enabled
        if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced &&
                !(network.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated && areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(),
                        Service.SourceNat))) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("In zone of type " + NetworkType.Advanced +
                    " ip address can be associated only to the network of guest type " + GuestType.Isolated + " with the "
                    + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " enabled");
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        if (zoneId == null) {
            zoneId = pNtwk.getDataCenterId();

        DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId);
        if (zone == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified zone id was not found");
        if (Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getType())) {
            // See
            PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot perform this operation since specified Zone is currently disabled");
            ex.addProxyObject(zone, zoneId, "zoneId");
            throw ex;           

        // Only domain and account ACL types are supported in Acton.
        ACLType aclType = null;
        if (aclTypeStr != null) {
            if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Account.toString())) {
                aclType = ACLType.Account;
            } else if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Domain.toString())) {
                aclType = ACLType.Domain;
            } else {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Incorrect aclType specified. Check the API documentation for supported types");
            // In 3.0 all Shared networks should have aclType == Domain, all Isolated networks aclType==Account
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) {
                if (aclType != ACLType.Account) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Isolated);
            } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) {
                if (!(aclType == ACLType.Domain || aclType == ACLType.Account)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Domain + " or " +
                ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Shared);
        } else {
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) {
                aclType = ACLType.Account;
            } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) {
                aclType = ACLType.Domain;

        // Only Admin can create Shared networks
        if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared && !_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getType())) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only Admins can create network with guest type " + GuestType.Shared);

        // Check if the network is domain specific
        if (aclType == ACLType.Domain) {
            // only Admin can create domain with aclType=Domain
            if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getType())) {
                throw new PermissionDeniedException("Only admin can create networks with aclType=Domain");

            // only shared networks can be Domain specific
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() != GuestType.Shared) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only " + GuestType.Shared + " networks can have aclType=" + ACLType.Domain);

            if (domainId != null) {
                if (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain level networks are supported just for traffic type "
                + TrafficType.Guest + " and guest type " + Network.GuestType.Shared);

                DomainVO domain = _domainDao.findById(domainId);
                if (domain == null) {                   
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find domain by specified id");
                _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, domain);
            isDomainSpecific = true;

        } else if (subdomainAccess != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Parameter subDomainAccess can be specified only with aclType=Domain");
        Account owner = null;
        if ((cmd.getAccountName() != null && domainId != null) || cmd.getProjectId() != null) {
            owner = _accountMgr.finalizeOwner(caller, cmd.getAccountName(), domainId, cmd.getProjectId());
        } else {
            owner = caller;


        // if end ip is not specified, default it to startIp
        if (startIP != null) {
            if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(startIP)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the startIp parameter");
            if (endIP == null) {
                endIP = startIP;
            } else if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(endIP)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the endIp parameter");

        if (startIP != null && endIP != null) {
            if (!(gateway != null && netmask != null)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("gateway and netmask should be defined when startIP/endIP are passed in");

        String cidr = null;
        if (gateway != null && netmask != null) {
            if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(gateway)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway");
            if (!NetUtils.isValidNetmask(netmask)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid netmask");

            cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(gateway, netmask);

        // Regular user can create Guest Isolated Source Nat enabled network only
        if (caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL
                && (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Isolated
                        && areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Regular user can create a network only from the network" +
                    " offering having traffic type " + TrafficType.Guest + " and network type "
                    + Network.GuestType.Isolated + " with a service " + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " enabled");

        // Don't allow to specify vlan if the caller is a regular user
        if (caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL && (ntwkOff.getSpecifyVlan() || vlanId != null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Regular user is not allowed to specify vlanId");

        // For non-root admins check cidr limit - if it's allowed by global config value
        if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN && cidr != null) {

            String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
            int cidrSize = Integer.valueOf(cidrPair[1]);

            if (cidrSize < _cidrLimit) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cidr size can't be less than " + _cidrLimit);

        if (cidr != null && networkOfferingIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking(networkOfferingId)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot specify CIDR when using network offering with external devices!");

        // Vlan is created in 2 cases - works in Advance zone only:
        // 1) GuestType is Shared
        // 2) GuestType is Isolated, but SourceNat service is disabled
        boolean createVlan = (startIP != null && endIP != null && zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced
                && ((ntwkOff.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared)
                || (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated &&
                !areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))));

        // Can add vlan range only to the network which allows it
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                return false;
        //In Basic zone, make sure that there are no non-removed console proxies and SSVMs using the network
        DataCenter zone = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());
        if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
            List<VMInstanceVO> systemVms = _vmDao.listNonRemovedVmsByTypeAndNetwork(network.getId(),
                    Type.ConsoleProxy, Type.SecondaryStorageVm);
            if (systemVms != null && !systemVms.isEmpty()) {
                s_logger.warn("Can't delete the network, not all consoleProxy/secondaryStorage vms are expunged");
                return false;
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        if (!(network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented || network.getState() == Network.State.Setup)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network is not in the right state to be restarted. Correct states are: " + Network.State.Implemented + ", " + Network.State.Setup);

        // don't allow clenaup=true for the network in Basic zone
        DataCenter zone = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());
        if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic && cleanup) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cleanup can't be true when restart network in Basic zone");

        _accountMgr.checkAccess(callerAccount, null, true, network);
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            ex.addProxyObject(network, id, "physicalNetworkId");           
            throw ex;

        // if zone is of Basic type, don't allow to add vnet range
        DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId());
        if (zone == null) {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Zone with id=" + network.getDataCenterId() + " doesn't exist in the system");
            ex.addProxyObject(zone, network.getDataCenterId(), "dataCenterId");           
            throw ex;
        if (newVnetRangeString != null) {
            if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic
                    || (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled())) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't add vnet range to the physical network in the zone that supports " + zone.getNetworkType() + " network, Security Group enabled: "
                        + zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled());

        if (tags != null && tags.size() > 1) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException("Unable to support more than one tag on network yet");
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            throws InsufficientVirtualNetworkCapcityException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException,
            ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException {
        VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine();
        NetworkVO networkVO = _networksDao.findById(network.getId());
        DataCenter dc = _configMgr.getZone(network.getDataCenterId());
        Host host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getHostId());
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, null, null, host);
        NicProfile nic = getNicProfileForVm(network, requested, vm);
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        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(_networkDao.findById(defaultNic.getNetworkId()).getNetworkOfferingId());
        if (offering.getRedundantRouter()) {
            return findGatewayIp(userVmId);
        DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(_networkMgr.getNetwork(defaultNic.getNetworkId()).getDataCenterId());
        boolean isZoneBasic = (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic);
        //find domR's nic in the network
        NicVO domrDefaultNic;
        if (isZoneBasic){
            domrDefaultNic = _nicDao.findByNetworkIdTypeAndGateway(defaultNic.getNetworkId(), VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter, defaultNic.getGateway());
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        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, router);

        Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(router.getAccountId());

        // Check if all networks are implemented for the domR; if not - implement them
        DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(router.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());
        HostPodVO pod = null;
        if (router.getPodIdToDeployIn() != null) {
            pod = _podDao.findById(router.getPodIdToDeployIn());
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, null, null);
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