
Examples of

    protected void updateExample(final ReadOnlyTimer timer) {
        time += timer.getTimePerFrame();
        if (time > UPDATE_RATE) {
            time -= UPDATE_RATE;
            final List<SkinData> skinDataList = colladaStorage.getSkins();
            final SkinData skinData = skinDataList.get(0);
            final SkeletonPose pose = skinData.getPose();

            final double time = timer.getTimeInSeconds();

            // Neck
            final Quaternion q = Quaternion.fetchTempInstance();
            final double vv = (time % (LOOP_TIME * 2d)) / LOOP_TIME - 1d;
            final double v = (vv > 0) ? vv : -vv;
            q.fromAngleAxis(v * 60 * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD - 30 * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3.UNIT_Z);
            targetJoint(pose, 13, q);

            q.fromAngleAxis(v * 5 * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD - 35 * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3.UNIT_X);
            q.fromAngleAxis(v * 75 * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3.UNIT_X);


            p.setLocation(Math.sin(time) * 5, Math.cos(time) * 5 + 10, 5);
            if (updateLight) {
                lightTime = time;
            pp.setLocation(Math.sin(lightTime / 5) * 5, Math.cos(lightTime / 5) * 5 + 10, 5);


            if (UPDATE_BOUNDS) {
                final List<SkinnedMesh> skins = skinData.getSkins();
                for (final SkinnedMesh skinnedMesh : skins) {
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    protected void updateExample(final ReadOnlyTimer timer) {
        time += timer.getTimePerFrame();
        if (time > ColladaManualAnimationExample.UPDATE_RATE) {
            time -= ColladaManualAnimationExample.UPDATE_RATE;
            final List<SkinData> skinDataList = colladaStorage.getSkins();
            final SkinData skinData = skinDataList.get(0);
            final SkeletonPose pose = skinData.getPose();

            final double time = timer.getTimeInSeconds();
            ballSphere.setTranslation(Math.sin(time) * 5, Math.cos(time) * 5 + 10, 5);
            final ReadOnlyVector3 ballPos = ballSphere.getTranslation();

            // Neck
            targetJoint(pose, 13, Vector3.UNIT_Z, ballPos, 1.0);

            // Right arm
            targetJoint(pose, 10, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), ballPos, 0.4);
            targetJoint(pose, 11, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), ballPos, 0.6);
            targetJoint(pose, 12, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), ballPos, 0.5);

            // Left arm
            targetJoint(pose, 7, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ballPos, 0.15);
            targetJoint(pose, 8, new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ballPos, 0.15);

            // Waist
            targetJoint(pose, 5, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), ballPos, 0.1);


            if (ColladaManualAnimationExample.UPDATE_BOUNDS) {
                final List<SkinnedMesh> skins = skinData.getSkins();
                for (final SkinnedMesh skinnedMesh : skins) {
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                firstIndex += length;

            // Create a record for the global ColladaStorage.
            final String storeName = getSkinStoreName(instanceController, controller);
            final SkinData skinDataStore = new SkinData(storeName);
            // add pose to store

            // Create a base Node for our skin meshes
            final Node skinNode = new Node(meshNode.getName());
            // copy Node render states across.
            copyRenderStates(meshNode, skinNode);
            // add node to store

            // Grab the bind_shape_matrix from skin
            final Element bindShapeMatrixEL = skin.getChild("bind_shape_matrix");
            final Transform bindShapeMatrix = new Transform();
            if (bindShapeMatrixEL != null) {
                final double[] array = _colladaDOMUtil.parseDoubleArray(bindShapeMatrixEL);
                bindShapeMatrix.fromHomogeneousMatrix(new Matrix4().fromArray(array));

            // Visit our Node and pull out any Mesh children. Turn them into SkinnedMeshes
            for (final Spatial spat : meshNode.getChildren()) {
                if (spat instanceof Mesh && ((Mesh) spat).getMeshData().getVertexCount() > 0) {
                    final Mesh sourceMesh = (Mesh) spat;
                    final SkinnedMesh skMesh = new SkinnedMesh(sourceMesh.getName());

                    // copy material info mapping for later use
                    final String material = _dataCache.getMeshMaterialMap().get(sourceMesh);
                    _dataCache.getMeshMaterialMap().put(skMesh, material);

                    // copy mesh render states across.
                    copyRenderStates(sourceMesh, skMesh);

                    // copy hints across

                    try {
                        // Use source mesh as bind pose data in the new SkinnedMesh
                        final MeshData bindPose = copyMeshData(sourceMesh.getMeshData());

                        // Apply our BSM
                        if (!bindShapeMatrix.isIdentity()) {
                            if (bindPose.getNormalBuffer() != null) {
                                bindPose.transformNormals(bindShapeMatrix, true);

                        // TODO: This is only needed for CPU skinning... consider a way of making it optional.
                        // Copy bind pose to mesh data to setup for CPU skinning
                        final MeshData meshData = copyMeshData(skMesh.getBindPoseData());
                        if (meshData.getNormalCoords() != null) {
                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                        throw new ColladaException("Unable to copy skeleton bind pose data.", geometry);

                    // Grab the MeshVertPairs from Global for this mesh.
                    final Collection<MeshVertPairs> vertPairsList = _dataCache.getVertMappings().get(geometry);
                    MeshVertPairs pairsMap = null;
                    if (vertPairsList != null) {
                        for (final MeshVertPairs pairs : vertPairsList) {
                            if (pairs.getMesh() == sourceMesh) {
                                pairsMap = pairs;

                    if (pairsMap == null) {
                        throw new ColladaException("Unable to locate pair map for geometry.", geometry);

                    // Check for a remapping, if we optimized geometry
                    final VertMap vertMap = _dataCache.getMeshVertMap().get(sourceMesh);

                    // Use pairs map and vertWeightMap to build our weights and joint indices.
                        // count number of weights used
                        int maxWeightsPerVert = 0;
                        int weightCount;
                        for (final int originalIndex : pairsMap.getIndices()) {
                            weightCount = 0;

                            // get weights and joints at original index and add weights up to get divisor sum
                            // we'll assume 0's for vertices with no matching weight.
                            if (vertWeightMap.length > originalIndex) {
                                final int[] data = vertWeightMap[originalIndex];
                                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += maxOffset + 1) {
                                    final float weight = jointWeights.get(data[i + weightOff]);
                                    if (weight != 0) {
                                if (weightCount > maxWeightsPerVert) {
                                    maxWeightsPerVert = weightCount;

                        final int verts = skMesh.getMeshData().getVertexCount();
                        final FloatBuffer weightBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(verts * maxWeightsPerVert);
                        final ShortBuffer jointIndexBuffer = BufferUtils.createShortBuffer(verts * maxWeightsPerVert);
                        int j;
                        float sum = 0;
                        final float[] weights = new float[maxWeightsPerVert];
                        final short[] indices = new short[maxWeightsPerVert];
                        int originalIndex;
                        for (int x = 0; x < verts; x++) {
                            if (vertMap != null) {
                                originalIndex = pairsMap.getIndices()[vertMap.getFirstOldIndex(x)];
                            } else {
                                originalIndex = pairsMap.getIndices()[x];

                            j = 0;
                            sum = 0;

                            // get weights and joints at original index and add weights up to get divisor sum
                            // we'll assume 0's for vertices with no matching weight.
                            if (vertWeightMap.length > originalIndex) {
                                final int[] data = vertWeightMap[originalIndex];
                                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += maxOffset + 1) {
                                    final float weight = jointWeights.get(data[i + weightOff]);
                                    if (weight != 0) {
                                        weights[j] = jointWeights.get(data[i + weightOff]);
                                        indices[j] = (short) order[jointIndices.get(data[i + indOff])];
                                        sum += weights[j++];
                            // add extra padding as needed
                            while (j < maxWeightsPerVert) {
                                weights[j] = 0;
                                indices[j++] = 0;
                            // add weights to weightBuffer / sum
                            for (final float w : weights) {
                                weightBuffer.put(sum != 0 ? w / sum : 0);
                            // add joint indices to jointIndexBuffer

                        final float[] totalWeights = new float[weightBuffer.capacity()];

                        final short[] totalIndices = new short[jointIndexBuffer.capacity()];


                    // add to the skinNode.

                    // Manually apply our bind pose to the skin mesh.

                    // Update the model bounding.

                    // add mesh to store

            // add to Node
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